What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • DHChandler
    DHChandler Posts: 2 Member
    When I went to my sons middle school auditorium for his band concert and I couldn't fit in the seat. I had to stand. I was devastated. I must lose this weight. I have to stay healthy for my boys.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    First off, what a douche bag. But congrats on losing the weight. I woke up to reality when I found out I was "obese". :o
  • marsinah1
    marsinah1 Posts: 106 Member
    My moment came in March when I wouldn't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. That day I stepped on a scale for the first time in years and, after reviewing some info, realized I was a hair under 10 pounds away from being classified as obese. That day, coupled with having a heavily obese acquaintance who likes to snicker smugly when I fail at something or gain weight, was enough to make me ready to do something.
  • astra_sasstra
    astra_sasstra Posts: 3 Member
    My moment came about a year ago when I needed to give my weight to a horseback riding company in order for them to pick out a horse for me to ride. The original shock came from me checking my weight the first time in a year and realizing I had gained 40 lbs (and I was already soooo overweight). The final push was the company calling me back and telling me that I was above their weight limit so I couldn't ride any horses.
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    sealove627 wrote: »
    Seeing myself in a mirror and not recognizing that person. The person in the mirror doesn't match how I feel on the inside, because most days I feel pretty good. Then I catch a glimpse and then say, oh man, who's that fat chick.

    My mom asking me to finish up the leftover food because she doesn't want to throw it out or save it.

    My brother (grown man) making snorting noises when I eat, regardless of what it is, big or small. Even just a bite.

    Having to get on my knees to retrieve something off the floor and it hurts so bad and I realize I'm not on my knees, I am balancing on the pocket of fat below them.

    WOW. your family members need a kick in the behind. Chin up!
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    sealove627 wrote: »
    Seeing myself in a mirror and not recognizing that person. The person in the mirror doesn't match how I feel on the inside, because most days I feel pretty good. Then I catch a glimpse and then say, oh man, who's that fat chick.

    This is a big one for me lately, too. I don't know what it was - almost the opposite of body dysmorphia - for the last few years, I'd look in the mirror and I looked just fine to myself - although I was putting on ~ 10 lbs a year and not fitting in my clothes, so clearly I was getting bigger, I just couldn't see it. Suddenly, this year, I'll catch a reflection of myself and I am SHOCKED by how many bulges I see and how my face doesn't look quite right anymore.

  • curvy_gamer_loses
    curvy_gamer_loses Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 5ft6in, 21, and I started at 183. Two years ago I was 144. I knew I was gaining weight but I never weighed myself. One of the kids I babysit said I looked fat but I brushed it off as a kid being mean. Then one day in my office I ordered some pizza and cheese stuffed bread sticks. I closed the office door and ate the entire box of the cheese sticks in 10 minutes.
    Then I looked down at my belly I've never seen stick out so far. I just felt like a fat sharpei dog.
  • Bazzababy1
    Bazzababy1 Posts: 9 Member
    Mostly pictures and health reasons. Socially I don't feel fat or out of place (most of the time) but my knees are not happy with all the extra weight. Plus shopping sucks now. I am tired of being "the fat sister" in the family.

    I can relate to the fat sister comment :) im the middle sister and 50lbs heavier than the others. My little sister is getting married in august so I decided I didn't want to be the fat sweaty sister in the wedding. I should have started sooner but some progress is better than no progress.

  • Bazzababy1
    Bazzababy1 Posts: 9 Member
    My final moment was yesterday.
    This is bad the chiropractor gave me a serve yesterday. Im so overweight - i cant roll my body over naturally to the otherside without using my neck as a pivot to turn over. I keep throwing my neck out of alignment, my posture is poor because of my big boobs. He told me me to get off the couch which i love - and start exercising. I think i just got served. Not going back to see him until i have lost 20kgs at least
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Bazzababy1 wrote: »
    My final moment was yesterday.
    This is bad the chiropractor gave me a serve yesterday. Im so overweight - i cant roll my body over naturally to the otherside without using my neck as a pivot to turn over. I keep throwing my neck out of alignment, my posture is poor because of my big boobs. He told me me to get off the couch which i love - and start exercising. I think i just got served. Not going back to see him until i have lost 20kgs at least

    Good luck with your goals! You can do it!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    For me, I gained weight in Middle School and kept it through High School. I have no sisters, but I was the "fat cousin"- I almost reached 150lbs, and all my family members had comments on the matter...when my FATHER (the kindest man on earth) said something about it (he was very kind about it, and I knew it was out of concern) , I knew I had to do something. The problem was I didn't know HOW. I was 19 when a friend told me about MFP, and as soon as I started using it, I lost 20lbs. The rest has just been me constantly battling a few "vanity lbs". I am very thankful to the posters who helped me learn about living a healthier lifestyle.

  • runboostie
    runboostie Posts: 51 Member
    Approaching the 200 lbs mark on the scale + having a harder time stretching & exercising.
  • ashcakes72
    ashcakes72 Posts: 21 Member
    Mine would be I wanna be able to fit rides with people. Fit into nice clothes. Be able to go to a store and be like they sell my clothes. I wanna be fit for my twins. and I'm just tired of having no self esteem at all or confidence
  • ShayLaLee6
    ShayLaLee6 Posts: 6 Member
    I was on a trip down to DC to visit my sister/ nephew with my mother and my grandmother. My mom had been tactfully chiding me for months that I should start "eating healthier". (I've gained about 15 lbs in the last year) but my grandmother kept telling her to shush and that I was beautiful (grandmothers right?)

    Before lunch one day my brother in law took a picture of the three generations of girls with my baby nephew and I couldn't believe how big I looked. My mother was laughing (rightfully so it was truly mostly a bad angle) my sister started talking about how she gained weight at my age (she's smaller than me right now at 12 years older). My grandmother was curious to see why we were all upset over the picture so we showed her and her response was "Don't worry, I need to lose some weight too."

    Le sigh.
  • pinotnoircaviar
    pinotnoircaviar Posts: 2 Member
    Mine was just a combnation of a lot of things. I'm unable to fit into clothes that used to fit. When I take a picture all I can see is my huge boobs, huge stomach and double chin. I'm not happy with how I am. My moment though was when I was walking up stairs and I was out of breath. I said "Alright. This needs to change." So here we are.
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    See a picture of myself with my daughter at the zoo. I still have it on my phone as a constant reminder to be healthy for myself and for her. She deserves the best of me.

    Also, as an RN who am I who give health advice when I am not healthy?! The hospital I work for does not allow smoking by any employee. But if we are promoting health and wellness I need to be someone to inspire the patients to get healthy.
  • LittleLadWantsToWin
    LittleLadWantsToWin Posts: 11 Member
    I've had multiple.

    When I weighed more than my mom, and was around her height (though I'm male).
    being called fat by my mom
    and reading /r/fatlogic on reddit and realising most of what I'd been told was completely false and that I was far from healthy.
    many health scares
  • anneeett
    anneeett Posts: 75 Member
    For me, it was when I undressed in front of my mirror and noticed my stomach stuck out further than my boobs did (and yes, in my case, that says a lot)
  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    My moment came in two parts.....#1 my sons gf started showing... She is pregnant and although this will be my 2nd grandson my 1st lives 2000 miles away...this one will live 4 miles away...and I want to play with him...and take pictures with him and be able to look back on how cute he was not how fat I was (vain but true) 2nd was Dr apt where they told me I was pre-pre diabetic....not drastic....but dam close enough for me! I've lost 18 so far...that has gotten me out of the obese range and into the over weight range...30 more to go to the top of my healthy BMI I will adjust from there since I haven't been at that weight since I was in the 7th grade
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    ejb06070 wrote: »
    I was looking at statistics online and found that almost 50% of all premed students never actually make it into medical school. Being first generation college student and being female gives me higher chances, but being obese makes it so that it would be almost impossible without perfect MCAT scores and a perfect GPA, plus about a million hours of volunteer work. Getting from the obese weight range to a healthy weight range more than triples my chances of acceptance.

    What you need above and beyond everything else is that stand out quality, particularly if this is from personal experience. Fitness will go a long way in your favor, but either shadowing or real experience with patients is going to put you over the top. Hospice volunteer is a great experience.

    Good luck!

    I just started working in an ED as a scribe, which my boss told me she used as clinical experience and shadowing when she applied (and was accepted) into medical school.
    I'm trying to get volunteer experience too, but it's proving to be rather difficult. I signed up to be a mentor for children (since I want to be a pediatrician and I love working with kids) but when I gave them my references, they wanted to see more professional ones. I listed family, since I have some great professional references regarding my ability to do calculus and my knowledge of the body systems, but none that know how I work with children. I called a food pantry and offered to volunteer with things like carrying bags and boxes or whatever they needed. Followed up three times, no calls back. Called the local hospital and asked about volunteer opportunities. Only one they had available was to plant flowers out front and "beautify" the city. Didn't really interest me. It almost feels like no one wants free help... =/
  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I used to be very overweight and then lost it and spent years being thin and fit. Recently I went through a horrible depression and didn't move much. i thought I was modifying my eating accordingly but apparently not. I never weighed myself but my clothes stopped fitting. I was in complete denial. When I stepped onto the scale at the doctors last week I was convinced it was a mistake. I was 162 pounds. More than when I was 9 months pregnant (I have a 9 year old son). I broke down and cried. She even had my thyroid checked. All is fine.

    I just returned. I feel it will take forever to lose this weight. i hope it doesn't . i want to enjoy my summer and not try to hide my muffin top. :(
  • sadsongkrysy
    sadsongkrysy Posts: 65 Member
    I have body dysmorphia(sp?), I can't ever see how I really look, sometimes early in the morning I see results but after I eat it's back to seeing a horrible fat monster. I let my weight balloon up in a 3 year time frame, didn't realize I'd gained about 80lbs until I got pregnant and was weighed at the Dr. My whole pregnancy I ate super healthy and walked a lot, plus some prenatal exercises, I managed to only gain 14lbs, all baby and left the hospital after birth at 266 my starting weight. That's when I realized I needed to change. Plus my husband was finding me unattractive and I felt like it was unfair for me to stay fat when I know he prefers fit, so the lack of sex was a good motivator and working out gave me a reason to motivate him so he can meet his goal (abs before 30 lol) I was one of those people who binge eat some days and don't eat at all other days. Since starting my weight loss journey I've found it hard to make myself eat or drink water, until I started Keto, now I'm meeting my daily goals and drinking tons of water. I lost about 16lbs before calorie counting in a span of 6 months. I've lost 12lbs since I joined mfp 26 days ago. :)
  • jaedizzle01
    jaedizzle01 Posts: 775 Member
    Me and my husband went to a beer bewery for a tour, we had someone take our picture and later when I looked at it I was grossed out. I didn't believe I had gotten that big and him too. So when I got home I found a mirror and looked at myself totally nude and decided that if I was grossed out by my body and wouldn't want to do myself why would my husband? So i decided to loose weight to keep his eyes from woundering to far
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    My moment came right after January this year and although I had been ignoring my weight for years and trying not to look in mirrors (and when I did not really see). I just thought, "I need to start eating better." I starting making preparations for eating better and the weight loss and exercise program happened organically. I didn't tell anyone for months and when I finally did tell people. I made sure they knew not to be critical if I ate something they didn't think I should be eating. I knew that wouldn't help and would make me want to say "What the F..." and go back to my old ways. (I can be really obstinate that way.) I truly don't know why I suddenly to help myself when I hadn't paid attention for years but I'm grateful that I did and I'm now down over 80 lbs. Still have a long way to go but I'm no longer worried that I won't or can't do it.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    edited June 2016
    Saw pictures of myself from last summer's vacation. Knew THAT needed to change. And turning 50 this year in August ... trying to lose 50 lbs... only 5 more to go!!
  • emgrinly
    emgrinly Posts: 1 Member
    I love reading this post. Thanks for sharing everyone!
    My moment was when my clothing got so tight I would have to go and buy a larger size!
    I talked to my dad and he said: what do you want to weigh and in what time frame?
    I said 74 kg by my birthday, he then replied: put your money where your mouth is and have a bet with me. I bet you can't get there, if you do I'll pay, if you don't you pay!
    So here I am two months later, feeling great and losing weight, only 1.8 kg to go and 4 months left!
    I exercise and put in everything that goes in my mouth into this wonderful app!
    My husband likes me chubby and he was also heavy, well he walks with me every day and weighs all my food for me, as he is the cook at home, and he's lost some 4 kg too now and is proud of it!!!
    It's not always easy but I'm determined and I will get there and stay there!
    I'll be 52 this year!
    Maybe old but not fat!
  • Blonde_bombshell20
    Blonde_bombshell20 Posts: 12 Member
    When I was refusing to take my shirt off during "things". Or refused to put a bikini on.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    1. Other people's opinion of you in none of your business. Those men were a**holes. You are only supposed to pay attention to your God, spouse, children, friends, family and bosses opinion of you, and should ignore obnoxious people like you encountered.

    2. I'm a diabetic and my blood sugar was around 500 (it's supposed to be around 100) and my doctor ordered me to the emergency room. Also, I realized that all of the leaders were a size 10, and if I wanted to get promoted I needed to be more physically attractive. Restricting carbs to 45 daily, I lost 22 pounds since last year. And yes people noticed and commented on my loss. I also walk 6 miles daily. In fact I choose to continue to commute by subway because I walk 3 miles doing so, and the bus would have dropped me at my door. Formerly I climbed 18 stairs daily but a big dog ran into my knee at the dog park so I've been in recovery for a while. I recently added high intensity interval training by jogging on my trampoline, but if my knee starts hurting I am going to stop. I will also develop a home weight lifting routine so I put on muscle while burns more calories. Puppy is hyper active so I like to work out with her.