Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Ravenclaw



  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I have a good feeling about our standing last week!!!!

    I love how organized our charts are- so easy to read, I love seeing how everyone is doing!!!!!!

  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    YAY House points! I'm doing really good with this weeks challenges too. I've been walking to my second job instead of driving and I live on fruits and veggies there just so yummy! So I've got 3 for the food and 3 for the exercise challenge already!

    GO RAVENCLAW!!!! Everyone did so well this week!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Oh, poo....I forgot all about house points. Would someone refresh my mind as to how we earn house points???

    The chart looks great...hope we do better against the other houses this week.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Oh, poo....I forgot all about house points. Would someone refresh my mind as to how we earn house points???

    The chart looks great...hope we do better against the other houses this week.

    You earn a house point for every weekly challenge you meet. Plus, I'm keeping track of everyone who posts here each day - you earn one point for each day you post. :happy:

    I'm not doing so good with the exercise challenge this week. I've had something to do after work every day that leaves me with no time to work out. :( But on the bright side, I AM getting in my 5 servings of fruits and veggies!

    Still no word from Hufflepuff this week - the suspense it killing me!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Woo hoo came second for the week, so proud of myself. :) So far I have 3 points, 1 for food and 2 for exercise. :D

    Also congrats to Ravenclaw, do we know which house won?

    I now have 4 points, 2 for food and 2 for exercise. :)
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    yay! I've always wanted to be a prefect! lol
    This week's challenges are pretty hard. Tryna get my veggies in!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    good morning all!!!
    I was able to work out this morning (thank you Ava for only waking up 2x last night) and I have to say it feels great. I mean it kills me when I'm doing it, but I feel like the rest of my day is just more . . . energized (of course that could be the fact that I slept for more than an hour at a time, but I'm going to say its the exercise!!)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, loving the challenges this week- been beefing up every meal with loads of veggies, something I always forget to do but they're so filling! Walked loads more as well, have been getting off the train/bus at an earlier stop to add on the extra 15 mins, so hopefully this week will be well better than last!
  • ashiesmash
    ashiesmash Posts: 32 Member
    Wooowee! I didn't realize how hard it was to get 5 servings in of fruits/veggies every day! Trying my hardest, though! Every other day I'm grabbing a fruit bowl from the breakfast-mobile that pulls up in front of work (instead of a Java Monster and a breakfast burrito that I used to get before this whole lifestyle change). Num num! Watermelon, cantaloupe, and strawberries are just the way to start the day :love:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    We finally have all the numbers in for week 4! Congratulations Ravenclaw!! We came in #1 - WOOHOOO!! :bigsmile:

    Ravenclaw: 0.701%
    Slytherin: 0.62%
    Hufflepuff: 0.561%
    Gryffindor: 0.29%

    Way to go everyone!!
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    We finally have all the numbers in for week 4! Congratulations Ravenclaw!! We came in #1 - WOOHOOO!! :bigsmile:

    Ravenclaw: 0.701%
    Slytherin: 0.62%
    Hufflepuff: 0.561%
    Gryffindor: 0.29%

    Way to go everyone!!

    Ravenclaws rock!!! congrats to all of us!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    haven't had much time to post this week. hope everyone is doing well and loving their fruits and veggies this week, i know i am. so far i have succeeded in meeting the 5 servings every day this week. i walk a lot at work and have pretty much just doing my normal.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    i've had fruits and veggies almost every day (idk if this counts.. i'm a vegetarian..) and i've walked 3 days this week so far.
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    We finally have all the numbers in for week 4! Congratulations Ravenclaw!! We came in #1 - WOOHOOO!! :bigsmile:

    Ravenclaw: 0.701%
    Slytherin: 0.62%
    Hufflepuff: 0.561%
    Gryffindor: 0.29%

    Way to go everyone!!

    Whoo hoo!!! YAY! Go us!

    I have a question about this weeks exercise challenge... I haven't been able to work out all week since I started my new nanny job. I'm now working two full time jobs and will be until they both get cut back to part time in July. So I haven't been exercising like I'm use too due to complete lack of time, however I have been getting in at least 15 minutes more of walking per day than I use too. So does that still count as meeting this weeks exercise challenge?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I have a question about this weeks exercise challenge... I haven't been able to work out all week since I started my new nanny job. I'm now working two full time jobs and will be until they both get cut back to part time in July. So I haven't been exercising like I'm use too due to complete lack of time, however I have been getting in at least 15 minutes more of walking per day than I use too. So does that still count as meeting this weeks exercise challenge?

    My understanding is that if it is over and above your "normal" cardio, then yes, it counts. Since you just started the nanny job, then it is a new activity level - so I say, go ahead and count it. :happy:
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    We finally have all the numbers in for week 4! Congratulations Ravenclaw!! We came in #1 - WOOHOOO!! :bigsmile:

    Ravenclaw: 0.701%
    Slytherin: 0.62%
    Hufflepuff: 0.561%
    Gryffindor: 0.29%

    Way to go everyone!!


    I'm eating a lot of veggies this week, so far I've done it every day!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Woo hoo came second for the week, so proud of myself. :) So far I have 3 points, 1 for food and 2 for exercise. :D

    Also congrats to Ravenclaw, do we know which house won?

    I now have 4 points, 2 for food and 2 for exercise. :)

    Now have 6 points, 3 for food, 3 for exercise and Well done Ravenclaw. :D
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    RAVENCLAW :drinker: I love you!!!!!!!!!

    On another note: I started 30 Day Shred this morning. So I am expecting some good numbers the next couple of weeks!!!!!!!!
    The fruit/veggie thing is killing me- I thought I got a lot in but when its down to numbers I am seriously lacking :blushing: Doing better though- these challenges sure do come in handy
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    Sorry guys this is looking like it's not going to be a good week for me. I normally see a change in the scale by Friday and I haven't. We will see come Sunday if it decides to move for me.