Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 5]



  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Tuesday: Buffalo wings; oh how I miss them. I eat grilled chicken with buffalo sauce, but it is not the same.
  • tramik31
    tramik31 Posts: 17
    QOTD May 31st..... If you could make any ONE food (or drink) a zero calorie, "free" food, what would it be?

  • chasekilgannon
    QOTD Tuesday: Cheesecake. Hands down.
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    QOTD Monday:What was your most fun life experience (or one of your most fun experiences)?
    My most fun life experience would have to be seeing TAKE THAT(My favourite band) Circus Tour in 2009 with my boy/f and may friends. it was amazing and a week today I am seeing their Progress tour and it should also be phenomenal.

    QOTD Tuesday:If you could make any ONE food (or drink) a zero calorie, "free" food, what would it be?
    My Mum's Chocolate Crumble!!!!yummm
  • gorgeousgunner
    QOTD May 31st..... If you could make any ONE food (or drink) a zero calorie, "free" food, what would it be?

    I would have to say cake. Of whatever kind - carrot cake, cheesecake, cupcakes, etc etc :)
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    I have been a coffee junkie since age I am proud to say I am 1 week coffee sober:bigsmile: Since I started working out in the mornings and eating better, I do not need coffee to wake me up or give me energy.

    I would also like to limit my soda intake, even though I'm drinking a ginger ale as I'm typing this:laugh:
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response for Tuesday..... Anything at Raising Cane's........
  • angmac1976
    angmac1976 Posts: 32 Member
    QOTD May 31st..... If you could make any ONE food (or drink) a zero calorie, "free" food, what would it be?

    Fettucine Alfredo :) Yum yum!!

    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    I've given up Potato Chips - I would eat them EVERY single day.. so not good. I don't seem to miss them though :)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD May 31st..... If you could make any ONE food (or drink) a zero calorie, "free" food, what would it be?

    French bread!!! I could (and, unfortunately do) eat it by the loaf. Low fat? Yes! (I don't need butter, I just rip chunks off) Low calorie? No!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    I want to give up soda. I do for a while and then a headache sends me racing back. The problem is, I'm a total junkie. One taste is enought o send me on a binge.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    OK, I was really addicted to Coca-Cola. LOVE THEM!! I did not completely give them up but I limit myself to about 8 oz when I do drink it and I only have it once or twice a month.
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    QOTD Thursday June 1st:

    I haven't given anything up. I can't give anything up. I have limited the amount of certain things I consume. I would say ice cream has really hit the back burner compared to how much I used to eat it. Also, cheez-its, I barely eat that anymore.

    I wouldn't be able to give up anything completely. I am dealing with the portion control of items
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    I do try to really limit soda. Since we had Mexican for dinner last night, its fresh in my mind that a "food" I have completely given up is sour cream. I no longer put it on nachos, tacos, baked potatoes, etc. Salsa makes an excellent replacement!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Monday May 30th- What was your most fun life experience (or one of your most fun experiences)? My 2nd wedding. October 4, 2008, was one of the most amazing, fun, exciting days of my life.

    Tuesday May 31- If you could make any ONE food (or drink) a zero calorie, "free" food, what would it be? PASTA! I love it but the calories/carbs kill my healthy eating plan.

    Wed. June 1 - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle? I haven't totally given up anything since I believe everything is fine in moderation. But I have significantly decreased my diet mt dew intake.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD Wed. June 1 - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?
    I did give up chocolate and cake for the first three months or so and found it fine as it was Lent and I had made a promise.... now I find the cake is creeping back in and the special treats are becoming a little more frequent, so I need to harden my resolve not to eat sweet treats.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    Well, I really haven't given up much of anything, but made some substitutions....for instance, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, baked chips or pop chips instead of potato chips, oven baked fries instead of deep fried....stuff like that.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - food given up or limited...

    Well, I'm not sure I've given anything up per se. I haven't eaten any ice cream since starting mfp, but I haven't really missed it (I'd rather have the hot fudge than the ice cream). I suppose I have limited the sweets quite a bit - I haven't eaten cookies although I seriously want them :) Also cheesecake - I was at a dinner where they served cheesecake for dessert and I only had 3 bites, but boy were they good bites! If you can't guess, I have a big sweet tooth so limiting the sweets is the hardest thing for me to do.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    I'm trying to think if there is a food that I have actually stopped consuming all together. Although I don't have a rule against eating any particular foods in moderation, some foods are just no longer worth it to me. I started to realize that I was eating foods that I didn't LOVE, but that were killing my waistline! They include:

    - full calorie soda
    - potato chips
    - most candy

    On the other hand, I absolutely love cakes, kettle corn, and other treats that I continue to eat in moderation. In fact, part of what I love about dieting (yes, I call it dieting) is that I am careful to eat the foods I truly love when I want a treat rather than just eat crap for no reason. In a way, I feel that I have a new appreciation for food :-)
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    111lbs! We lost a little person. Wow. We are awesome.

    Hard to believe we have been carrying that little person around for so long! May she be gone and never return!
  • jamgal789
    jamgal789 Posts: 51 Member
    QOTD Wednesday Jun 1st - Is there any one food item that you want to give up or have given up since changing to your new healthy lifestyle?

    I would love to say that I've given up white flour, sugar, salt, and oil. The best I've done is given them up for a week or so...before falling back into my old habits/cravings. It's a work in progress...but plan to get to that point where I can honestly say that I've given them up.