
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DJ from Myrtle Beach SC: Happy Anniversary!! :heart:

    Sylvia: You are in my prayers and so are your DS and his children. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Hugs for the loss of your sister. I know that it was in the past, but the past is so close to our hearts and it continues to be a part of our lives. :heart:

    Magalia in N CA: You are a courageous woman and stepping up to take care of yourself so you can be there for your daughter is the absolute right thing to do. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga this morning kicked my b*tt. I made the mistake of asking our teacher how the morning classes compare to the evening ones and got all of us a tougher workout than ever before. :devil: I still feel a bit queasy. I don't usually have a big breakfast before yoga, but did this morning. Big morning meals before yoga will not become a habit. :noway: I've cleaned up and will be going to get my mammogram & bone density scan this afternoon. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hello ladies - I'm completely behind and need to spend some time catching up on posts, but I did want to check in. I ended July down 4.2 pounds and a total of 14.8 pounds since the beginning of May. I was hoping to hit 5 pounds this month, but I set a goal at the beginning of this journey for 1 pound per week and I was right at that for July so I am happy. I figure that if I lose it slowly, then maybe I'm less likely to gain it back.

    Daughter#1 has inspired me to try Pilates. A friend of hers pointed her to a website called blogilates.com that is free and posts monthly calendars of Pilates workouts. She is wrapping up the 30-day beginner workout and she got me inspired to start it. Last night, I felt like a complete noodle after the ab workout and I could only do about half the moves. Good thing I'm doing this in the privacy of my home, because watching this fat old gal trying those Pilates moves is quite a sight I'm sure.

    August Goals
    • 8,000 steps per day
    • Continue at least 5 days per week of cardio
    • Complete 30-day beginner Pilates workout
    • Drink at least 6 glasses of water per day
    • Log daily and stay under recommended calories
    • Make an appointment with my doctor for a physical/list]

      Keeping you all in my thoughts. I could not do this without this amazing support system.

  • Kibbly
    Kibbly Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, I had another good day yesterday. I achieved the number of steps set by my vivofit and kept within my calorie allowance. I'm on track for today as well :)

    simquilts - my dad also has Parkinson's so I know what you are having to deal with. It took me a long time to persuade him that he needed help but he doesn't have any choice now. I visit him 1-3 times every day and he has a carer 2-3 times a day plus other help which means that he can stay in his home.

    I'm still catching up with all of the posts and enjoying reading everyone's successes with exercise and calorie intake.

    Kibbly, UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello everyone and thanks to Barbie for getting Aug. started for us! DD and I are still on our "accidentally" extended vacation; expect car to be ready by end of this week. Missing DH and home. We used the extra time and the free rental car to go and do........some places with no cell phone/computer service. Did you know that Pa. Has an elk herd? Or a thriving maple syrup industry? I didn't and I am from Pa. The Wellsboro. Area and Pa. Grand Canyon are fabulous sights, DD and Gemma hiked to the falls. I would have if the return was not all uphill. I did go down the trail partway to meet them on their way back. Most days we have been in "Barbie" territory on steps. Having the dog along does make some things difficult......some of the hotels were anything but "first class"......way below, I was checking for bed bugs! Went to Corning NewYork and toured the glasswear place....it was funny, when we compared notes, DD saw all the historical areas and I did modern. They have a gorgeous Chilluhly (sp?). Not together due to one of us staying with Gemma. Visited cousin in Elmira and a gorgeous restored park also there and Mark Twains grave. Wanted to go up to Watkins Glenn but shortage of rooms in area due to upcoming NASCAR race. On to Eagles Mere and Wyalusing Rocks. Landed back at cousins summer place now. Dinner out tonight with two women I went to nursing school with. Still sharing iPad with DD.

    Welcome newbies!

    Sylvia....My heart aches for you and all you are facing every day.....major,major hugs

    Alison......If I could, I would just pluck you out of there. Please look out for yourself, document and sock away every penny you can......same thing I've written for almost three years, you have been sooooooo sad and hurt and miserable...........I hope the situation is resolved soon.

    Janetr......Hugs to you to for all you are experiencing, hope things get better there.

    My daughter has been living at home for 14months now after not getting into vet school on her first try and losing the job she had after college grad. I can't say it's been easy but I'll always be grateful for this extra year with her at this stage of her life. Now to get us home and get her off to VaTech!

    More hugs to everyone who is facing difficulties or is having a bad day.

    Hunger is not an emergency.
    Pa, for the moment
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    DJ ~ Happy. Happy Anniversary. We will have our 46th in August.

    Sylvia ~ I want to cry with you as you go through all this.

    Have spent most of the day playing Pogo Scrabble online (after going to the dentist). I am sorry to say that I am addicted. But, I look at it as keeping my brain cells working.

    Carol (Peach)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Magalia - what a lot you are facing! I wish you all the strength you need. :love:

    Yanniejannie - great to hear from you. There is always so much to see in our own country, isn't there. I know I could never go on holiday with my kids, but I know you two are close. :flowerforyou:
    We are going to the New Forest next week with my friend. We will have a light lunch at a popular pub and then go for a walk for as long as my friend can manage. The NF never quite feels like part of England - it has a unique ecosystem, mainly heath, but also bog, rivers and forested areas. Wild ponies roam there unfenced. All this half an hour from our house. :)

    DH's cricket friend has just texted to say he is staying over next weekend for the match at the brand new hotel at the cricket ground. He has invited us out to dinner, his treat, our choice. :bigsmile: I have booked for us all my favourite table in the window of our local pub. Nice food, if a bit filling. I usually have two starters instead of a starter and main. They will be driving so we can have a glass of wine. :D What a nice surprise! Once upon a time I would have invited them to dinner, but now I am writing my books I am saving my energy for that. No more big productions!

    Once again, I am thinking of all of you, both the celebrators and the strugglers.

    Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Thank you so much everybody, for all your sweet support. I can't tell you how much it means to me!

    My son called me this afternoon and said he was really, really sorry that he took it out on me, and I believe him. He's in such a hard place right now. Cheri, I love your poster! I'm going to print it out and hang it on my refrigerator (and his too if I can manage it). I'm such a long-range planner that sometimes I forget to see what's right in front of me.

    He said he made an appointment for the DGD to see the doctor at 3:45, so she should be in there now being evaluated. Asthma seems to run in our family, and it goes hand in hand with this lung disease, which she has a genetic marker for, so we need to be really careful. Her gymnastics teacher was the first to notice that she was having trouble breathing. Hopefully they can tell something right away.

    I have to run up to WallyWorld and get a new broom. Talk to you all later.

    Love to you all!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    NCCarol – Very insightful of you to be thankful because of the other PT/OT patients. “The grass is always greener . . .” is not always true. Your recovery will happen. I will keep the (((((hugs))))) coming. Hard work and rest has a fine grey line.

    Michele – Thanks about my portioning. A few things I have noticed from the “men” in my house. If I don’t portion into baggies, they will eat the entire plate/bowl/gallon Ziploc, etc. This way, I have mine for lunch at work, and DS in his “corner” of the refrigerator. If I don’t put a protein and a fruit and/or vegetable for him, he will eat pbj or raman all day long because it is quick and easy. So I am not only controlling myself, but DS, too. DH is still a lost cause, but I will keep gently trying.

    DJ – I have only (((knock on wood))) had 3 cold sores my entire life, but DS gets them a few times every winter, and rarely and randomly in the summer. I swear by yogurt (and/or acidophilus tablets) to get mine back under control, but DS uses Abreva. It is expensive, but a little goes a long way. I think he has been using the same tube for 4 years now. // Happy Anniversary ! ! !

    Grits – knocking on wood with and for you.

    Becca – (((((hugs )))))

    Tracy – You are not alone. I have both RA and OA. I do my best to avoid white carbohydrates, and exercise as much as my joints allow (plus I get bored, too). It is a vicious circle. I gained weight because of the lack of exercise caused by the joint pain, but the less I exercised the worse my joints hurt, which means I desired to eat more and exercise less, so I weighed more and my joints hurt more, and round and round and round. Now, I do my best to avoid having reasons instead of making excuses. Plus, I have a pretty relaxed job, at the front desk, alone, so I am currently dancing in my chair while sending receipts to the printer. I do try to consume plenty of vitamin C-rich foods, and wash my hands a lot, so I am less likely to catch the things people come in with and spread. This is a great place to connect, understand, find advise and support, etc. Keep doing your best.

    Janetr – Hugs for your sister and brother-in-law. Please also take care of yourself. Sepsis is a HUGE deal.

    Barblg2 – Welcome. I like low carb, but I really only limit my white complex carbs. I bet even on your cruise you will find plenty of low-carb foods to eat. Think quality and flavor. When I was in Chicago a few weeks ago, my DS didn’t finish bowling until well past 11pm, so one of our few supper options was Pizza Hut. I logged a personal pan with pepperoni, then walked circles around the parking lot until I exercised off the calories I was about to consume. This was one of those carry-out only places, so sandwiches and salads were not on the menu. Granted we were only gone 5 days, but I only gained 1 pound that week, and have taken it off since that time. Keep in mind all the exercise you can and will get while on the cruise, and enjoy life now.

    Joyce – (((((hugs ))))) I’m all about letting DH (and DS sometimes) do things for me. My condition is only going to get worse, so they may as well get used to opening containers and doors (plus it gets them ready for the next woman in their lives), carrying laundry, etc. I don’t make them do it just so I can be lazy. I am teaching them, and allowing myself to be spoiled. As long as I have been taking care of others, I deserve this. // Hugs also for you and Charlie and his infusion.

    Lisa – (((Hugs))) for the custody hearing.

    Allison – More (((hugs))) and prayers ! ! ! And (((hugs))) for your dad, too.

    Miriam – So glad to hear DS is socializing. Baby steps for him too, I’m sure. Hugs !

    Peach – Hope all was well at the Dentist.

    Sylvia – Hugs, Hugs, and More Hugs ! ! ! Wait, another (((((hug))))). I typed a huge paragraph here, then deleted it, because I want to make everything better for you, your son, and your grandkids, but everything I type sounds bossy. I just want to hug all of you, and make it all okay. I’m sorry you have to go through all this. You are strong beyond words.

    Ina – Hugs for you and DH and DD ! ! ! (((((hugs)))))

    Margaret –((( Hugs )))

    Jan – (((hugs))) for you, and other loved ones. And Prayers for Nathan ! ! !

    Well, today was another crazy day at work, and I still am not caught-up on this thread, so I will get this posted, finish work, and try to check in again at home. If I’m unable, I will get back again tomorrow morning. Shopping alone tonight for $4.00/pound Cod and 3/$5 raspberries.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    thanks Cheri for that beautiful saying.. it is true.. One day at a time..
    our friend came down and buried my dad's dog for him.bless him..
    and dad is doing ok.. I havent had much of an appetite so thats great for weight loss.
    Tom well I am just gonna let things roll.. I think Stress is the culprit for alot of what he is going through and hope he can calm down and enjoy life
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Well, sort of caught up.

    Alison ... I don't know what to say, but I like what someone asked "what do you want?" What do you really want? I'm keeping you in my prayers ...

    Sylvia ... Continued prayers for your son, you and your family. Learning to read what's behind the outbursts is a necessary skill when dealing with ill loved ones. I know. And I also know that a good cry can be very cathartic. Your situation is not fair. It is heartbreaking. And you are entitled to your tears. Hugs.

    Lisa ... You are an inspiration! Way to go!

    Pip ... Are you comfortable with your doctors' assessments of your shoulder? As active as you are, you really want that to heal without future limitations. Second opinion?

    Let's see ... What's new here? Older son has been removed from all psych meds. He's struggling. Underlying physical condition needs addressed before we can try anything new ... And frankly, in one of his rants he's declared he will not take any more meds. Can't really blame him as previous meds have been determined to be inappropriate for his physical condition and practically buried him.

    Younger son is not adapting to his cpap very well. We will soon have another appointment to address this. This weekend, however, he competed for college scholarships with his guitar ... Took first place in music composition, second place in vocals and third in instrumentals. Given he had never sung before (not chorus, not church) we were really excited for him. He just thought he'd give it a shot?? You never know! The college hunt continues ...

    I learned, however, that you cannot even whisper in an acoustically perfect room ... Nor should you have a growling stomach! :) my bad!

    Visited with my aging parents also (4 hour drive). Hasn't seen them for a while. They wanted both boys to visit. But my dad is very critical of the boys (everyone to be honest bust especially takes it out on my younger) and uses very subtle methods to pull each down ...older son could care less but younger gets very upset. So of course younger developed a migraine. My mother made my day by taking me to the basement and showing me a clothes bag with "the outfit [she] want to be buried in." Sigh. I suppose I should be glad that "burden" has been lifted?

    My next visit will be solo.

    Hello to all the new ladies! You'll like it here!

    Beth in WNY
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yeah! We made it to the Mpls MN airport! It took 2 1/2 hours from Las Vegas now we have a 4 hour car ride home!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, hugs and prayers for you and your family. I cannot imagine the pain that diagnosis must bring every day.

    Katla, thanks for sharing information about Lupus. I am not that familiar with it. Just know it is an auto-immune disorder that can attack multiple organ systems, including the skin, and that people who have it often have a "butterfly" shaped rash across their face.

    Mame, I know a lot, but since I haven't had a formal program of med school, I have gaps in my knowledge.

    Antidepressants- I currently am on Effe><or (helps the serotonin and norepinephrine systems) and buproprion which affects the dopamine system. I also take a medication that impacts the thyroid system which "augments" (adds to) the benefits of the antidepressants. I have been on Prozac (great but raised my blood pressure) and Pa><il (did nothing but make me gain weight) and imipramine (the old fashioned antidepressant before the SSRIs were developed). And yes, it is very much a trial and error approach to finding the right antidepressant. I also e><ercise, use full spectrum lights, and use cognitive therapy to control the negative thoughts. I use a system called Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP) to plan how I am going to manage my life with my mood disorder. It is also a helpful approach to coping with physical illnesses such as asthma, lupus, arthritis, etc. since you identify triggers for your symptoms, and a plan to deal with them, the early warning signs of trouble and how to deal with them as well as your daily maintenance.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Antidepressants ~ I take generic celexa and buspiron. Buspiron for anxiety. Celexa for chronic depression.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I am changing my goals for this month. I need to up the pounds lost for the month if I am going to reach my ultimate goal by July 11, 2016.

    August Resolutions 8/2/15

    *I want to see at least a 6.3 lb decrease on my scale on Aug 31st!
    *Drink 13 glasses of water / day
    *Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me
    *Follow Paleo totally everyday
    *Plan menu's on Fridays
    *Declutter the office - completely
    *Upper body strength training every other day

    I hope I can "talk" later this evening!!

  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Beth in WNY,
    I just want to say that my parents are like that (well, Mom, now that Daddy has passed). The youngsters can't take it. How can you expect a visit when you make the visit so unpleasant. Mama expects regular visits so that she can find fault. It's her job, you know.
    Anyway, you're not alone. Just want you to know it.
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    Dear Miriam,
    One of the girls had some experience and she told me that my friend with Lupis would let me know if I could do something. It is hard to sit on my hands when there are dishes to be done and a dog to be walked and vacuuming and shopping, etc. and the woman is lying on the couch, trying to gather strength to get to the bathroom. I want to intrude.
    Anyway, you are a sounding board. That's valuable. As a CNA, I am continuously explaining that I don't know anything beyond my instructions. I purposely give the impression that I have matters well in hand, to give confidence to my patient, but often they believe that I am more knowledgable than I truly am. I know what you're saying. You don't know everything. You read, that's all.
  • csturtle
    csturtle Posts: 2 Member
    Hello wonderful women. My name is Connie and I live in Southern Oregon. I started MFP about 18 days ago now and have lost 9 pounds. The first several pounds were pretty quick, but things are slowing a bit. I eat 1300 calories a day (though I worry more about carbs and fat than I do about calories. Don't eat much red meat. Not quite vegetarian, but close some days.

    My goals for August are to get to the pool five time a week instead of four. Play music most days (did you know that you burn calories playing the piano or other instruments? I always knew it at some level, because playing and singing I can work up quite a sweat. Anyway, I burn a lot of calories swimming and playing music, all things I love to do.

    And I need to take care of writing a couple of letters that won't be much fun. Just business stuff.

    And I want to get over to the sea in this month. Perhaps even look into moving there.

    Finally, I want to be of service to other people in some ways...play music at a rehab facility; write an encouraging letter to a friend with cancer; look for a volunteer opportunity.
  • csturtle
    csturtle Posts: 2 Member

    Have a really wonderful day!!!

  • Dragonflize
    Dragonflize Posts: 22 Member
    Wow !!! 9 lbs in 18 days is awesome !!! I am Diane and I live on the seacoast of NH ,,,FitnessPals has been a great tool for me