What are your biggest fears?



  • JackieVey
    JackieVey Posts: 37 Member
    My rational fears are much like all of yours. Something happening to my kids, something happening to my husband and having to tell my kids, cancer and death. My irrational fear is of airplanes, not being in them or flying on one, but more of them plummeting out of the sky and landing on me :/

    The whole plane thing.. It's happens. My cousins friend was killed this way earlier this year. At her house. So your fear is warranted.

    Thanks for warranting it, however I quite wish you would not have shared... LOL!

    Wow that's scary
  • brokebutfun
    brokebutfun Posts: 262 Member
    becoming a bit player in my own life story
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    My greatest fear is something bad happening to any of my children.

    I don't like snakes. I don't mind them in a controlled environment...but the thought of one slithering into my garage sends chills up my spine.

    As for odd fears...I dread tripping on a marble staircase and knocking out my front teeth. I also have a fear that an giant icicle is going to fall off a building and impale/crush me (it happens...but not, thankfully, in Florida)
