Exercise tips needed for quick inch loss

Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
Before I get shot down in flames with the usual take your time it will come off....

I entered a competition Monday in my local Gym, for a 30 day inch loss challenge. I have had my measurements taken etc and started my journey. As I do not have unlimited funds I would really like to win the first prize which is a Private Training Package as it will help me in the gym and help me go further and tone up.

Therefore I am seeking advice as to what is the most efficient way to loose inches (not weight) for the next 26 days. I currently do a mix between cardio and weights. My warm up is a Couch Potato to 5K programme which is walk, then run etc, and I push hard at the run bits, followed by weights. But having just started in the gym I am feeling a bit lost, and I think that PT package would be very beneficial to me, but apart from eating clean I am fully aware I need to put in some hard work at the gym, so tips for exercises etc would be very much appreciated. Thank you all in advance.
