What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • MyFairLaydee
    MyFairLaydee Posts: 9 Member
    My 'Aha!' moment only happened three weeks ago and I've been pretty focused since then.

    I've been really over weight by about 40kg (90lbs) over the last ten years but my health has never been affected by my size and I've never seen myself as ugly and fat - so I never seriously tried losing the weight. Just every time I had a kid, I'd stay the same weight until eventually I got to this size.

    So about a month ago we began a process of changing insurance companies and they wanted blood samples from us to look at. Anyways, blood results came back showing a rise in glucose levels in my blood, as in pre-diabetes, like if I kept going the way I was going I'd probably get full diabetes. I'd never had news like that before about my health so I made the choice to choose a date, choose a diet and stick with it no matter what so I could get that glucose level and BMI down.

    It's only been three weeks but I've been in no rush. I'm going on a cruise next March so that's kind of an incentive to get a good chunk of weight off, but I'm not putting a time limit on this. I started off just following the old Weight Watchers points system from back in the day as a start point, but once I found this app I've switched over to counting calories instead and making sure I'm in the green. It's like I've flipped a switch because I would never have gone this long in the past being so focused about my diet and exercise.

    Good luck to everyone on their journeys.
  • sealove627
    sealove627 Posts: 2 Member
    Seeing myself in a mirror and not recognizing that person. The person in the mirror doesn't match how I feel on the inside, because most days I feel pretty good. Then I catch a glimpse and then say, oh man, who's that fat chick.

    My mom asking me to finish up the leftover food because she doesn't want to throw it out or save it.

    My brother (grown man) making snorting noises when I eat, regardless of what it is, big or small. Even just a bite.

    Having to get on my knees to retrieve something off the floor and it hurts so bad and I realize I'm not on my knees, I am balancing on the pocket of fat below them.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    ejb06070 wrote: »
    I was looking at statistics online and found that almost 50% of all premed students never actually make it into medical school. Being first generation college student and being female gives me higher chances, but being obese makes it so that it would be almost impossible without perfect MCAT scores and a perfect GPA, plus about a million hours of volunteer work. Getting from the obese weight range to a healthy weight range more than triples my chances of acceptance.

    What you need above and beyond everything else is that stand out quality, particularly if this is from personal experience. Fitness will go a long way in your favor, but either shadowing or real experience with patients is going to put you over the top. Hospice volunteer is a great experience.

    Good luck!
  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    Found out I have gallstones and needed to change diet to reduce creating more. Stories of pain and suffering that leads to removal of gallbladder has been helping me stay on course.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    After reading every heart-touching story in this thread, I wish I could dole out virtual hugs to anyone who'd accept one.

    For me, after cumulative issues relating to health over a long time, something just snapped in April this year. I've been overweight most of my life (except a very few years in college and after). I've been active most of that time - very active and even fit the last decade or so. But so many bad things have happened that would be less likely if I weren't overweight: Breast cancer, sleep apnea, bad knees, high cholesterol (though I got that down with minimal weight loss), and most recently an obscure gall bladder condition (adenomyomatosis) that relates to inflammation and cholesterol.

    I also noticed that the doctors' offices I was visiting were full of overweight people; that older (70s/80s) people I wanted to be like when I grow up were at healthy weight; and the not-much-older-than me people I knew with weight issues and unhealthy habits were having *serious* health problems. (I'm 59.)

    I started in April at 183lbs, lost 27 pre-MFP, and 3 since. I'm a widowed, orphaned only child; I need to be able to take care of myself capably as long as possible into old age. I need to be at a healthy weight!
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    When i first starting dating my husband in 2012, the drummer in his band (276 lbs) told my husband (the bass player, just for reference), that i was "too fat and made the band look bad" and that my husband had "ditched one fat girl for another." more reference points: my husband's ex was 275 lbs while i was 211.

    I was ticked off, of course. I also suddenly gained 6 lbs in 2 days with no change in anything, so i went to the dr. Turns out i had a medical issue that needed fixed, and once we got that under control, the weight just started sliding off.

    My husband quit that band, but we still see the drummer every now and then. It's quite gratifying to see the look on his face when he sees how much weight I've lost while his wife has gained about 30 lbs. There's a proverb that says when you lose weight, someone else gains it. I just say, man, karma is a b****. I still have about 21 lbs to go, or more if i feel like it, but yeah. That was the moment i decided that if this weight wouldn't come off when i was doing everything right, it was off to the doctor! Lol. It was bad enough that i didn't feel well, but to have this completely ransom stranger to me, who weighed 75 lbs more than me, saying that i made the band look bad that pushed me over the edge.

    I have lost weight, but people are still a$$h0les.
  • gardnerslater
    gardnerslater Posts: 42 Member
    I went to the doctor for my annual physical in may. My vitamin D was our of whack do she wanted me to come back in 4 Month. I went the end of October, Oct. 23 in actuality; between May and October I gained just under 30 pounds. I thought her scale was wrong, it had to be! I weighed more than I had when I gave birth to twins. I called my sister and said I need to lose weight, she stated she did too and we decided to hold each other accountable. Nov. 1, 2014 was our official start day. I started walking the next week, with a minimum of 102 pounds to lose and morbidly obese. It was then at that critical nexus and knowing my children were concerned that I finally engaged. I started out doing it for them but over the course of the last 9 months I began doing it for myself. 85.5 pounds down and 16.5 to go. I could do not but this is my goal for right now. I have got to find a way to stay focused in the midst of others telling me to quit and I look fine the way I am. Even in the midst of explaining bmi and beng considered overweight on the high end, I have my sabateurs

    kbwilson76 wrote: »
    My boyfriend (who's younger shorter and skinnier than me) and I were having breakfast at our usual mom and pop diner on a normal Saturday morning. He as usual ordered an insanely huge breakfast (seriously...how???), and some guy was giggling at his order (with his own belly btw) and said to the owner (in Portuguese...not knowing the owner is a good family friend and ratted him out later):

    "He needs so much food to lift his big woman."

    To this day that man is on my s"?t list.

    I wasn't that big to begin with, husky yes, but big woman??? It's nice when we go in for breakfast on Saturday mornings, my @ss is getting tighter and his belly stays the same.
    I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

    This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

    And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

    What was your moment?
    I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

    This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

    And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

    What was your moment?

  • caffeinatedcami
    caffeinatedcami Posts: 168 Member
    edited August 2015
    There was a Facebook posting about a woman who felt fat shamed at Old Navy. I would think when you have an experience like that, rather than make an issue that the world is "mean to fat people", really own that experience and use it as an opportunity for change.

    I am not excusing fat shaming, or making fun of her experience and reaction.

    But, realize if you have a situation where you felt shamed because of weight, you can change your weight. It does take work and motivation for change. Or accept the fact that the world won't change. Only you can change. Lose weight or get tough so you won't cry when someone makes a rude comment.

    I don't really think we should become complacent about bullying just because 'the world won't change'. And, yes, when people are publicly shamed for their weight that IS adult bullying. I have never been overweight per se but I have been bullied even in college for having a large nose, something I can't change unless I choose to get plastic surgery. Would you tell me to suck it up? (Trust me I already have)

    Everybody posting is here to make a positive change for their health but this thread was specifically asking people to open up about their most vulnerable moments. It's not really fair to criticize posters for doing just that.
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    I lost 20 pounds last summer and put about 15 back on. Doing a down dog at yoga and seeing the dimpling in my thighs up close and personal really did it for me--soooooo unattractive. That is a shallow reason, but there it is.
  • DHChandler
    DHChandler Posts: 2 Member
    When I went to my sons middle school auditorium for his band concert and I couldn't fit in the seat. I had to stand. I was devastated. I must lose this weight. I have to stay healthy for my boys.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    First off, what a douche bag. But congrats on losing the weight. I woke up to reality when I found out I was "obese". :o
  • marsinah1
    marsinah1 Posts: 106 Member
    My moment came in March when I wouldn't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. That day I stepped on a scale for the first time in years and, after reviewing some info, realized I was a hair under 10 pounds away from being classified as obese. That day, coupled with having a heavily obese acquaintance who likes to snicker smugly when I fail at something or gain weight, was enough to make me ready to do something.
  • astra_sasstra
    astra_sasstra Posts: 3 Member
    My moment came about a year ago when I needed to give my weight to a horseback riding company in order for them to pick out a horse for me to ride. The original shock came from me checking my weight the first time in a year and realizing I had gained 40 lbs (and I was already soooo overweight). The final push was the company calling me back and telling me that I was above their weight limit so I couldn't ride any horses.
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    sealove627 wrote: »
    Seeing myself in a mirror and not recognizing that person. The person in the mirror doesn't match how I feel on the inside, because most days I feel pretty good. Then I catch a glimpse and then say, oh man, who's that fat chick.

    My mom asking me to finish up the leftover food because she doesn't want to throw it out or save it.

    My brother (grown man) making snorting noises when I eat, regardless of what it is, big or small. Even just a bite.

    Having to get on my knees to retrieve something off the floor and it hurts so bad and I realize I'm not on my knees, I am balancing on the pocket of fat below them.

    WOW. your family members need a kick in the behind. Chin up!
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    sealove627 wrote: »
    Seeing myself in a mirror and not recognizing that person. The person in the mirror doesn't match how I feel on the inside, because most days I feel pretty good. Then I catch a glimpse and then say, oh man, who's that fat chick.

    This is a big one for me lately, too. I don't know what it was - almost the opposite of body dysmorphia - for the last few years, I'd look in the mirror and I looked just fine to myself - although I was putting on ~ 10 lbs a year and not fitting in my clothes, so clearly I was getting bigger, I just couldn't see it. Suddenly, this year, I'll catch a reflection of myself and I am SHOCKED by how many bulges I see and how my face doesn't look quite right anymore.

  • curvy_gamer_loses
    curvy_gamer_loses Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 5ft6in, 21, and I started at 183. Two years ago I was 144. I knew I was gaining weight but I never weighed myself. One of the kids I babysit said I looked fat but I brushed it off as a kid being mean. Then one day in my office I ordered some pizza and cheese stuffed bread sticks. I closed the office door and ate the entire box of the cheese sticks in 10 minutes.
    Then I looked down at my belly I've never seen stick out so far. I just felt like a fat sharpei dog.
  • Bazzababy1
    Bazzababy1 Posts: 9 Member
    Mostly pictures and health reasons. Socially I don't feel fat or out of place (most of the time) but my knees are not happy with all the extra weight. Plus shopping sucks now. I am tired of being "the fat sister" in the family.

    I can relate to the fat sister comment :) im the middle sister and 50lbs heavier than the others. My little sister is getting married in august so I decided I didn't want to be the fat sweaty sister in the wedding. I should have started sooner but some progress is better than no progress.

  • Bazzababy1
    Bazzababy1 Posts: 9 Member
    My final moment was yesterday.
    This is bad the chiropractor gave me a serve yesterday. Im so overweight - i cant roll my body over naturally to the otherside without using my neck as a pivot to turn over. I keep throwing my neck out of alignment, my posture is poor because of my big boobs. He told me me to get off the couch which i love - and start exercising. I think i just got served. Not going back to see him until i have lost 20kgs at least
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Bazzababy1 wrote: »
    My final moment was yesterday.
    This is bad the chiropractor gave me a serve yesterday. Im so overweight - i cant roll my body over naturally to the otherside without using my neck as a pivot to turn over. I keep throwing my neck out of alignment, my posture is poor because of my big boobs. He told me me to get off the couch which i love - and start exercising. I think i just got served. Not going back to see him until i have lost 20kgs at least

    Good luck with your goals! You can do it!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    For me, I gained weight in Middle School and kept it through High School. I have no sisters, but I was the "fat cousin"- I almost reached 150lbs, and all my family members had comments on the matter...when my FATHER (the kindest man on earth) said something about it (he was very kind about it, and I knew it was out of concern) , I knew I had to do something. The problem was I didn't know HOW. I was 19 when a friend told me about MFP, and as soon as I started using it, I lost 20lbs. The rest has just been me constantly battling a few "vanity lbs". I am very thankful to the posters who helped me learn about living a healthier lifestyle.