The (Person) Scale Argument

kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
Amazingly, my family is on board with getting a food scale. I anticipated some resistance, but my Dad actually brought it up first. Awesome! However, no one is on board with the idea of getting a scale to weigh a person.

(Background: I'm 21 & live at home so decisions do need to be made as a family. I can get reliably weighed once a month at my doctor's office by the dietician. My gym has an old and unreliable scale that I could use in between to guesstimate changes. I feel like that's a limited amount of data, and since I am just starting out with over 60lbs to lose, I would like more feedback about what's working and what's not working.)

That's me, but I want to hear from you - How frequently do you weigh yourself? Why does that work for you? Do you weigh yourself at home or not? I'd like to hear a mixture of things, to see what the different approaches are.

Reading on here, I see a lot from the "daily-weigh-in for fluctuations and trends" crowd. My dietician has expressly stated "Do Not Weigh Daily" as an overarching rule. I'd like to know more about the reasons behind both of these arguments, and if there's another argument for sure let me know! Thanks :)


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    How often you weigh is personal preference.

    How do you know the scale at hlrhe gym is unreliable?
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    First - is there a reason you cannot get a scale for yourself and they can use it or not if they wish?

    Second - I weigh daily because in the past, when I would only weigh once a week or every other week, I would get frustrated when I didn't see the change I expected. By weighing daily, it is a daily reminder that my weight can go up or down any given day, but so long as the trend is down I'm good. It also helps keep me accountable for cheating. If I go up significantly after "cheating" then I see an immediate cause-effect. This is just how my mind works though... Not necessarily the best for everyone.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    wait, you are 21. Why can't you just get a job and buy a scale for yourself and keep it in your room? I can understand if your parents don't want to buy a scale for the family, as that is asking them to spend their money.

    Also, many locations have scales. My local grocery store has a scale built into the blood pressure station. If I didn't have a scale at home and didn't want to buy one I'd go over there once per week in the morning and weigh myself. You can also find these devices at pharmacies. Is there nothing like that near where you live?

    As for daily vs weekly. That is personal preference. Most people who advocate weekly (or longer) do so because a lot of people who weigh daily get discouraged and quit all because of water weight fluctuations. I personally like to weigh daily.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I don't really understand why a 21 yo cannot buy her own scale with her own money to weigh her own body.

    I weigh myself at home every day, first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom and then taking my clothes off. That's the best time for me because all of the variables (weight of clothing, hydration level, etc.) are fairly consistent at that time of day. I like to see my daily weight fluctuations. I like the data. I don't get freaked out by it. I think that more people (women especially) would be better served by weighing themselves daily so that they could get it through their skulls that a person's weight is not fixed from day to day and that weight fluctuations are completely and biologically appropriate.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I think it really depends on the person. Some people absolutely freak out about the natural fluctuations in weight that everyone has. They should weigh less frequently than someone who understands the fluctuations and isn't bothered by them. Those numbers people who plot out everything and enjoy seeing the fluctuations are fine to weigh every day.

    Myself I have a set weigh in day on Monday morning - at home, first thing, naked. I log that weight no matter what it is as my "official" weight. But I also stand on the scale a few times a week just do see how I'm doing...
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    edited August 2015
    I weigh daily. I think the data is important and don't worry too much about daily fluctuations. When I don't weigh daily is when I wander off track.

    Weight is not the only metric, 'tis true, but it is an important one.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I'll also add, that if you think the gym scale is off because it is different than the doctors scale there are two things that could be going on (besides the gym scale being off). 1st, it could be that the doctors scale is not calibrated. 2nd, water weight fluctuation would make comparing the scales with your own body inaccurate.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Personally, I do it daily. Same time each morning to get as consistent a reading as possible. I keep a log and review the trendline periodically.

    The downside with weighing daily is that you do see days that you go up, with no direct discernible reason. These can be discouraging for some people. If that's you, weighing once a week is ok. I wouldn't go further out than that because it just means you end up waiting longer to spot a problem and make adjustments.

    If you're trying to lose weight, a scale is the tool you need to determine that what you are doing works or not.

    There are other measurements you can use, like body tape or calipers to estimate your body fat percentage. I'd use them in addition to a scale to help give you a little more insight into how you're doing.

  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    edited August 2015
    I weigh myself nearly everyday under as identical conditions as possible. I do weigh on the same scale in, the same room, in the morning prior to breakfast, after bathroom, in the buff. I like data and I don't get all worried if I go up a little for a day or even a few days. I track it in a spreadsheet with a trend line. The trend is what I concentrate on, as long as it is downward I do not freak. I record the lowest weight of the week on MFP to adjust my calorie goal and every loss in fitbit so it adjusts my calorie burn. I like to be able to see patterns in my weight fluctuations. The people on the national weight loss registry, those who have lost over 35 pounds and kept it off for more than a year, report weighing no less than once a week. I have seen people get a little crazy who weigh more than once a day, so I wouldn't recommend any more often.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Also, your avatar makes me think of a bolt of mageweave cloth every time I see it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    Reading on here, I see a lot from the "daily-weigh-in for fluctuations and trends" crowd. My dietician has expressly stated "Do Not Weigh Daily" as an overarching rule. I'd like to know more about the reasons behind both of these arguments, and if there's another argument for sure let me know! Thanks :)

    We can't know why your dietitian said this. If it's due to you becoming obsessive or overly focused on the scale, it would be worth following that advice.

    I weigh daily as part of a strategy of becoming less concerned or bothered by the number on the scale. It's just a piece of information. But if you can't do that, you shouldn't use that strategy.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Generally, dietitians use this blanket recommendation to discourage people from obsessing. Many people do not understand daily fluctuations and will be disappointed if they don't lose (or gain) every day. It's part of the idea that the number isn't everything.

    At the same time, fluctuations can more easily hide a loss if you only weigh once a week. Personally, I have an official weigh-in day 1x/week but I weigh every day. I've come to learn my body's fluctuations and can recognize as my high numbers start to decrease. So while I may lot have had an official loss in a week or two-I can see my high fluctuations going down. This is usually followed by a "whoosh". I think it's cool to watch.

    You can get a good scale for $20-30. If the rest of your family doesn't want to weigh-can't you just keep it in your bedroom? Do you have a history of disordered eating that would account for them not wanting you to have a scale? (And perhaps the dietitians recommendation?) if you answer no-get yourself a scale.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You're going to lose the same amount whether you weigh yourself or not. It's not a necessity and if there isn't room or money for a scale, skip it and weigh once a month. No big whup.

    I weigh daily because I like to do that. But sometimes I think it's a little wacky to weigh every single day. If someone stole the scale and I had to weigh monthly, I could live with it. :)
  • momar23
    momar23 Posts: 292 Member
    I weigh daily first thing after using the bathroom in the buff and track in happy scale to watch for trends. It goes up and down but the trend is down so all is good. It's not for everyone but because weight fluctuates so much I would hate if my one day I got on the scale was the up day instead of the day I'm down.
    There are a lot of threads about how often do you weigh if you want to go look for more opinions.
    If you want to weigh daily then just buy yourself a scale.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I would guess your dietician doesn't want you to get caught up and worried about tracking scale weight progress right off the bat. It is far less overwhelming to first just get calorie tracking, weighing your food and accurately logging down.

    While I was losing, I was a weekly weigher, every Monday 1st thing to keep myself accountable over the weekends. When I was down to the last 8 pounds the weight slowed to about a half pound every 2-3 weeks so I backed off weighing to only every other week so I wouldn't get discouraged and give up. Now that I am in maintenance you can bet that I weigh and track my weight daily because I don't want to ever let my guard down again.

    I know both my doctor and my son's doctor welcome us going into the nurse's station anytime to do a weight check. No charge and no appointment necessary. Perhaps a once a week trip to the nurse treatment station at your doctor's office would work for you.

    Best wishes on getting started with your weight loss. Just remember, even though sometimes you might get a little frustrated or discouraged, keep with it, trust the process, work closely with your dietician and never give up :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    Amazingly, my family is on board with getting a food scale. I anticipated some resistance, but my Dad actually brought it up first. Awesome! However, no one is on board with the idea of getting a scale to weigh a person.

    (Background: I'm 21 & live at home so decisions do need to be made as a family. I can get reliably weighed once a month at my doctor's office by the dietician. My gym has an old and unreliable scale that I could use in between to guesstimate changes. I feel like that's a limited amount of data, and since I am just starting out with over 60lbs to lose, I would like more feedback about what's working and what's not working.)

    That's me, but I want to hear from you - How frequently do you weigh yourself? Why does that work for you? Do you weigh yourself at home or not? I'd like to hear a mixture of things, to see what the different approaches are.

    Reading on here, I see a lot from the "daily-weigh-in for fluctuations and trends" crowd. My dietician has expressly stated "Do Not Weigh Daily" as an overarching rule. I'd like to know more about the reasons behind both of these arguments, and if there's another argument for sure let me know! Thanks :)

    Uh, are still an adult and can/should do your own thing. You are responsible for your own weight.

    Get a scale, put it in your room and use it.

    "Do not weigh daily" is a silly rule. Unless your weight fluctuates wildly or you are going to freak out about it, weighing every day is just fine. Why WOULDN'T you want more data?
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    *shrugs*. I tend to discount absolute didactic advice.

    I love my scale.

    I weigh myself daily. I am reconciled to the reality that hydration, stress, sodium intake, amount of sleep, and biochemical factors (including menses) will affect the number on any given day.

    Weighing daily can give you data to work with, including (if relevant) information about how your weight correlates to your cycle.

    Your mileage may vary. If you are going to be upset by daily fluctuations, daily weighing may not be for you. As for whether to get one, your family dynamics are better known to you and your business.

    My opinion is that you are a young adult; if you want to purchase a scale for your use, it is your responsibility to accumulate the funds and your privilege to spend those funds as you choose.

    That may not work for you, for whatever reasons you have.

    I recommend having a scale, and using it daily.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Dietician and parents say no scale in house

    I'm thinking in treatment for ED

    Am I right?
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I don't really understand why a 21 yo cannot buy her own scale with her own money to weigh her own body.
    I don't understand either... the rest of the family doesn't need to use it and they don't even have to see it if they don't want to. You can keep it in your room.

  • slinke2014
    slinke2014 Posts: 149 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Dietician and parents say no scale in house

    I'm thinking in treatment for ED

    Am I right?

    That is what I am thinking. She might not work because she is in treatment and probably should NOT weigh herself which is maybe why her family doesn't want to get one.