What made YOU decide it's time to change?



  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    RoyBeck wrote: »
    I'm from London too so I know what you mean!

    For me it was buying my 4th pair of trousers in about a year having outgrown the previous 3.

    I dropped 50lbs but am back up 30 after not logging for 18 months but back now.
    I noticed that the successful people log everyday and they have the highest streak on mfp. That's why I going to use mfp to the fullest. I know I will be successful if I do. Keep going you can do it.
  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    So many reasons...
    1. I have twin girls who turn 3 in December. I want to be happy to be in pictures with them
    2. I want my girls to see a strong and healthy mother as a role model, and not to hate their bodies like my mother does
    3. I have rampant diabetes in my family
    4. My Mom gave me some shorts she was getting rid of or bought from a Thrift shop - they were very tight, and I even wore a size larger than I normally wear (like a glove!)
    5. I take ages getting dressed because I hate how I look
    6. I have lots and lots of clothing that i cant wear because they are too small now
    7. I would like my husband to have a confident and sexy wife again (and it still is me!! hahaha)
    8. My husband has an autoimmune disease, and I need to be healthy incase I am suddenly the only one left to look after our girls
    9. I think we will be moving house in about 10 months and I need to be able to pack and lift as much as I used to!

    I'm sure I could go on, but that's plenty.
    Number 7 is me. I want to be a trophy wife. I want people to think she is with him for the money. lol lol (he don't have any). I know that is vain. That's the other side of being healthy. Number 2 is me too. My little girl will be 3 in october. I can't keep blaming the baby weight either.

  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    saraherren wrote: »
    1. The summer before my junior year of high school (July 2007), I was getting ready for a job interview for a gymnastics coach position, and my mom made a comment to me about what I was wearing and how they wouldn't hire me because it made me look big and that I didn't look like I had ever done any gymnastics (which I did for 8 years). I ended up getting hired.
    2. Between January 2012 all the way through 2013 (spring of my 3rd year of college into the fall of my 4th year), my mom always made comments about my weight and would buy me girdles or other clothes that some may wear to make them look skinnier. I was already struggling with major depression and had thoughts of suicide, and her doing all of that just added way more fuel to the fire.
    3. I had a breast reduction surgery in May 2012, and in January, my mom said that if I lost weight, I probably wouldn't have had to get the surgery.
    4. When I was 12, my dad told me that I needed to lose weight.
    5. I was tired of my mom making comments about my weight and buying me clothes that made me look smaller all throughout my college years and making me feel 100 times worse than I already felt (and still feel) about myself.
    What I notice about family that makes comments. You will never satisfy them. It's always something. If you lose the weight you are too skinny you look sick. If you get too fat now you are obese. I also notice family tend to exaggerate too. What I do when my mom says you are getting fat or fat. I exaggerate back and say I was trying to gain. I am glad you notice. I can't wait till these pants start to get tighter. When I do that they roll there eyes and don't say anything else. Stay on here and be around positive people so it can counteract that negative talk.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    2 events.
    • my wife said I was loathsome fat
    • ...and this picture somebody took and posted on FB.
  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    2 events.
    • my wife said I was loathsome fat
    • ...and this picture somebody took and posted on FB.
    I saw your picture on Quora.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    edited August 2015
    1) Couldn't walk up the next block, or even my stairs without breathing hard.
    2) Concentration was off.
    3) Stress management was poor.

    I'm down nearly 80lbs and coming up on my first "fitness birthday" on October 14th.

    1) I can RUN! (short distances, but yes!)
    2) Concentration is back!
    3) I'm in a high stress situation this month, and I'm making it!
    4) I feel like I've been given a NEW BODY! Sex is AMAZING!

    My 16 year old daughter says that I could write a book entitled, "My journey from fat a** to bad a** ". :) Love that kid!

  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    I saw your picture on Quora.
    Anyway, I recall just staring at this and wondering why the guy in the mirror looked different.

  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    I saw your picture on Quora.
    Anyway, I recall just staring at this and wondering why the guy in the mirror looked different.

    It was not shame. It was inspiring there too. I know you are proud of your hard work. It really helps people when you share your story. (I am not just saying that).

  • carlyp79
    carlyp79 Posts: 95 Member
    wonna13 wrote: »
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    So many reasons...
    1. I have twin girls who turn 3 in December. I want to be happy to be in pictures with them
    2. I want my girls to see a strong and healthy mother as a role model, and not to hate their bodies like my mother does
    3. I have rampant diabetes in my family
    4. My Mom gave me some shorts she was getting rid of or bought from a Thrift shop - they were very tight, and I even wore a size larger than I normally wear (like a glove!)
    5. I take ages getting dressed because I hate how I look
    6. I have lots and lots of clothing that i cant wear because they are too small now
    7. I would like my husband to have a confident and sexy wife again (and it still is me!! hahaha)
    8. My husband has an autoimmune disease, and I need to be healthy incase I am suddenly the only one left to look after our girls
    9. I think we will be moving house in about 10 months and I need to be able to pack and lift as much as I used to!

    I'm sure I could go on, but that's plenty.
    Number 7 is me. I want to be a trophy wife. I want people to think she is with him for the money. lol lol (he don't have any). I know that is vain. That's the other side of being healthy. Number 2 is me too. My little girl will be 3 in october. I can't keep blaming the baby weight either.

    Haha, trophy wife! I was thinking that when I get to my goal weight I should get a shirt that says 'trophy wife'.
    I could get it now but the irony would be monstrous... :-D
    I want to stop the cycle of yoyo diets and body hating in my family. My girls are so different, one is much heavier and broader (so muscly!) and the other is tall, bendy and wispy - I will destroy anybody that makes them feel awful about their bodies.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Do you remeber that, "Ice bucket challenge."? I posted a video of me doing it and thought, "OMG I look like THAT?!" and I knew I had to change.
  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    I was suffering badly with self esteem. I was sick of feeling and telling myself that I couldn't do it.
    I showed myself that I could do it and I'm continuing to prove myself wrong by every day.

  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    wonna13 wrote: »
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    So many reasons...
    1. I have twin girls who turn 3 in December. I want to be happy to be in pictures with them
    2. I want my girls to see a strong and healthy mother as a role model, and not to hate their bodies like my mother does
    3. I have rampant diabetes in my family
    4. My Mom gave me some shorts she was getting rid of or bought from a Thrift shop - they were very tight, and I even wore a size larger than I normally wear (like a glove!)
    5. I take ages getting dressed because I hate how I look
    6. I have lots and lots of clothing that i cant wear because they are too small now
    7. I would like my husband to have a confident and sexy wife again (and it still is me!! hahaha)
    8. My husband has an autoimmune disease, and I need to be healthy incase I am suddenly the only one left to look after our girls
    9. I think we will be moving house in about 10 months and I need to be able to pack and lift as much as I used to!

    I'm sure I could go on, but that's plenty.
    Number 7 is me. I want to be a trophy wife. I want people to think she is with him for the money. lol lol (he don't have any). I know that is vain. That's the other side of being healthy. Number 2 is me too. My little girl will be 3 in october. I can't keep blaming the baby weight either.

    Haha, trophy wife! I was thinking that when I get to my goal weight I should get a shirt that says 'trophy wife'.
    I could get it now but the irony would be monstrous... :-D
    I want to stop the cycle of yoyo diets and body hating in my family. My girls are so different, one is much heavier and broader (so muscly!) and the other is tall, bendy and wispy - I will destroy anybody that makes them feel awful about their bodies.
    Hay let's get a t-shirt that says that. That will something to look forward too. Great Idea.
  • megaiken92
    megaiken92 Posts: 42 Member
    edited August 2015
    I got engaged! While trying to lose weight to look "great in the dress" is nice (even though I already look wonderful in the dress I'm choosing~) what I'm really trying to do is get myself into shape for when I have kids. I've had back problems (severe sciatica and arthritis) since I was 19 and I know weight is a major factor, and also want to be a good role model for my future children. :)

    I've got a long ways to go but I'm going at a good pace. :)
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    wonna13 wrote: »
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    So many reasons...
    1. I have twin girls who turn 3 in December. I want to be happy to be in pictures with them
    2. I want my girls to see a strong and healthy mother as a role model, and not to hate their bodies like my mother does
    3. I have rampant diabetes in my family
    4. My Mom gave me some shorts she was getting rid of or bought from a Thrift shop - they were very tight, and I even wore a size larger than I normally wear (like a glove!)
    5. I take ages getting dressed because I hate how I look
    6. I have lots and lots of clothing that i cant wear because they are too small now
    7. I would like my husband to have a confident and sexy wife again (and it still is me!! hahaha)
    8. My husband has an autoimmune disease, and I need to be healthy incase I am suddenly the only one left to look after our girls
    9. I think we will be moving house in about 10 months and I need to be able to pack and lift as much as I used to!

    I'm sure I could go on, but that's plenty.
    Number 7 is me. I want to be a trophy wife. I want people to think she is with him for the money. lol lol (he don't have any). I know that is vain. That's the other side of being healthy. Number 2 is me too. My little girl will be 3 in october. I can't keep blaming the baby weight either.

    Haha, trophy wife! I was thinking that when I get to my goal weight I should get a shirt that says 'trophy wife'.
    I could get it now but the irony would be monstrous... :-D
    I want to stop the cycle of yoyo diets and body hating in my family. My girls are so different, one is much heavier and broader (so muscly!) and the other is tall, bendy and wispy - I will destroy anybody that makes them feel awful about their bodies.
    ^YES!!! My girls are the same, and I ONLY discuss health/fitness/healthy food choices NOT weight. I have lost a lot, but I want them to focus on being healthy, not a certain number on the scale!!!!
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I am ex-military (MOS 18E/31C), as a civilian I have run countless 5K and 10K's, half marathons and one full marathon. I just got happy, complacent, fat and lazy. I went to an amusement park a few months ago with my step daughter and couldn’t ride a roller coaster she wanted to go on because the harness wouldn't close. She had to ride it alone. I was embarrassed, and frankly felt like I let her down, although she would never say that. She is a sweet, beautiful 14 year old athlete, and I won't have her around for too much longer before college, so I decided then I needed to do something and started back on MFP.

    I decided I wanted to do something cool and exciting, for some bonding time with her, a mud race! It would be something fun and different that she and I would be able to do together and share. So I set a goal to drop 30+ lbs and be able to do a 5K in a respectable amount of time. The race is this Saturday, I can now do a 5K in under 38 mins and I'm 43 lbs down! I'm pretty excited about it and I think she is too!

    I hope this proves to be fun and something we both enjoy and maybe do future mud runs together. My wife is also dropping pounds and started doing the C25K, we will do her first 5K together this fall! Maybe the entire family will do a run together, that would be a blast!

    I still have a long way to go to get to my final goal, but I'm getting healthy again and having fun while doing it, and getting closer with my family instead of being further removed because I'm too fat to do anything. My doctor is pretty happy too. ;)
  • srzammit
    srzammit Posts: 8 Member
    Even me alot of the same reasons. Congrats on the weight loss :smile: You people are very inspiring.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    I used to be super fit when I was younger, but since graduating and getting a job, I had pretty much stopped looking after myself in every sense of the word. I took up running last year after running for the bus and realising I was ridiculously unfit, and made some great advances in my fitness but then I got injured and had to stop. Six months later, after being ill and injured more times than I could count and having been diagnosed with depression, I finally decided it was about time to take some control back.
  • alltheweigh170
    alltheweigh170 Posts: 287 Member
    Bakins929 wrote: »
    I am ex-military (MOS 18E/31C), as a civilian I have run countless 5K and 10K's, half marathons and one full marathon. I just got happy, complacent, fat and lazy. I went to an amusement park a few months ago with my step daughter and couldn’t ride a roller coaster she wanted to go on because the harness wouldn't close. She had to ride it alone. I was embarrassed, and frankly felt like I let her down, although she would never say that. She is a sweet, beautiful 14 year old athlete, and I won't have her around for too much longer before college, so I decided then I needed to do something and started back on MFP.

    I decided I wanted to do something cool and exciting, for some bonding time with her, a mud race! It would be something fun and different that she and I would be able to do together and share. So I set a goal to drop 30+ lbs and be able to do a 5K in a respectable amount of time. The race is this Saturday, I can now do a 5K in under 38 mins and I'm 43 lbs down! I'm pretty excited about it and I think she is too!

    I hope this proves to be fun and something we both enjoy and maybe do future mud runs together. My wife is also dropping pounds and started doing the C25K, we will do her first 5K together this fall! Maybe the entire family will do a run together, that would be a blast!

    I still have a long way to go to get to my final goal, but I'm getting healthy again and having fun while doing it, and getting closer with my family instead of being further removed because I'm too fat to do anything. My doctor is pretty happy too. ;)

    Wow, that is pure determination! Congrats on your success!
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Finally got so tired of trying to hide the muffin top. Lying about my weight at the DMV.
    Putting on tops and asking my husband if he could see back fat. Majority of the time the answer was, yes.
    I was not able to wear my wedding ring. I live in the desert and it is HOT in the summer, being overweight made that triple worse. Could not sleep on my right side, my hip would hurt so bad it would wake me up. I was living to eat/cook/entertain. Not eating to live. Had no clue what a correct portion size was until MFP. What a wake up call !
    I have lost 47 lbs. Now at age 56 weigh what I did in my mid 30's.
    Muffin top, back fat, hip pain. Gone.
    Wedding ring fits easily. Watch flips around my wrist. People that have not seen me in awhile barely know it's me and sometimes not at all. Also changed my hairstyle during the weight loss process.
    Bottom line. Self esteem, confidence has returned. And will never look back to my old ways of eating. 6 months maintaining now. ;)
  • jstyles49
    jstyles49 Posts: 21 Member
    I broke my ankle and was bedridden and when i went back to work my *kitten* didnt fit and my belts were uncomfortable. Also, i figured it was cheaper to lose weight than buy a whole be wardrobe. Im down 19.7 pounds in about six weeks so far
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