Little bit annoyed



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,070 Member
    I didn't notice until nearly 30 pounds lost, and nobody else did either :(

    Yep ... same here. The day I hit 15 kg (33 lbs) lost was the first time any of my coworkers noticed. Then I had to drop another 2 kg before anyone else noticed.

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I didn't notice anything for months. I didn't really lose much anyway though - I've only lost 4kg so far in 6 months, but I am lifting so there has been a change in size in terms of shrinking a bit. I think in the last 2 months it's when things finally started to shift and I look smaller and people who have not seen me in some time have said "ooh! you have lost weight!" People who see me all the time don't comment or don't care or don't notice.

    In general that is - I did get a comment from a work colleague at the gym saying that my body had really changed, my husband called me "skinny" the other day, and my mother grudgingly admitted that I had "lost some weight" last week.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    I actually disagree with people saying you wouldn't notice 7 pounds. On someone heavier, perhaps. But 142 to 135. That is a noticeable difference.

    ETA: I just saw you are 5'1". Sorry, it might take a couple more pounds.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I asked my downstairs neighbor today if she'd lost weight. She has - 16 pounds - in three weeks, the *kitten*.

    j/k...she quit drinking. And made some other super restrictive changes to create a massive deficit.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've lost 44 pounds and even though I notice a difference in the way my clothes fit no one else has noticed. The problem is I've always worn loose fitting clothing so as I've lost weight you can't really tell. I think when I get below 190 I think it will become more obvious. I think it also matters where you lose the weight.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am 5'0". It took about 15 lbs before I had to size down in pants, and about 20 lbs before people started commenting. I started at 140 lbs.
  • SaffronSunrise
    SaffronSunrise Posts: 182 Member
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    I've lost 44 pounds and even though I notice a difference in the way my clothes fit no one else has noticed. The problem is I've always worn loose fitting clothing so as I've lost weight you can't really tell. I think when I get below 190 I think it will become more obvious. I think it also matters where you lose the weight.

    I there with you. I've lost about 20 and no one has noticed, but I usually wear baggy clothes anyway. They've just gotten a little baggier, but I haven't gone down a size. I'm hoping it'll be more of a change when I get below that magical number of 200.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I've now lost 2 stone and here's something I'm having to admit to myself. Most of the clothes I was wearing before were too small. They now fit me comfortably and slowly are becoming top large. It's possible you are like I was.

    The other option I can think of is visceral fat. Maybe most of your loss is from around your organs, which while that's awesome and great for your health, does little help your measurements.

    That peanut butter thing is genius.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    I just noticed that a top I have fits nicely now, rather than being tight on my body. I've lost 13lbs. Be patient wit it - you are doing the right things is the scale is moving :)
  • supersocks117
    supersocks117 Posts: 169 Member
    I have lost 10 (from 198-188, 5'6") and I don't really see it, but my pants fit different. My DH has lost 20 (from 300-280, 6'1") and I don't really see it (nor does he) but we noticed his shirts don't ride up on his belly anymore, so he must've lost something in inches there.
  • Bacchants
    Bacchants Posts: 92 Member
    I've only lost 3kg and about 2% bodyfat and I can see some small differences visually and I've lost a bit on my measurements. I was getting stressed about it till I compared current progress pics to my starting pics and saw changes. Like I had a 'pooch' of back fat under my shoulders which has gone, and I'm down a notch on my fitbit.

    I don't have much to loose so I think it might be more noticeable now I have lost some? My partner can see a difference and my PT said my waist is noticeable similar, then someone at the Gym commented I was looking great

    nthing the suggestion from others to incorporate lifting into your routine!