2 weeks wheat free!



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    I am sure this topic has been beaten to death, so I'll try to explain as best I can. I want to try going wheat free for at least 2 weeks, just to see what changes I feel in my body. Internally. I have had stomach issues for as long as I can remember. Bloaty, crampy, nauseous, and just really icky feeling, especially in the morning or after I eat bread, pasta, etc.

    I haven't been tested or anything, and this definitely isn't a get thin quick plan, I just really want to know if it is the carbs/wheat that is making my stomach act up. I've tried probiotic meds and that just made me feel worse.

    Has anyone done this for a short amount of time and seen results? I know that this will not be a life style change, because I know there is no way I can not eat bread or pasta or oatmeal and all of the things they say you shouldn't eat.

    I appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Generally I would trust that organic growers are not using synthetic insecticides and sustainable growing practices and do not use GMO seed.

    Nothing wrong with GMOs.

    Organic insecticides are just as toxic as non-organic.

    You seem to be caught up in one of those fads the OP was talking about.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you all for the awesome feedback! I am eating wheat, and after reading a lot of these posts I highly doubt I am allergic. I've narrowed it down to one of two things.

    I eat A LOT of carbs and a lot of wheat. Pretty much all of my meals contains carbs, so I'm either eating too much of it and that is what is making me feel ill.

    I am going to try doing only one serving of carbs (aside from veggies and fruit) for only in the morning for breakfast, which is when I feel the worst. No breads, just oatmeal to start. If I can at least narrow down by one meal at a time, I should be good to go. Thanks again all!
  • Candidalagasse
    Candidalagasse Posts: 10 Member
    My husband got diagnosed with celiac by a stomach biopsy when he was 18 months old in 1978- two of our kids tested postitive when they were 2 and 1 (now 7 and 4) It upsets me when people say that they are "gluten free" or self diagnosed- since I would give anything for them to be "normal" and included in things such as school hot lunch days and BBQs.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    Well I haven't been diagnosed with anything, all I know is I want this nasty bloat/icky feeling to go away, and if it comes up more from eating wheat based food, then I want to at least try to see if that's the cause.

    I don't understand why people who comment have to be so belittling.
    I did just what you're doing, and my own personal results were stellar. I know experience is not science, but sometimes we hear things debated, and I just need to try things out and measure my own results.

    Today, I highly moderate all wheat products.

    My health is better, and though we can't use that to advise others, it's enough for me to remain cautious about breads, pastas and such. Results trump debate points.

    Good Luck!

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I think the best thing to do would be to talk to your Dr about the issues you have been having and have them help you discover the real cause. Could be wheat, could be dairy, could be a food allergy or it could be some other problem with your digestive system.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    Thank you all for the awesome feedback! I am eating wheat, and after reading a lot of these posts I highly doubt I am allergic. I've narrowed it down to one of two things.

    I eat A LOT of carbs and a lot of wheat. Pretty much all of my meals contains carbs, so I'm either eating too much of it and that is what is making me feel ill.

    I am going to try doing only one serving of carbs (aside from veggies and fruit) for only in the morning for breakfast, which is when I feel the worst. No breads, just oatmeal to start. If I can at least narrow down by one meal at a time, I should be good to go. Thanks again all!

    Yes, the answer might be grain-based carbs in general, not just wheat. For me, just a few days after I gave up grains I felt 100% better. Now I try to eat them sparingly. If I eat bread from sprouted grains for breakfast along with an egg or other protein I have no symptoms. If I eat two slices of regular bread with jam I get all the bloating/indigestion, etc. Vegetable carbs give me no symptoms at all. Turns out that often bloating and indigestion following a high-carb meal is a symptom of pre-diabetes (or even actual diabetes). Who knew? lol (or not-lol, actually). My a1c was high, not high enough to be actually diabetic but high enough that the doctor told me I needed to make some changes.

    So you might try eliminating grains all together just to see if the symptoms disappear. Then add them back in one by one to see if you can tell what's causing the problems. And next time you're at the doctor ask if they can do some blood work. You never know.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    I haven't started yet, just wanted a bit of feedback first. In "they" I was referring to the people that I've talked to that have done either the wheat belly diet, or one of those other fads. I have no interest in that, just want to see if it's worth it to try limiting or cutting out breads, pasta, etc to see if it makes me feel better.

    Not without talking to your doctor and having your IgA, IgG and TtG levels tested and a straight allergy test for wheat. If you don't test allergic to wheat and the immune tests come back abnormal, then you may need a biopsy for celiac disease. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother. I have celiac, and it was way more than discomfort and bloating. I was dying of malnutrition and needed blood transfusions, among other problems.
    It's none of my business what you eat, but I wouldn't go through what I do every day just to see if it helps. I eat this way -- I live this way (not participating in office snack days, never eating cake or pizza at birthday parties, and constantly explaining why) -- because I have to. OTOH, my husband says he is no longer living with a woman twice her age and I can close my fingers around a Bic pen, which I couldn't do four years ago either.
    Whatever you decide to do, good luck.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    My husband got diagnosed with celiac by a stomach biopsy when he was 18 months old in 1978- two of our kids tested postitive when they were 2 and 1 (now 7 and 4) It upsets me when people say that they are "gluten free" or self diagnosed- since I would give anything for them to be "normal" and included in things such as school hot lunch days and BBQs.

    Preach that... I was diagnosed as an adult, but count myself grateful that none of my four kids have celiac.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    My husband got diagnosed with celiac by a stomach biopsy when he was 18 months old in 1978- two of our kids tested postitive when they were 2 and 1 (now 7 and 4) It upsets me when people say that they are "gluten free" or self diagnosed- since I would give anything for them to be "normal" and included in things such as school hot lunch days and BBQs.

    Exactly. My friend @PeachyCarol is celiac and I bet she feels more then just "icky" when exposed to her allergen.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Not necessarily. There is silent celiac in which the patient notices no symptoms. My celiac symptoms were annoying (stomach aches after eating, bloating, headaches and eventually arthritis) but they weren't extreme. If they had been I would have been diagnosed as a child and not in middle age.
  • cwilso37
    cwilso37 Posts: 79 Member
    It is amazing how strong a nocebo effect can be.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    My husband noticed he was vomiting after every meal that included gluten. He quit eating it and stopped. He can eat tiny amounts and be all right but otherwise, no.

    We haven't bothered with celiac testing because what we've done works...if it works, do it. Good thing i guess that i naturally dislike bread and all that.

    Oatmeal is gluten-free, though, as long as you find one made in a factory that doesn't also make other stuff. So if you aren't celiac, you can probably handle gluten. But get tested if you think you are and you think you can't avoid gluten for the rest of your life.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    cwilso37 wrote: »
    It is amazing how strong a nocebo effect can be.

    Well said.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    I haven't started yet, just wanted a bit of feedback first. In "they" I was referring to the people that I've talked to that have done either the wheat belly diet, or one of those other fads. I have no interest in that, just want to see if it's worth it to try limiting or cutting out breads, pasta, etc to see if it makes me feel better.

    Good answer! Wheat Belly is a fad, as is going gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy.

    If your problem is just feeling "icky", you almost certainly aren't celiac.

    Wheat Belly and fads like it promote the idea that gluten makes you feel bloated, when it really doesn't. Overeating makes you feel bloated.

    Are you weighing and logging all your food/drink on MFP? You might find that a calorie-controlled diet makes you feel better. You can also try exercising, for that extra boost of happy hormones.

    Good luck!
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    I am sure this topic has been beaten to death, so I'll try to explain as best I can. I want to try going wheat free for at least 2 weeks, just to see what changes I feel in my body. Internally. I have had stomach issues for as long as I can remember. Bloaty, crampy, nauseous, and just really icky feeling, especially in the morning or after I eat bread, pasta, etc.

    I haven't been tested or anything, and this definitely isn't a get thin quick plan, I just really want to know if it is the carbs/wheat that is making my stomach act up. I've tried probiotic meds and that just made me feel worse.

    Has anyone done this for a short amount of time and seen results? I know that this will not be a life style change, because I know there is no way I can not eat bread or pasta or oatmeal and all of the things they say you shouldn't eat.

    I appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks!

    If you consider you have a food intolerance you should follow a proper elimination programme...this is not how you do it

    You go back to very basics then gradually reintroduce foods https://www.allergyuk.org/food-intolerance/identifying-your-food-intolerances

    Both of these.....so true.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    Thank you all for the awesome feedback! I am eating wheat, and after reading a lot of these posts I highly doubt I am allergic. I've narrowed it down to one of two things.

    I eat A LOT of carbs and a lot of wheat. Pretty much all of my meals contains carbs, so I'm either eating too much of it and that is what is making me feel ill.

    I am going to try doing only one serving of carbs (aside from veggies and fruit) for only in the morning for breakfast, which is when I feel the worst. No breads, just oatmeal to start. If I can at least narrow down by one meal at a time, I should be good to go. Thanks again all!

    There is nothing wrong with carbs either. I seems to me just carbs in general would not make you feel ill unless you had an underlying medical condition.

    Could there be other causes as to why you are not feeling well? Are you overeating during your meals? Another food intolerance maybe?

    I'm intolerant to both lactose and soy (I found out I was lactose intolerant years ago, then substituted soy and built an intolerance to soy). I always felt pretty bloated and sick after eating.
  • Treasureslide
    Treasureslide Posts: 42 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Generally I would trust that organic growers are not using synthetic insecticides and sustainable growing practices and do not use GMO seed.

    Nothing wrong with GMOs.

    Organic insecticides are just as toxic as non-organic.

    You seem to be caught up in one of those fads the OP was talking about.

  • Treasureslide
    Treasureslide Posts: 42 Member
    Caught up in a fad? GMO IS A FAD!!!!! that will have permanent uncertain changes in our enviroment, I live In a framing community, just this winter many folks swapped for GMO stick feed seeds for the winter , now many houndreds of cattle in my are are dying on this new " pesticide resistant high yield seed" the framers are regretful and have vowed not to change seed again... You are really kidding your self if you think GMO in foods is ok...
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Caught up in a fad? GMO IS A FAD!!!!! that will have permanent uncertain changes in our enviroment, I live In a framing community, just this winter many folks swapped for GMO stick feed seeds for the winter , now many houndreds of cattle in my are are dying on this new " pesticide resistant high yield seed" the framers are regretful and have vowed not to change seed again... You are really kidding your self if you think GMO in foods is ok...

    Got evidence?
  • cwilso37
    cwilso37 Posts: 79 Member
    Caught up in a fad? GMO IS A FAD!!!!! that will have permanent uncertain changes in our enviroment, I live In a framing community, just this winter many folks swapped for GMO stick feed seeds for the winter , now many houndreds of cattle in my are are dying on this new " pesticide resistant high yield seed" the framers are regretful and have vowed not to change seed again... You are really kidding your self if you think GMO in foods is ok...

    Then you are so..... LUCKY!!!!! The payday that is coming from that evidence, not to mention the book tours and speaking... so lucky.