Don't eat these 5 foods???



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Per a forum I listened to and read some of there information, "Trim Down Club". They promote loosing(I say releasing) fat naturally and healthy. There were five areas touched on. 1. margarine - causes hormonal imbalance
    2. sugar (hidden) - muffins, gronola
    3.whole wheat bread - stores fat, its a comfort food
    4. pastas - turn into bad sugars
    5. oj / fruit juices (concentrated) - juices have more sugars than the fruit itself
    smoothie). they are better than just juices.

    Let me know your thought? Yes or No...
    Lol, they need to "trim down" because they have no control over eating these foods. Sounds like another paleo group to me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • moogie7
    moogie7 Posts: 3 Member
    I learned this way too! Got away from it for many years & now recommitting.....and boy, personally it works for me. I feel so much better, have more energy and a lot less aches & pains when I stick closer to the "no sugar, wheat, flour" choices. :smile:
  • brian51uk
    brian51uk Posts: 6 Member
    yep agree on the fruit juice as i found out
    and learnt the hard way today

    as had a pineapple juice from concentrate
    250ml glass at breakfast did not read the

    was shocked when i logged it as it was 31
    sugar needless to say my daliy amount
    was well over the goal ended up at minus 26

    i learnt by that costly mistake of not reading label beforehand

    lesson learnt moved on
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    I was watching one of the TV Doctor's recently on a daytime show and one of the hosts asked "Whether I ate 2,000 calories in ice cream a day and 2,000 in healthy fruits and veggies a day - does it make a difference?" He responded and stated that it does, but not how you might imagine. Numbers wise (obviously) they are equal. Eating 2,000 calorie ice cream diet simply won't fill you. Your body will constantly be craving the nutrients it isnt getting and you will end up continuously hungry. Eating the healthier foods will fill your body with what it needs and it will be satisfied. i found this interesting! In the end, I think it's a balance. Get those healthy foods in, give yourself a small portion of what you crave but stay within your set daily numbers.
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    People think sugar is "hidden" in muffins and granola? Really?

    Sugar also "hides" in donuts, cake, Dr Pepper, and Pop-Tarts.

    That's some serious ninja shizzle there!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    i like plain white processed sugar its better than the hidden stuff
  • vilmafraguada
    vilmafraguada Posts: 26 Member
    Definitely thre's truth to that...anything that is high in sugar will turn into fat
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    I was watching one of the TV Doctor's recently on a daytime show and one of the hosts asked "Whether I ate 2,000 calories in ice cream a day and 2,000 in healthy fruits and veggies a day - does it make a difference?" He responded and stated that it does, but not how you might imagine. Numbers wise (obviously) they are equal. Eating 2,000 calorie ice cream diet simply won't fill you. Your body will constantly be craving the nutrients it isnt getting and you will end up continuously hungry. Eating the healthier foods will fill your body with what it needs and it will be satisfied. i found this interesting! In the end, I think it's a balance. Get those healthy foods in, give yourself a small portion of what you crave but stay within your set daily numbers.

    [closes eyes and imagines a 2,000 calorie ice cream diet]
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    Cutting something completely out of my diet makes me fixate on that one thing I can't have. My new best friend is moderation. I have lost a lot of weight on diets where certain foods are forbidden, but I also turned into a cranky, bitter person whom no one wanted to be around. Just be smart about how you budget your calories, and you can eat anything you want!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Per a forum I listened to and read some of there information, "Trim Down Club". They promote loosing(I say releasing) fat naturally and healthy. There were five areas touched on. 1. margarine - causes hormonal imbalance
    2. sugar (hidden) - muffins, gronola
    3.whole wheat bread - stores fat, its a comfort food
    4. pastas - turn into bad sugars
    5. oj / fruit juices (concentrated) - juices have more sugars than the fruit itself
    smoothie). they are better than just juices.

    Let me know your thought? Yes or No...

    Eat them all, don't let the food Nazi's scare you.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Definitely thre's truth to that...anything that is high in sugar will turn into fat

    No, not true. It will only turn into fat if you have eaten extra calories than what you need. Protein, fat, carbs all can/will be stored in your body as fat if you are eating too much. If you're eating at a deficit, they won't.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Definitely thre's truth to that...anything that is high in sugar will turn into fat
    Lol, yep I eat Poptarts, gummy worms, Snickers and the like and I'm fat as hog.:laugh: :laugh: Read up more on human physiology and you'll find out that it's not true. It's much more complex than that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You can have anything you want at Alice's restaurant..except Alice

    Walk right in it's around the back
    Just a half a mile from the railroad track
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    Don't eat

    1. poop
    2. rocks
    3. battery acid
    4. rubber
    5. beets (they're disgusting)

    Otherwise, you'll be fine

    Pfft. I eat poop on the rocks dipped in battery acid WITH a side of rubber. You're right about the beets though. That shizz is nasty.
    Aren't those the ingredients of meth?

    This made my day

    In terms of bread though does this include rye multi grain bread? That is one thing I am not willing to give up. EVER.

    OMG I laughed so hard.... my honey came out of his office to ask me what was going on.... so so so totally made my day....Thanks
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
  • I totally agree on all 5 foods between the sugar and carbs carbs carbs it all breaks down to sugar. OOOO and margarine is a synthetic food (fake). I did some research to see what margarine really was and I found some shocking info. I was created in the 70's to fatten turkeys b4 slaughter but...they were dropping dead from strokes b4 they even made it to the dinner table. some country use it to oil machinery and I also found it 1 component away from plastic. If you heat butter and margarine and then let it set out to cool the butter will go back to its soft creamy state but the margarine will no, it will stay runny and maybe will have a clump or two in it but will not go back to what it looked like before it was heated up like the butter. Flies will not eat it either but will eat butter. With strokes, plastic in the making and flies wont eat it...I decided I wont eat it either. So I stick to real butter and whole ingredient foods
  • cjbester
    cjbester Posts: 17 Member
    I don't drink wine or beer, but I am with you on the calorie count and water.
  • Per a forum I listened to and read some of there information, "Trim Down Club". They promote loosing(I say releasing) fat naturally and healthy. There were five areas touched on. 1. margarine - causes hormonal imbalance
    2. sugar (hidden) - muffins, gronola
    3.whole wheat bread - stores fat, its a comfort food
    4. pastas - turn into bad sugars
    5. oj / fruit juices (concentrated) - juices have more sugars than the fruit itself
    smoothie). they are better than just juices.

    Let me know your thought? Yes or No...
    Wed 08/08/12 02:42 PM
    I totally agree on all 5 foods between the sugar and carbs carbs carbs it all breaks down to sugar. OOOO and margarine is a synthetic food (fake). I did some research to see what margarine really was and I found some shocking info. I was created in the 70's to fatten turkeys b4 slaughter but...they were dropping dead from strokes b4 they even made it to the dinner table. some country use it to oil machinery and I also found it 1 component away from plastic. If you heat butter and margarine and then let it set out to cool the butter will go back to its soft creamy state but the margarine will no, it will stay runny and maybe will have a clump or two in it but will not go back to what it looked like before it was heated up like the butter. Flies will not eat it either but will eat butter. With strokes, plastic in the making and flies wont eat it...I decided I wont eat it either. So I stick to real butter and whole ingredient foods
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    I was created in the 70's to fatten turkeys b4 slaughter

    I was created in the 70s to fly planes and break hearts. We all have our calling.