Who can help a 50 year old women lose pounds?



  • The adverse affect of artificial sweeteners has been repeatedly debunked. It is my opinion that the wine is a worse choice for achieving weigh loss then the diet soda, but that is an OPINION and not a scientifically proven fact.

    I would just caution the use of artificial sweeteners. They are very confusing to our bodies. I would say artificial sweeteners or flavors are not good for our bodies as they work much more efficiently when given natural whole unprocessed foods. Yes there are a wide variety of opinions of whether artificial sweeteners are safe or not but I definitely don't put too much stock in what the FDA deems safe anymore, or certain websites for that matter. I research and try to eat as much unprocessed whole foods as I can. Wine is completely fine to drink in moderation and of course the opinions on that are varied as well. Its all about eating as close to nature as you can and researching to see if what you are consuming is good and or safe for your body. Happy eating!

    please dont turn this is a thread about good or bad foods
    OP just asked to how we lose weight

    Just going by what she posted regarding drinking diet soda and I believe I did say how to lose weight. Have an awesome day! Food is either good or bad and that is what we humans eat to survive so I think I did a good job addressing that issue. Losing weight is about food and exercise is it not?

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'll add that as I neared 50, I had a harder time losing/maintaining. I wondered briefly if my metabolism was slowing, and I concluded no, it was not. My exercise was the same, but my activity level at work was *way* lower. I bought a scale and counted calories more accurately than I ever had, and that is all it took. No problem getting back in maintenance range.

    I'll confess also a bit of trepidation about menopause. As a 50 year old who doesn't have signs, I feel my experience is probably not that relevant or helpful to a woman who is experiencing the signs of menopause. I really appreciate hearing from women who have experienced it. Man, building this muscle and bone has been a huge effort, and I cringe at losing any of it.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    The adverse affect of artificial sweeteners has been repeatedly debunked. It is my opinion that the wine is a worse choice for achieving weigh loss then the diet soda, but that is an OPINION and not a scientifically proven fact.

    I would just caution the use of artificial sweeteners. They are very confusing to our bodies. I would say artificial sweeteners or flavors are not good for our bodies as they work much more efficiently when given natural whole unprocessed foods. Yes there are a wide variety of opinions of whether artificial sweeteners are safe or not but I definitely don't put too much stock in what the FDA deems safe anymore, or certain websites for that matter. I research and try to eat as much unprocessed whole foods as I can. Wine is completely fine to drink in moderation and of course the opinions on that are varied as well. Its all about eating as close to nature as you can and researching to see if what you are consuming is good and or safe for your body. Happy eating!

    please dont turn this is a thread about good or bad foods
    OP just asked to how we lose weight

    Just going by what she posted regarding drinking diet soda and I believe I did say how to lose weight. Have an awesome day! Food is either good or bad and that is what we humans eat to survive so I think I did a good job addressing that issue. Losing weight is about food and exercise is it not?

    There is no good or bad food. You can lose weight on a deficit whilst drinking diet soda.

    So no matter if you think or if it is your opinion if artificial sweeteners are bad for you or not, it has nothing to do with losing weight.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Stay under your calorie goal and you can eat (or drink) anything you enjoy. Age & menopause has no bearing on this. Add exercise for fitness and to earn extra calories, if you'd like.
  • pug11
    pug11 Posts: 23 Member
    It's true, we shouldn't think of food as good or bad, as The Owlhous above says, you can lose weight on a deficit drinking diet soda, the key is deficit.

    Now, I feel much better if I eat "healthy" foods rather than say McDonald's but I work some chocolate in to my day, usually every day (love chocolate) I just account for it.

    I have lost over 50 pounds and kept it off for 5 years not going nuts over "diet" mentality, it's a good thing to track your food as of course you need to know exactly how much you're eating.

    Oh, forgot to say I'm 55, I hike and lift weights, used to run but just don't enjoy it anymore, I do run up hills though, you can lose weight not doing any cardio, again it comes down to food intake, but you'll most likely feel a whole lot better exercising and doing something you really enjoy.

    Find your maintenance, don't go too much below that to lose weight, you don't have to, if you plateau later on you can always change it but for now I'd say shoot for not more than 300 below maintenance then see if you lose, you should! Find some type of exercise you enjoy, you gotta move though, not just a stroll around the neighborhood :)

    I've not noticed a problem with maintaining my weight now even in Menopause, I'm 5'6 and maintain on 2100 but everyone is different.

    Good luck.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Age & menopause has no bearing on this.

    For clarification, I want to ask those who have experience or have done research what the bone/muscle mass impact actually is. If a decrease in progesterone and estradiol inhibits bone regeneration and muscle repair to the extent that loss exceeds regeneration, then LBM goes down. (My doc said I will lose bone. I didn't ask about muscle, though). That suggests TDEE will go down too, dagnabit. I would love hearing the muscle-loss-fat-gain story has been overhyped. That's what I'm hoping anyway. My weight training 3x/wk genuinely challenges me, and although I probably could step it up and make it more challenging, I don't really relish that thought.
  • The adverse affect of artificial sweeteners has been repeatedly debunked. It is my opinion that the wine is a worse choice for achieving weigh loss then the diet soda, but that is an OPINION and not a scientifically proven fact.

    I would just caution the use of artificial sweeteners. They are very confusing to our bodies. I would say artificial sweeteners or flavors are not good for our bodies as they work much more efficiently when given natural whole unprocessed foods. Yes there are a wide variety of opinions of whether artificial sweeteners are safe or not but I definitely don't put too much stock in what the FDA deems safe anymore, or certain websites for that matter. I research and try to eat as much unprocessed whole foods as I can. Wine is completely fine to drink in moderation and of course the opinions on that are varied as well. Its all about eating as close to nature as you can and researching to see if what you are consuming is good and or safe for your body. Happy eating!

    please dont turn this is a thread about good or bad foods
    OP just asked to how we lose weight

    Just going by what she posted regarding drinking diet soda and I believe I did say how to lose weight. Have an awesome day! Food is either good or bad and that is what we humans eat to survive so I think I did a good job addressing that issue. Losing weight is about food and exercise is it not?

    There is no good or bad food. You can lose weight on a deficit whilst drinking diet soda.

    So no matter if you think or if it is your opinion if artificial sweeteners are bad for you or not, it has nothing to do with losing weight.

    Hey all I am doing is putting my two cents (researched and tried) in to the mix, what makes your opinion any better than mine? There are good foods and bad foods..for example, 19,900-calorie Octuple Bypass Burger at the Heart Attack grill. Bad food. Good food..fruits, grains, nuts to name a few. Yes I agree you can lose weight whilst drinking diet soda but at what price long term?

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    The adverse affect of artificial sweeteners has been repeatedly debunked. It is my opinion that the wine is a worse choice for achieving weigh loss then the diet soda, but that is an OPINION and not a scientifically proven fact.

    I would just caution the use of artificial sweeteners. They are very confusing to our bodies. I would say artificial sweeteners or flavors are not good for our bodies as they work much more efficiently when given natural whole unprocessed foods. Yes there are a wide variety of opinions of whether artificial sweeteners are safe or not but I definitely don't put too much stock in what the FDA deems safe anymore, or certain websites for that matter. I research and try to eat as much unprocessed whole foods as I can. Wine is completely fine to drink in moderation and of course the opinions on that are varied as well. Its all about eating as close to nature as you can and researching to see if what you are consuming is good and or safe for your body. Happy eating!

    please dont turn this is a thread about good or bad foods
    OP just asked to how we lose weight

    Just going by what she posted regarding drinking diet soda and I believe I did say how to lose weight. Have an awesome day! Food is either good or bad and that is what we humans eat to survive so I think I did a good job addressing that issue. Losing weight is about food and exercise is it not?

    There is no good or bad food. You can lose weight on a deficit whilst drinking diet soda.

    So no matter if you think or if it is your opinion if artificial sweeteners are bad for you or not, it has nothing to do with losing weight.

    Hey all I am doing is putting my two cents (researched and tried) in to the mix, what makes your opinion any better than mine? There are good foods and bad foods..for example, 19,900-calorie Octuple Bypass Burger at the Heart Attack grill. Bad food. Good food..fruits, grains, nuts to name a few. Yes I agree you can lose weight whilst drinking diet soda but at what price long term?

    Your opinion is a nutrition subject not a weight loss like the OP asked for.

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    After 50 weight loss is an interesting topic to me. The evils of diet soda...not so much. So I appreciate Owlhouse Trying to keep the thread on topic. And I agree with Daniwilford that, for weight loss, wine is probably less helpful than diet soda. My opinion. OP has not come back to clarify if the "fake sugar" is HFCS or aspartame. Nor did she indicate how much was she drinking. If one is drinking enough fluids otherwise, a diet soda every day is very unlikely to harm health or weight loss. Similarly, a glass of wine daily is unlikely to harm health or weight loss. You just have count the calories.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    It's an interesting topic to me, too. I really hate to admit it because half of me still thinks that 50 makes you an old lady and well, I AM NOT OLD, so I can't be looking at things for old ladies. But it's always interesting to hear people's take on stuff. :)
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'm done with menopause (save the ever-lessening heat flashes) and this go-round of losing weight for me has been the best. I tried low carb, low sugar and then I came here and learned that (barring medical issues) deleting food groups doesn't matter to weight loss at all. Yay.

    The calorie deficit is what matters. I'm over the fact that losing is slow for me - I don't have much to lose, and I'm not in a rush.

    I can't speak to bone/muscle mass impact - but I'm a big believer in exercise. I am working out with weights and resistance bands and body weight, too (push ups, planks, etc.) along with cardio, and would be hard pressed to give up exercise. It just makes everything better - including menopause.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    It's all about CICO. Be sure to stay in your deficit. Buy a digital food scale if you don't have one, weigh everything!! It will happen! :) Good luck!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Ninety pounds down now. I had lots of training and support. Diet drinks don't hurt. The combined calories in a day do. Learn to log all your food, and find how many calories you can afford and still lose weight. I'm in the thick of menopause so I know it is possible.
  • SharonBrobst
    SharonBrobst Posts: 62 Member
    I recently read this answer at Ask Jillian... http://www.everydayhealth.com/fitness/ask-jillian-how-can-i-maintain-my-weight-through-menopause.aspx Thought it might be helpful. ;-)
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Jillian Michaels is only 41! :s
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Hi guys it was me that brought up the bone and muscle loss, and since it was 10 yr ago I really don't have the research links I did back then.

    I am way past menopause (will be 62 on Monday) but did do my weight loss during menopause and have maintained my weight since.

    Sorry if I have inadvertently started something, wouldn't want to hijack a thread.

    Here is a link on bones, muscles, and ageing, including menopause:


    Cheers, h.
  • labrennan
    labrennan Posts: 132 Member
    Trying to get back on track and this thread has been helpful!
  • SharonBrobst
    SharonBrobst Posts: 62 Member
    I recently began my own weight loss journey due to a rather negative visit to the doctor and I thought it would be much more difficult than it's been. I am over 50 and peri-menopausal. I cut out all added sugar and white carbs at the recommendation of my doctor. That alone will did not cause me to lose weight, but I do have more energy and just feel better over all pain wise. (chronic inflammation due to arthritis)

    It wasn't until I added exercise that the weight began to come off. I walk 3 miles 5 days a week, although today I walked 3.78 miles a personal best. :-) I've lost 17 lbs since beginning to walk. At this point it's all I can manage, but it has paid off. When I started I could only walk a mile and it took me about 30 minutes. Today I am walking a mile in 15 minutes.

    I count my calories and exercise which equals weight loss. All this to say...YES you can do it.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    Losing weight at 50 is like losing weight at any age. You have to burn more calories than you eat. I exercise 5 or 6 days a week (but only for 30 minutes), and try to get in as much standing and walking every day as work permits, while I'm working and in my free time. I love dessert, I love to have a glass of wine. I choose not to have them every day.

    I use a food scale. Careful measuring and logging help me control my food intake.
  • SharonBrobst
    SharonBrobst Posts: 62 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Jillian Michaels is only 41! :s

    TRUE! Wonder if her answer would change after she turns 50! LOL

    But she has worked with many women over 50......