Help with weight/toning

I quit my trainer last Wednesday. I told them that I can't afford paying for one anymore. He wants me to prove to him that I can lose 15 pounds in a month for 2 months. If I can do that he will take off the 1 year contract.. I do zumba Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays and now gonna start Sundays. I am in need of help. What should I do to tone my body especially my stomach. I really need my stomach worked on. I want that big bulgy thing gone. I also don't want to have flabby skin when I am done with this journey (hoping in a year)
My weight I started at 345 and now I am 299. I started my journey Middle of May. From doing zumba and his work outs. I am thinking his work outs didn't help me lose weight only eating good and zumba. Reason why I am asking for help is because I honestly don't know what to do on toning. I can go to YouTube but I'd rather have help here right now. So please can someone tell me what to do? Help me.

Also looking for more friends to talk to on here! :)


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Good thing you got rid of him. I'm sorry, that's ridiculous. You could aim for 2 pounds per week possibly but...I'm seriously blown away by this.

    To lose weight, eat the amount of calories MFP gives you. If you exercise, log it and eat 50% back. Get a food scale and weigh your food.

    Toning is not a thing. Your muscles have tone but you cannot change the tone of your muscles. Eat at a deficit, strength train, hit an appropriate protein goal-and you'll save muscle mass and reveal muscle as you lose fat.

    And you have nothing to prove to that trainer.
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yeah but he kept on saying if I don't lose 15 pounds in a month (for 2 months each i gotta lose 15 pounds) he won't wave my contract. When they were talking to me I kept on saying to myself that "all they want is your money" over and over again.. I know for sure that cardio makes me lose a lot more then what he has me do

    He didn't push me at all. I wanted to be pushed and he didn't
    The squats, and lunges I hated. I hurt myself (ankles and quads during the whole training) i wanna work my abs not my arms and my legs.. >.>

    And I can't eat whatever I want. I have tried that and I didn't even lose weight. I have a bad thyroid and I am pre diabetic.. I was 6.6 now I am 5.5. (was diabetic few months ago but when I Started working out I beat that stage and now pre and hoping I quit pre soon!

    I have to eat very good stuff for me and not eat all processed junk (which I haven't stopped) I eat fiber bars, protein bars but 1 a day not as much as I used to..
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah but he kept on saying if I don't lose 15 pounds in a month (for 2 months each i gotta lose 15 pounds) he won't wave my contract. When they were talking to me I kept on saying to myself that "all they want is your money" over and over again.. I know for sure that cardio makes me lose a lot more then what he has me do

    He didn't push me at all. I wanted to be pushed and he didn't
    The squats, and lunges I hated. I hurt myself (ankles and quads during the whole training) i wanna work my abs not my arms and my legs.. >.>

    And I can't eat whatever I want. I have tried that and I didn't even lose weight. I have a bad thyroid and I am pre diabetic.. I was 6.6 now I am 5.5. (was diabetic few months ago but when I Started working out I beat that stage and now pre and hoping I quit pre soon!

    I have to eat very good stuff for me and not eat all processed junk (which I haven't stopped) I eat fiber bars, protein bars but 1 a day not as much as I used to..

    Listen. Someone telling you to lose ANY amount of weight in order to have your fees waived is ridiculous. And for all he knows, it is unhealthy for you to lose at that rate.

    Second, get it out of your mind that you want to work your "abs" and not your arms and legs. If you're eating in a deficit, the only thing you need to do is try to SAVE lean body mass as you lose. When we lose fat, we lose muscle too. You want to work your ENTIRE body doing some sort of resistance training so that when you do get down to a healthy weight, you have some muscle left there. You have to lose the fat first. Period.

    If you look at my progress pics that was from lifting in a deficit and I didn't do a single ab workout. Full body, compound lifts only. You can achieve the same or similar with body weight routines if you don't want to lift.

    I cannot comment on your medical conditions. I do know that all you need to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Weigh your food, eat the foods you want or that are best for your condition.
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    Can you teach me what to do then? I wanna go work out but I don't know what to do. :( And ty! I thought that you needed to do ab workouts to get the tummy to go down. Here is my then and now picture jjeav84wle1k.jpg

    But honestly I know that I can lose 15 pounds in a month because of how much I weigh and when I get to a closer weight (where i want to be) it will take a longer time to do so
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    I lost 39 pounds in those months that I posted with the pictures
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited August 2015
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Great progress so far. Were you counting calories? What does MFP have you set to?

    These are helpful threads to get you started:

    I get what you're saying about being able to lose more because you have a bit to lose, but really-shoot for 2 lbs per week. It's realistic and sustainable.
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    Ty I will look into that! And yes I count my calories. I am eating close to 1540 or something like that. I rarely eat my work out numbers back. I do Zumba and now I am wondering what to do at the gym. haha at the guide to get you started sexy pants. (will read that now)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Ty I will look into that! And yes I count my calories. I am eating close to 1540 or something like that. I rarely eat my work out numbers back. I do Zumba and now I am wondering what to do at the gym. haha at the guide to get you started sexy pants. (will read that now)

    At 1540, eat some exercise calories back! I'm 5'4", 133 lbs, and I'm gonna lose weight eating that. MFP uses the NEAT method and you're supposed to eat the calories back. Maybe not all because it overestimates calories burned, but half or 75% should be good.

    Zumba is good. Do anything you like that you'll keep up! Eventually you'll want to look into some sort of resistance training, whether it be weights or body weight. Otherwise, you could walk on the tread mill, use an elliptical, try a class that sounds fun.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Once you look at the other threads, this is the helpful belly fat thread:
  • Immerito
    Immerito Posts: 105 Member
    Is that a typo? 1540 seems low. What do you have your activity level set at?
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    1530 isn't a typo. I put activity level on just working out and sitting at my desk every day and to lose 2 pounds a week. (I don't work right now so always on my computer which is very boring) and then do zumba..
  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Once you look at the other threads, this is the helpful belly fat thread:
    Ty I was looking for this!
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited August 2015
    1530 isn't a typo. I put activity level on just working out and sitting at my desk every day and to lose 2 pounds a week. (I don't work right now so always on my computer which is very boring) and then do zumba..

    If you are not working and bored sitting on your computer (even if not bored) get up and go for a walk, several times a day. Great opportunity to work on the exercise without a job.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member

    He didn't push me at all. I wanted to be pushed and he didn't
    The squats, and lunges I hated. I hurt myself (ankles and quads during the whole training) i wanna work my abs not my arms and my legs.. >.>

    Why did you hate squats and lunges? How were you hurt? Those movements will do much to help get rid of belly fat.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »

    He didn't push me at all. I wanted to be pushed and he didn't
    The squats, and lunges I hated. I hurt myself (ankles and quads during the whole training) i wanna work my abs not my arms and my legs.. >.>

    Why did you hate squats and lunges? How were you hurt? Those movements will do much to help get rid of belly fat.

    How are squats and lunges going to help her get rid of belly fat?
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »

    He didn't push me at all. I wanted to be pushed and he didn't
    The squats, and lunges I hated. I hurt myself (ankles and quads during the whole training) i wanna work my abs not my arms and my legs.. >.>

    Why did you hate squats and lunges? How were you hurt? Those movements will do much to help get rid of belly fat.

    How are squats and lunges going to help her get rid of belly fat?

    Obviously diet will get the biggest bang for the buck regarding weigh loss and some of that will come in the way of less belly fat.

    If looking at it from a resistance training side, squats and lunges, being compound exercises, will burn more calories, but more importantly provide better core strengthening than a bunch of ab isolation exercises.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »

    He didn't push me at all. I wanted to be pushed and he didn't
    The squats, and lunges I hated. I hurt myself (ankles and quads during the whole training) i wanna work my abs not my arms and my legs.. >.>

    Why did you hate squats and lunges? How were you hurt? Those movements will do much to help get rid of belly fat.
    <3 squats = strong legs butt and core lunges do too my balance just sucks so I hate em.

    How are squats and lunges going to help her get rid of belly fat?

  • KristenMarie1181
    KristenMarie1181 Posts: 216 Member
    Well in zumba we do lot of squats so the next day I had my trainer work out. He made me do lunges. The hamstring pulled and hurt couple days. It didn't hurt until he made me do the lunges. Then my ankle started hurting to. It's been hurting for a week and I can barely walk down the stairs. I have to walk one by one

    Oh and yeah how can I lose belly fat from those two?

    I made this thread to see if anyone can give me a workout to do with free weights. I'm hoping I can get pointers I really need to work out today before supper
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    edited August 2015
    You cannot spot reduce fat. All you can do is be in a calorie deficit and let the fat come off where it will. It's a matter of genetics. Resistance training will help you avoid losing muscle while you are losing fat and will help shape your body.

    Calorie deficit comes from your diet and if you're weighing and logging your foods correctly, you will lose weight eating whatever you want (taking into consideration medical conditions).

    A weight program with compound exercises (exercises that work multiple big muscles at once) is an awesome way to work your entire body without spending tons of time on your workout. Stronglifts, New Rules of Lifting, Strong Curves are all great programs (that use free weights) that if nothing else are worth the reading material. They will give you a great foundation of what you need to know for your goals.

    P.S. Arditarose know's her stuff. She's a fabulous resource on this forum.