is this healthy?



  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    The others are right. You need more calories and a LOT more nutrients. You know the answer, but ask yourself this: would you allow your child to eat this way? I'm guessing, no.

    Read the getting started threads here. You'll learn a lot.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    could you be dying from malnutrition? Eventually t his will catch up with you.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    I feel this is like sitting in a sauna / drinking green tea / taking any one of the snake oil solutions out there.

    If I do any one of those things whilst eating at a calorie deficit I will lose weight.

    If I make no other change - nope. Nothing. Because - well calorie deficit.

    If I decide to do one of those things - any additional calories burned (maybe, if I'm very very lucky), an extra whole 10 of them - go towards compensating any discrepancies with logging.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I'm concerned for OP. This makes me really sad :(
  • Allthaatgliitters
    Allthaatgliitters Posts: 52 Member
    hey guys, thanks for all your comments... i started eating like this when i started living on my own (OH lives 60 miles away atm :( ) and i just didnt feel like cooking but obvs am not gunna have takeaways sat on my own haha.
    you are all right as in i would never let my little one eat like this but he is still on milk and purees atm anyway.
    i added in a cheese and baked been toastie today but i tend to feel guilty and rubbish after changing something from what i normally eat :/
  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    i used to eat much better but i found that i wasnt losing weight even with exercise, i was stuck at 8.5st for 6 months ;/

    The problem with the way you're eating now is it's not sustainable, as you're finding out. So once you switch to real food on a regular schedule and up your calories you might re-gain some of what you've lost. You may be losing but it's not in a healthy way. You're losing lean muscle mass and any water.

    It sounds like you're malnourished. It may be worth talking to a nutritionist or your doctor to get yourself back on eating real food in a sensible way. Good luck to you! I hope you can incorporate real food and start feeling better. And you'll probably get more exercise than you think taking care of the your little one.

  • kaitlinclipper7
    kaitlinclipper7 Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya, i am 5ft 1in and weigh 7st 8lbs. I managed to drop from 9st 8lbs after having my son however im not sure whether i did it healthily. I try and eat less than 1200 calories a day, ideally 1000 calories or less. I literally only eat breakfast biscuits, sandwich thins, crumpet thins or bagel thins with nutella/biscoff spread. That is it, no other variety except maybe a few times a month when my boyfriend is here.
    It obviously worked in helping me lose weight but i always have a horrid taste in my mouth, tons of unexplained bruising on my legs, always tired etc.
    I do no exercise at all.

  • kaitlinclipper7
    kaitlinclipper7 Posts: 5 Member
    Those symptoms are symptoms of malnutrition. No joke. Look it up.
  • Allthaatgliitters
    Allthaatgliitters Posts: 52 Member
    i believe you...
    i suppose i wasnt very clear, i understand that my diet isnt healthy as in 5 a day and stuff but i was wondering if it would cause harm. i can now see that it probably will.
    thanks guys
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    hey guys, thanks for all your comments... i started eating like this when i started living on my own (OH lives 60 miles away atm :( ) and i just didnt feel like cooking but obvs am not gunna have takeaways sat on my own haha.
    you are all right as in i would never let my little one eat like this but he is still on milk and purees atm anyway.
    i added in a cheese and baked been toastie today but i tend to feel guilty and rubbish after changing something from what i normally eat :/

    SALAD. You need a salad...or some vegetable soup. ANYTHING GREEN.

    Adding beans and cheese to your cracker-and-biscuit diet does not make it complete.

    I think that you have worked yourself into an eating disorder. You may need some professional help to get yourself out of it. In a year or so, when your son gets old enough to start noticing and emulating your eating habits, is this going to be a healthy thing for him?

    You should mention this to your doctor and start thinking about getting help.
  • Allthaatgliitters
    Allthaatgliitters Posts: 52 Member
    i dont think its an eating disorder as im fine eating normal with my bf but i only see him a few days a month. Eating is very social for me and i have no friends or family where i live, literally just me and baba, so i just stick to my usual quick easy things.
    i do see what you are saying though
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    You don't have to add in a ton more calories (you're short and fairly light and sound fairly sedentary, so the 1200 range is probably right for you) but the quality of what you are eating is obviously not doing your body any favours. You are almost certainly deficient in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals - like someone already posted, I'm guessing iron, vitamin C, and probably B vitamins as well) and that is more than likely what's causing the bruising etc. Replacing what you're eating now with lean proteins and plenty of vegetables would probably make a world of difference.

    If you are literally just eating bread-based foods, you ARE malnourished. I'm guessing a blood test at the doctor would confirm several nutrient deficiencies. Yes, calories in/calories out is all that matters for weight loss (as long as you're eating less than you use in a day, you'll lose weight) but it is NOT all that matters for your health. You need protein and fat as well as carbohydrate and you definitely need the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables, fruits, meats and/or legumes, etc.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    hey guys, thanks for all your comments... i started eating like this when i started living on my own (OH lives 60 miles away atm :( ) and i just didnt feel like cooking but obvs am not gunna have takeaways sat on my own haha.
    you are all right as in i would never let my little one eat like this but he is still on milk and purees atm anyway.
    i added in a cheese and baked been toastie today but i tend to feel guilty and rubbish after changing something from what i normally eat :/

    SALAD. You need a salad...or some vegetable soup. ANYTHING GREEN.

    Adding beans and cheese to your cracker-and-biscuit diet does not make it complete.

    I think that you have worked yourself into an eating disorder. You may need some professional help to get yourself out of it. In a year or so, when your son gets old enough to start noticing and emulating your eating habits, is this going to be a healthy thing for him?

    You should mention this to your doctor and start thinking about getting help.

    I'm gonna have to agree with this.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    i used to eat much better but i found that i wasnt losing weight even with exercise, i was stuck at 8.5st for 6 months ;/

    You were probably still eating too many calories. If you eat healthy, but you eat too much food, you won't lose weight. But if you don't eat enough food or you don't eat the right food, your body won't be healthy and you won't be able to sustain your weight loss. You need a happy medium between these two extremes. Eat healthy like how you were before, just count, measure, and weigh your food accurately so that you're not eating too much food. Aim to eat around 1200-1500 calories per day, throw in a little bit of exercise, and you'll lose weight. :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    i dont think its an eating disorder as im fine eating normal with my bf but i only see him a few days a month. Eating is very social for me and i have no friends or family where i live, literally just me and baba, so i just stick to my usual quick easy things.
    i do see what you are saying though

    How is a salad not easy and quick? Or frozen veggies? Get some help, seriously. You need to be healthy for your kid.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I agree, when your son gets older, he is going to emulate your habits. Please get more veggies and fruit, as well as protein! The "do as I say, not as I do" thing will get way more tough in his toddler stage.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    The other alarming thing is that you already are quite thin. 7 stone 8 lbs. is around 106 lbs., but you are fearful of gaining weight. Even your start weight wasn't extreme for a woman who has just had a baby. It's great that you lost the "baby weight," but now you need to be healthy to take care of that baby.
  • Allthaatgliitters
    Allthaatgliitters Posts: 52 Member
    my baby was only 1lb 3oz (23+0 weeker!!) so i didnt have much baby weight really
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    My goodness. Did he have to stay in hospital a long time before you brought him home?