No Alcohol August



  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    well I had 2 Corona Lights yesterday. hangs head in shame. We were at an all day lake party. I planned to have just 1. Back on the wagon.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    juliedee20: Glad you've decided to join. Believe it or not, sometimes being the sober one and watching others is just as much fun as having one yourself lol.
    TnTWalter: Could have done worse. Today's a new day, so starting from this moment. . .
    ogmomma2012: Good for you. Now let's keep it on the shelf :)
    AlexanderAM: Not a bad substitute and I'm sure your liver is appreciating the time off.
    leanlicorice: Two Weeks!!! Woo-hoo. One more and you will have broken the habit. That's if you truly want it broken. After that taking a drink will be a choice and not a craving.
    Tmbg and Jugar: I agree, I haven't slept this well in a while. I use to think I was just a light sleeper, heard every little sound but these past few nights I've heard nothing, kids coming in, dog, nothing :)

    Good going everyone. We can do this -- YES WE CAN!
  • rbchach22
    rbchach22 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in, it's awesome to find a group of people facing the same goals and challenges I am. First time on the community section I'm looking forward to this
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    edited August 2015
    rbchach22 wrote: »
    Count me in, it's awesome to find a group of people facing the same goals and challenges I am. First time on the community section I'm looking forward to this

    Is today day one for you? I'm on day 9 today and believe it or not, today is the first day I've felt challenged. There's a cool breeze this evening and it's the end of a busy weekend. Son and his wife were home for the weekend and now gone, the house is quiet. Just me and the hubby left here and this would be the time we would normally spend having a bottle of wine or 2 and talking about our weekend until midnight out on the porch. BUT, such is not to be the case this time. I'm too pumped that I've made it 10 days. Good luck to ya. hope to see you on here regularly because it helps to talk it out. :)
  • meeganbrett
    meeganbrett Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. May I join too?? I did dry January and it was great. Lost weight and felt so goid!!I just got back from holiday and had way too much booze and food. I'd like to go to September 1, so three weeks. I had one todsy but will start tommorrow. I am a wine girl, this is very hard for me to go dry. Super social!
  • meeganbrett
    meeganbrett Posts: 26 Member
    Whole30, you inspire me!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm so sure.
  • rbchach22
    rbchach22 Posts: 4 Member
    This will be night 2 for me. I just got back into my workout routine, three weeks straight now :) i figured it's time to cut out the empty calories and really see what I can accomplish.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Can I join late?

    I'm abstaining right now because I've had some bad liver tests. I've been alcohol-free since 6/28 but I'd still like to keep myself honest by joining your challenge!!!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,420 Member
    @gaelicstorm26 - I find coming here everyday really does help keep me honest...It's better to do something difficult with a group than alone. I did 3/4 of dry July... then had a few bad days ...then started doing no alc aug on the 2nd. I've only had a few cravings in the evenings so far, but the way I feel in the morning reminds me of why I am sticking with it!
  • jennyrendell
    jennyrendell Posts: 1 Member
    I definitely need to join in on this! I'm doing insanity max 30 religiously, eating healthy and still not losing...... It can only be because I enjoy a drink at least 3 nights a week
  • ThysbeEverbloom
    ThysbeEverbloom Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys - coming late - but i ll just add the missing 8 days at the end if thats ok for you. Too much alcohol in my diet, i think the Alcohol Free August is exactly what I need to loose weight and be fit enough to do some exercise after work.

    Hop you still let me join
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,276 Member
    Good morning all! It is great to see more people here, and not to feel alone. I made sure to visit my mother-in-law early yesterday so there was no question of playing bartender as I usually do, so it was another day without struggle. I'm sure those will come - mywhole30, I know that porch discussion with wine too well, and my day will come when that craving gets strong. We'll make it! Try some unsweetened grape juice (just a tad), juice of a fresh lemon, in a big glass of sparkling water. Refreshing and sort of vaguely reminiscent of wine. Easy to guzzle.

    Last night I went too far on the sparkling water. Had to get up four times during the night, ruining my awesome sleep!
  • ThysbeEverbloom
    ThysbeEverbloom Posts: 14 Member
    oh - and btw. I still need some support since i am quite (re)new here - so anybody in this challenge is more than welcome to add me.

    Alcohol is really a terrible treat for me

    a) I cant stop after I started
    b) I ruins my remaining motivation for exercise
    c) at least 60% of my overweight can be accounted for drinking and/or the extreme appetite afterwards

    @Julidee: really thinking about joining you in the quit it for good business :-)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,276 Member
    oh - and btw. I still need some support since i am quite (re)new here - so anybody in this challenge is more than welcome to add me.

    Alcohol is really a terrible treat for me

    a) I cant stop after I started
    b) I ruins my remaining motivation for exercise
    c) at least 60% of my overweight can be accounted for drinking and/or the extreme appetite afterwards

    @Julidee: really thinking about joining you in the quit it for good business :-)

    No kidding! That is where it has ended up for me too and it feels good to stop. Not sure if it's "for good", but certainly starting with the rest of August is a good place to start.

    OK, getting off the computer to get some exercise before the day drags on too long...

  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    edited August 2015
    Wow, this thread has really caught on! I'm glad to see we all recognize that drinking is not benefiting us. It's been the absolute cause of my weight gain too. This has been a habit of say 30 years! Started when the kids were babies, after a long hard day of being a mom. Their grown and married now. I've become complacent, letting life slip through my hands. My kids are traveling the world and experience all that I wish I had and what am I doing? Sitting on the front porch, drinking and eating snacks! To be honest, I'm 58 years old. I can't see myself living like this as an old woman (NO, I'm NOT old). I still have great health and so does my husband, we're just a bit out of shape :( My vow is to do a complete turn around before I'm 60 (hopefully a lot before). So, starting this week, in addition to being alcohol free, I have plans to incorporate something new into each day. I live on a river and haven't rowed in years but today I will. So, my mantra for today is "Good Food, Alcohol Free and Adventurous).
    Have a great day and stay sober everyone.
  • Monarose
    Monarose Posts: 24 Member
    Total fail. I did well all week. Then Totally caved into the stress of the weekend. Idk that I can do this with it around me all the time.
  • ThysbeEverbloom
    ThysbeEverbloom Posts: 14 Member
    dont give up - at least your commitment got you through a whole work-week without drinking. dont know your habits but i think that is a great success...

    did yoga after work - almost suffocating in my flat at this heat (the breathing exercises left me dizzy^^)
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Monarose wrote: »
    Total fail. I did well all week. Then Totally caved into the stress of the weekend. Idk that I can do this with it around me all the time.

    Hey, you did great! Better 1 or 2 nights than every night. One trick I use when I feel I'm drinking too much is to pour an 8 oz glass of water with each drink and drink the entire glass before I can have another drink. Your body can only handle so much liquid! Good luck this week.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I've done really good since I over-indulged last Thursday. Had one glass of red wine on Friday to celebrate my mom's birthday and was able to switch right back to water afterwards. That felt great. If I was able to trust myself to keeping it to one glass all of time, I would love that. Unfortunately I'm just not there yet.

    I'm going to Vegas in a month and know that staying dry until then will help me feel and look better. That's good motivation to stick with it.