How to Start Exercising When Obese

I am well over 100 pounds overweight. I can't exactly walk 10k in a day, let alone 1k. What can I do that will be encouraging to start? I get depressed trying to do the basics because I'm not fit. Duh.


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Because of your weight, there will be more stress on your joints which could cause pain... so I would advise low impact activities such as swimming. I'd also recommend consulting your GP...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    OP do what you are able to do. If it starts with walking that is a good start.
  • karliebethell
    karliebethell Posts: 53 Member
    I started at 364lbs and I started by going to the pool, waterfit, walking, etc. There is also a lot of plus size workout videos on youtube that are lower impact. My personal favorite is #PSPFit. If you find the workout too strenuous they recommend just sitting and doing the arm portion. Any movement helps.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    This is my suggestion:
    • This week aim to walk 10-15 minutes on three days (try every other day.)
    • Next week aim to alk 15-20 minutes on three days (every other day.)
    • The next week either add another 15-20 minute walk, taking you to four, or add another 5 minutes to each walk.
    • After that keep lengthening your walks or adding more walking days.

    Walking is fantastic exercise. You already know how to do it. It takes no special equipment. And you can do it almost anywhere. If you can't go outside for some reason, walk in laps around your house. There is also a line of exercise videos by Lesley Sansone that are walking videos you can do in your living room.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    Started at 276 and could only do about 10-15 minutes of Richard Simmons and nearly a mile of Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds. Just move and get your heart rate up. As the pounds come off you will be able to do more.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Walking and building up duration time is a good way. Walking doesn't require any special equipment and form doesn't have to be perfect to do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    If you can't swim, just moving under water is exercise that will not hurt your joints. If you walk do this.
    jemhh wrote: »
    This is my suggestion:
    • This week aim to walk 10-15 minutes on three days (try every other day.)
    • Next week aim to alk 15-20 minutes on three days (every other day.)
    • The next week either add another 15-20 minute walk, taking you to four, or add another 5 minutes to each walk.
    • After that keep lengthening your walks or adding more walking days.
    It is how I started out. I love walking. What ever you do, make sure it is enjoyable for you so you can stick with it. Dancing, cycling what ever gets the large muscles of the body moving.

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    EOSF wrote: »
    I am well over 100 pounds overweight.

    Last September I was 105 pounds over weight. I've lost 78 pounds since and honestly the first 40 pounds were probably the easiest. Dropping weight will help you enormously so focus on your dietary intake - set a reasonable daily deficit target you'll see progress.

    As for exercise, just get out there and do what you can and add as you are able to. We are all much stronger than we think we are.

    Can't walk 1km? Then walk around the block. Do that two or three times a day, each day, for a few days. Then try walking around two blocks. When your distance gets up there, maybe do a morning and evening walk instead.

    Getting up off the couch or out from behind your desk is key; make it a habit and that will pay off in improved fitness. It's amazing how quickly the benefit can add up if you just make it a regular thing.

    Last September I took up running because years before I'd been a runner and wanted to be again. I couldn't run 1km without stopping to wheeze and I found that very demoralizing because I knew how far I had to go to get back in shape. But... I didn't give up. Within a few months I was running 5km, just by slowly working at it, running two or three times a week and keeping up my regular walking. By spring I was running 10 - 15km. Now I can run 25km and more.

    Often when we start down this seemingly endless road getting to the end goal is all we can think about. Don't focus only on the end goal, because the health benefits of eating right and exercise will come to you MUCH sooner than that. I've been quite fit for months now and it's made a huge and positive difference in my life, even though my end goal is still some months out.

    Just get going and don't stop!
  • lewiston22
    lewiston22 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all. My limit walking so far is about five minutes at once. I live where it's really hilly and I can't make it up one hill so I use my treadmill instead and set the speed to 2.2 and the incline to 2.0. After five minutes I pretty much have to stop. I'll try to do those five minutes three times a day.

    @karliebethell Thanks for the tip about the YT videos. I have some Sansone ones but like most exercise related items in my house, I buy them, then they collect dust. :-(
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Walk or swim, start with 5 minutes and keep adding a few minutes or 100m each day. that way you make progress. Accept whatever level of fitness you are at and watch yourself improve.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    In addition to walking and swimming, you could try cycling. It will take a while for your butt and hands to adapt to the pressure (I cycle year-round so as not to need to readapt every spring!), but once they do, you can go a lot farther and longer on a bike than walking, because you can coast when the terrain allows it and you can use the gears to adjust how much effort it takes.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk At Home videos......

    These are low impact aerobics with zero choreography. The nice thing about no can go at your own pace without getting lost, or having to "catch up." The nice thing about indoor "walking" is that it is excuse proof. It doesn't matter that it's 90° outside, or just need a TV for DVDs, or a computer for on-line vidoes. Look for DVDs at your local library, Wal-Mart, Amazon....or videos on YouTube. My preference is DVDs with a "music only" option, I don't need instruction when the moves are straight forward.


    Jessica Smith and her Mom
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    Any activity to start is better than none, as long as it elevates your heart rate.

    Find something you enjoy, that you can do for a period of at least 10 mins at a time.

    You might find it beneficial to try low impact activities to start. Cycling, rowing, swimming, water aerobics, and other similar exercises can be good cardio workouts that are low inpact

    Try to increase the duration by a couple mins each time you exercise, until you are up to 45+ mins each training day.

    You can mix and match ( 15mins of this, then 15 mins of that ), as long as you maintain an elevated heart rate.

  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    lewiston22 wrote: »
    @karliebethell Thanks for the tip about the YT videos. I have some Sansone ones but like most exercise related items in my house, I buy them, then they collect dust. :-(
    Dust them off and get to walking, but if you are aware of Leslie, you will have to mute her. I love her, Denise Austin and Richard Simmons, they were the first to get me movie, but I have to mute her because she is so darn chatty. LOL

  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    You can walk 1K in a day, trust me.

    Don't relay on exercise alone to lose weight. You should also create a deficit by cutting calories from your diet.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    OP do what you are able to do. If it starts with walking that is a good start.

    I agree. Walking is a great non impact exercise that can be done at any pace and anytime.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    lewiston22 wrote: »
    Thanks all. My limit walking so far is about five minutes at once. I live where it's really hilly and I can't make it up one hill so I use my treadmill instead and set the speed to 2.2 and the incline to 2.0. After five minutes I pretty much have to stop. I'll try to do those five minutes three times a day.

    What are your limiting factors right now? Is it joint/muscle pain? Or difficulty breathing? Both are generally limited by obesity and can be helped by losing weight, but I second the suggestion to see your doctor and talk through how you're feeling before proceeding to ensure there's nothing else at play such as an injury or asthma. If you can afford it, I'd also recommend seeing a physical therapist at least once- they may recommend a longer duration with less incline, or some other muscle strengthening work you can do for the painful areas.

    Also, be patient with yourself. It really won't be long before you start seeing improvements. Focus on diet, and as you have less weight to carry (assuming no injuries) you'll find the exercise part easier. 18 months and 70 pounds ago I was out of breath climbing a single flight of stairs. I couldn't run 30 seconds at a time. 12 months ago I posted on here proud out of my mind for running a very sweaty mile in 15 minutes. Now I run a 5k with a 10 minute mile and who knows what 2016 will bring. You'll get there if you keep trying.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Tater the husky dog aka FURSONAL trainer reporting for duty. YOU will borrow a dog. You will take him for his morning walk, or the owners will be very sorry and MAD AT YOUR that you didn't. YOU will play toss the ball around the room at night for the pup to chase, bending over to pick it up. YOU will walk the dog at night too. YOU will drive said dog to the dog park to play for an hour or two every Saturday AND Sunday. YOU will again toss balls for it or any dog that wants to chase the ball. That is all.

    (My Siberian husky dog Tater is greatly enjoying all of this activity! He is my fursonal trainer. He only looks soft and furry. He has the soul of a Jillian Michaels. Every day at 0500 its “Time for the dogger walk! Are you going to take me out, or are you going to be sorry that you didn’t?” He always wins! And every night it’s “Ball! Ball! Ball!’ until I play with him. Saturday morning he woke me at 0345 for a brisk, 1 mile walk! At the dog park he barked at me to throw the ball so much, that my friend Patrick felt sorry for me and he started throwing the ball for Tater. Now Tater yells at Patrick too.)
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    lewiston22 wrote: »
    I am well over 100 pounds overweight. I can't exactly walk 10k in a day, let alone 1k. What can I do that will be encouraging to start? I get depressed trying to do the basics because I'm not fit. Duh.
    I started walking, swimming and performing light strength training.
    It's a start. Where you end up is all up to you.

    I lost 100 pounds and now exercise 3 hours every day.

  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    I have 100# to lose. Terrible, old knees. Only way I walk is with Nordic poles. They help so much! I also like therabands for toning (good suggested exercises on You Tube). And I am trying to learn to hula hoop, with little success! My favorite, tho, is swimming.

    It is scary to find yourself so out of shape that just walking is difficult. Choose your activity and stick with it. You'll see improvements sooner than you think!