I was making great progress...



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Agree with above but would switch out the 30 day shred for a decent progressive resistance programme
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Is 1200 over your BMR? If not you will feel hungry ask the time... And lose muscle mass as you drop pounds. Eating below BMR makes weight loss less sustainable. You should be eating somewhere between your BMR and your TDEE to lose weight without depriving your body of what it needs to live. If that means you don't hit some abstract target by November, so be it. You'll still look great and feel better.

    Whenever I'm struggling i go back and reread some of the getting started threads here... It helps to remind myself of some of the basics. Good luck with your journey, and have fun at your reunion whatever happens!

    This is not true

    All weight loss incorporates some LBM loss ...the way to minimise it is by progressive resistance and a nutritionally sound diet hitting protein and fat macros as minimums...eating below BMR is of no issue ..BMR is simply a stepping stone to estimating TDEE
  • Krizzin
    Krizzin Posts: 13 Member
    cwilso37 wrote: »
    So I have bad news for you (most likely). Setting MFP at 2 lb a week doesn't mean you actually will lose 2 lb a week. 1200 is the bottom number MFP will give a woman, so odds are it isn't set at 2 lb a week right now.

    Good to know, thank you. I'm only just getting started on here, so I'm still learning. :)
  • Krizzin
    Krizzin Posts: 13 Member
    Is 1200 over your BMR? If not you will feel hungry ask the time... And lose muscle mass as you drop pounds. Eating below BMR makes weight loss less sustainable. You should be eating somewhere between your BMR and your TDEE to lose weight without depriving your body of what it needs to live. If that means you don't hit some abstract target by November, so be it. You'll still look great and feel better.

    Whenever I'm struggling i go back and reread some of the getting started threads here... It helps to remind myself of some of the basics. Good luck with your journey, and have fun at your reunion whatever happens!

    Interesting - I'd never heard of BMR or TDEE before. Apparently my BMR is 1,473. I just reset my profile to goal of 1.5 lbs/week weight loss, and my new calorie count for the day is 1,310. I think I'll leave it there for now, and just keep taking baby steps to improve one thing at a time. Thanks for the advice and support!
  • Krizzin
    Krizzin Posts: 13 Member
    Ok so a few things here firstly you are always hungry this isn't helping I lost all my weight 0.5lbs a week but guess what I lost over that on average I had more calories more energy to exercise!

    Secondly chewing gum makes you hungry your body is expecting to digest something when you're chewing and it isn't!

    Thirdly I found by dropping weight slowly and worked out ( id recommend something like 30 day shred) I lost tons of inches but not many lbs and I noticed my body shape looked tighter and amazing people thought id lost tons of weight but i hadn't!

    Lastly lbs only you see, inches and fat loss everyone sees so I would definitely eat more exercise more!

    Thank you! Yes, I've taken my measurements so I can track how body shape changes, because I know that the scale and mirror can tell different stories.

    I had read that chewing gum can help when you're hungry because it gives your mouth something to do, but you're probably right - then your stomach is just expecting food and there is none, so it might lead to further crankiness.

    More exercise is something I'm trying to work into my schedule. I just this morning found a cute video for a funky disco type cardio workout that looks like fun. Here is the link if anyone is interested: http://bit.ly/1KdLcSv
  • Krizzin
    Krizzin Posts: 13 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Is 1200 over your BMR? If not you will feel hungry ask the time... And lose muscle mass as you drop pounds. Eating below BMR makes weight loss less sustainable. You should be eating somewhere between your BMR and your TDEE to lose weight without depriving your body of what it needs to live. If that means you don't hit some abstract target by November, so be it. You'll still look great and feel better.

    Whenever I'm struggling i go back and reread some of the getting started threads here... It helps to remind myself of some of the basics. Good luck with your journey, and have fun at your reunion whatever happens!

    This is not true

    All weight loss incorporates some LBM loss ...the way to minimise it is by progressive resistance and a nutritionally sound diet hitting protein and fat macros as minimums...eating below BMR is of no issue ..BMR is simply a stepping stone to estimating TDEE

    Thank you for the additional information. I'll take to heart the advice about always getting enough proteins and fats, especially as I work on exercising more regularly.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    Krizzin wrote: »
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    Krizzin wrote: »
    Yes, I have it set to 2lbs/week and 1200 calories a day. I'm trying to be good with what I'm eating - we do lots of vegetable stir frys (using fresh veggies from the garden.) I'm eating a lot less processed foods, getting more fresh fruits and veggies overall.

    The constant hunger feeling is killing me though. I have some will power... but it's very hard to fight this overwhelming feeling of needing to eat. (I'm sure at least part of it is emotional eating.)

    I think the problem was that we had so many calories on Thursday, it maybe reset my system? Meaning I'd been getting used to eating less, then suddenly I flooded my system with all these calories and delicious cheese fat, and now it wants more? I don't know. It's frustrating. I don't want to backslide just as I was finally starting to make progress.

    1200 is really tough. If you change your goal to 1.5 lb/week, how many calories do you get? How much weight are you trying to lose?


    I'm trying to hit my goal weight by the end of November for my high school reunion. (I'm already skinnier than I ever was in high school, but I'm still not where I want to be yet.) So I pretty much have to lose 2 lbs a week to get to my goal in time. I'm 166 now, ultimate goal is 135. I had gotten down to 142 at my lowest last year, and honestly, I'd be satisfied if I could just get back to there.

    I'm sure this 'feeling constantly hungry' thing will go away eventually, if I can just stay on track and have the will power to be stronger than my hunger. I know I can do it if I set my mind to it - it just sucks right now so I'm whiny and complaining, lol.

    Thanks for listening, and for all the support! I think I will try out your (and others) suggestions by making sure I have enough protein. When I looked over my food logs, I seem to always go over on carbs and sugar, but not enough in the fats and protein categories. Something to work on.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend - and thanks again for the support! It really helps!

    I absolutely ADORE carbs and tend to go for them first. Problem is they don't leave me feeling full. I could easily eat half a loaf of bread and still be hungry. Protein and fat do a better job of keeping me full.

    Try to make a conscious effort to choose something higher in protein first, then follow with a carb if you want and still have calories to spare. Exercise to get more calories if you aren't already :) I do things like have an egg or two, some turkey sausage, and then half a piece of toast for breakfast - that gets me my protein and some carbs too.


    Same is true for me about loving carbs but they don't fill me up like protein and fat. Fiber helps keep me full as well and I'm adding chia seeds to smoothies and eating more veggies.
  • stacynoell
    stacynoell Posts: 41 Member
    1200 calories a day is a very small amount. Add about 100 extra calories of high quality protein and see if that helps you feel full. Fiber also helps...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Krizzin wrote: »
    Yes, I have it set to 2lbs/week and 1200 calories a day. I'm trying to be good with what I'm eating - we do lots of vegetable stir frys (using fresh veggies from the garden.) I'm eating a lot less processed foods, getting more fresh fruits and veggies overall.

    The constant hunger feeling is killing me though. I have some will power... but it's very hard to fight this overwhelming feeling of needing to eat. (I'm sure at least part of it is emotional eating.)

    I think the problem was that we had so many calories on Thursday, it maybe reset my system? Meaning I'd been getting used to eating less, then suddenly I flooded my system with all these calories and delicious cheese fat, and now it wants more? I don't know. It's frustrating. I don't want to backslide just as I was finally starting to make progress.

    Where are you in your menstrual cycle? The spike in hunger could be due to that.

    As others have said, a goal of losing 2 # per week is aggressive for your current weight.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1) with 30 pounds to lose, 2 pounds a week is too aggressive. Switch to 1 pound.
    2) is your period due soon? It could explain the hunger. I'm always ravenous the week before my period.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I would agree with others. At your current weight 2 pounds per week is probably too aggressive. You could do it for a few weeks at the beginning but then by the second month it's gonna be really difficult. I was able to do 1200 calories for about a month and a half with no problem but then it stated getting harder. I upped it to 1300-1400 and just exercised to get my net back down. And it's working for me.