Day 1 Begins...

lollypop30 Posts: 10
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All
I have toyed with the idea of starting a diet again and using this site to help me for about a month or so and have just not really done anything so today, I have decided to finally start.
Last year I lost 3 1/2 stone just eating healthily and exercising and in the last 10 months I have managed to put on 4stone 2lbs - that is pretty disgusting by anyone's standards!
Not sure how I did it, well I know really, eating crap and not exercising but still over 4 stone!!! that's like if you had just sat next to me and watched me you would see me getting fatter before your very eyes!
Anyway, despite my initial disgust at myself for allowing this to happen, I know I can get it off as I have done it before, just need a kick up the backside!
So today is day 1 - not of a diet but of a lifestyle change once and for all to get myself happy again... lets see how I get on!
Thanks for reading my waffle :) xxx


  • OMG Lorraine, ive been there. i used this site last year and it helped me! now im back cause i just had a baby and need to lose it Again!! its a pain in the *kitten* to log everything but it becomes a habit and then a sort of addiction! i play games with it beat the week before kinda thing! keep at it. you didn't gain it overnight (although sometimes thats the way it feels). good luck:smile:
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Congratulations on deciding to make a positive change in your life, you've come to the best place! x
  • ooooh, i lost weight before and gained back, and thats why i'm here! feel free to add me!{: i think we need all the support we can get!! :D
  • stoli2812
    stoli2812 Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck! This site/app has been a great support for the short time I've been here.
  • lollypop30
    lollypop30 Posts: 10
    Thanks Ladies :) x
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm here also to make the lifestyle change after years of yoyo dieting. This is a fab tool - I find the food tracking really helps focus on what your eating, and the friends with the motivation. I'm sure you will succeed - like you say you've done it before :bigsmile:

  • mzprettiekittie
    mzprettiekittie Posts: 125 Member
    :indifferent: It happend to me the same way, i understand the disgusting feeling

    Welcome to MFP and your new eating habits. Good luck :flowerforyou:
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