2 stone in 8 week??



  • bridetobe310711
    i am wanting to be 9 stone because when i look back on pics thats when i think i look good... when i was 9 stone....

    i had put on a little weight before i got preg with my daughter but balooned when preg and finding it hard to shift it all!!!!

    if i look good and feel good at 10 stone or 9 half i will be happy but at the mo 9st is when i looked good...

    i want to look good not really about weight on the scales... just used that number as an estimate :D
  • bridetobe310711
    is it possible?!?!?!

    any one lost 2 stone in 8 week... tips please.....
    in an ideal world i would be 2 stone lighter for my wedding.... in 8 week time!!

    I did 30 lbs ( 2 stone 2 lbs) in 30 days...strict diet and burning at LEAST 1000 calories a day....not recommended.

    well done to u! thats fab!!!! but damn hard i bet
  • bridetobe310711
    I found it!!! Take a look... maybe it will motivate you... all I was doing at the time was the Shred every day and I ate 1200 cals PLUS my exercise calories... this was the result. :)

    **Copied from original forum post**
    So I have successfully finished Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I only missed 2 days, both because of time constraints (work, kids, etc) But I think I did pretty good only missing those 2 days really. I feel SO much stronger now than I did at the start and I have SO much more endurance. Ok, now for stats and pics!


    Weight 155

    Underbust 35.5

    Waist 39

    Hips 39


    Weight 150.4

    Underbust 32.5

    Waist 35

    Hips 37

    So I lost 4.6 pounds AND

    3 inches off my underbust, 4 inches off my waist and 2 inches off my hips for a grand total of.... 9 INCHES!!! And that's just the 3 measurements I decided to take when I started. I'm a HAPPY HAPPY girl!

    Ok, now what I'm sure you came here for... the pics! :D



    So.......? What do you think??? :D
    **end copy**

    wow thats amazing! cant wait to start it!!!
  • bridetobe310711
    going to take a before pic of myself so i can do a before and after!
  • Joanne4494
    Joanne4494 Posts: 26 Member
    Haha I mean lb. :)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I lost 12 lbs my first week and will soon be down 100 in 20 weeks, it can be done just takes motivation. Is a stone equivalent to 13 or 14 lbs?

    A stone is 14lbs

    Well done on the 12lb 1st week loss! thats amazing! I'm super struggling!! weekends are my downfall!

    Usually the first week is mostly water weight. I haven't been able to come close to that in a given week again. The most I lost was 6.8 lbs in a week and the least amount was 3.6 lbs in a week. I have been averaging about 4.5 lbs a week after the initial week. I haven't had any alcohol or starchy carbs in the last 20 weeks. All my carbs come mostly from green veggies. I limit carbs to around 100 grams a day. I had a lot of weight to lose, and am being monitored by doctors and nutritionist.

    TWELVE POUND IN A WEEK!!!! wowsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tips please!!!!!!!!!!!