Vegetarian - protein ideas?



  • Nateorious
    Nateorious Posts: 26

    Can someone please tell me what is wrong with eating tofu? I am working on a high protein low carb diet (p90x fat shredder). Tofu gives me an awesome protein to carb ratio and helps a ton. I like tofu and eat it just about every day. But if its not helping me then I would like to know. The thing is with most other veggie proteins is they have a high carb value. If anyone could help me with this I would appreciate it. Thanks
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    Greek yogurt, cheese and Tasty Bite! Channa dal is lower in carbohydrates than most legumes.

    Tasty Bite has a lot of Indian spiced bean and lentil dishes. I'll have them for lunch with a fruit or vegetable side; they satisfy my need for flavor, are loaded with fiber and protein, and they fill me up.

    I am not a fan of tofu - yes it's a good source of protein, but I'd rather eat a whole bean and get the fiber too.
  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member

    Can someone please tell me what is wrong with eating tofu? I am working on a high protein low carb diet (p90x fat shredder). Tofu gives me an awesome protein to carb ratio and helps a ton. I like tofu and eat it just about every day. But if its not helping me then I would like to know. The thing is with most other veggie proteins is they have a high carb value. If anyone could help me with this I would appreciate it. Thanks

    Well some muscle heads will tell you that the plant hormone mimics the estrogen hormone in women and thus reduces testosterone production in men, Many studies have proven this to be inconclusive and the benefits always outweight the cons. I say keep eating eat but don't use it as your sole protein intake.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Have been a vegetarian for 30+ years. Plant proteins are said to be incomplete and best paired with other things. You can research and make quite a science out of this. I actually find I crave the very things that keep me balanced. Chic peas (garbanzo beans), black beans, spinach (for the iron too), fat free cottage cheese, other cheeses, Greek yoghurt, peanut butter. I also allow egg whites and fish on a limited basis. All things in moderation due to the calories, but these choices provide all the protein you should need.

    I'm an example that being a vegetarian doesn't guarantee your weight will be in control. A free-for-all will bite you in the end. Still these food choices digest quicker than steak and clear out of your body instead of lingering around. My health stats are excellent, and I recommend this lifestyle to all open to trying it. Thirty days and most folks don't want to go back.

    Best of all you can look at that cow out in the pasture ... without all that guilt. Mooooooo :)
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    its not really possible to get enough protein as a vegetarian unless you overeat on these processed soy bean and palm oil products....which are devastating to the environment.

    I strongly disagree. I know several vegan bodybuilders who do it, and they don't eat ANY processed crap.

    Check out their diets at:
  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    Here is a helpful article about Soy that may help with some of the confusion.. The trick to eating soy is choosing an organic, non GMO form of it.
  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    Here is a helpful article about Soy that may help with some of the confusion.. The trick to eating soy is choosing an organic, non GMO form of it.
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
  • Garae
    Garae Posts: 116 Member
    Some breads have extra protein in them :)

    I also just got this awesome lemon pasta from trader joe's, and it has 9g of protein per one cup serving! not bad right?
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I drink protein shakes like they're going out of style. Otherwise, i would blow my calories out of the water by eating nuts, seeds, beans, and things like that.

    If you're trying for a lower dose of protein daily (i try for 230g) a protien bar is a good snack choice (watch the calories and sugar-if it has more then 9 g sugar it's candy) I keep a few with me in case i get hungry.

    And if you're an ovo-lacto vegetarian, eggs and Greek yogurt are great choices.

    Places like the Vitamin Shoppe also have protein-packed oatmeal, pudding, and "cheat foods" that are usually vegan.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Eggs, yogurt, cheese, nuts, nut butters, tempeh, seitan, beans, legumes, peas, quinoa & other whole seeds & grains, sprouted grain breads. And many veggies and some fruits have protein that really adds up if you are eating a whole foods based vegetarian diet.