No Alcohol August



  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Day 15 for me and no cravings :) I can't believe this is going so well. For the past 30 years I've shared a bottle or 2 of wine a night with my hubby only stopping for a couple days and 2 years ago I stopped for 21 and immediately started up again. I have to come to the conclusion that I may just have to learn to enjoy life without alcohol. Well, if the past 2 weeks are any indication of what life is like without, it's not too bad.
  • juliedee20
    juliedee20 Posts: 45 Member
    edited August 2015
    I wish this site was more like Facebook where I could "like" posts so you all know I've read yours! I love reading everyone's posts, they are so supportive and motivating and makes this journey not seem so lonely. :)

    @tmbg1: Sometimes it takes a bad night to remind us why we're trying to dry out in the first place. It's a fresh new conviction to succeed. You can do it!
    @MyWhole30Journey: Wow, 15 days! Good for you! I'm wondering, too, if I will be able to moderate in the future or have to do without entirely. One step at a time. We have the wheel.

    Going on Day 8 for me. I almost caved last night when my ex-husband called crying on the phone. I just wanted to disappear into a bottle and make the pain go away. But knowing I'd be revisiting the pain twofold the next morning kept me from making that bad decision. Clearheaded and well rested this morning! It'll be nice to go to church this morning without a hangover and the shame I always felt about that. Every day is a victory! We can do this!
  • meeganbrett
    meeganbrett Posts: 26 Member
    Caved here too. Not much, but some last night. Sport guys!! Back at it today
  • meeganbrett
    meeganbrett Posts: 26 Member
    Meant sorry
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Back at it.. Dropped my baby off to college and didn't hit the hotel bar.. Just went for a swim and to bed!!
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    @juliedee20: Good for you! That must have been quite a stressful time but you handled it like a trooper! I have to say, I'm so proud of you. Rewarded with a good nights sleep and a peaceful morning. Hope this day went well for you.
    @tmbg1: The good-bye is only temporary. Our babies never really grow up and leave us. I know that because my 2 babies are 27 and 30 yrs old and are always here to show me love and support.
    @meeganbrett: You needn't ever be sorry to us, we are no better, it's one day at a time and if we slip, just stand up, brush yourself off and keep going. I have confidence in you girl, you CAN do this.
    @Somebody_Loved: haven't seen you in a couple days. Hope all is going well :)
    Today is Day 16 for me, still going strong. I can do this. This is NOT to hard, as I once read, fighting cancer is hard, delivering a baby is hard. . .THIS is NOT hard!
  • ThysbeEverbloom
    ThysbeEverbloom Posts: 14 Member
    day 8 here - was out on sat with my bf and managed to stay dry - wasnt even that hard - amazing feeling

    great so many are still on track - whether morderation or staying totally dry
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Hi everyone, things are going well over here. I managed to stay dry on Friday but had 3 beers throughout the day on Saturday (I was at a music festival) and then had two beers last night. I was happy that I was able to keep the drinking to a minimum both days, although, I definitely didn't need the added calories.

    Going forward I'm going to let myself drink when I actually want a drink, and really work on not drinking just because (just because it's Friday, just because my friends are, etc.) Worked this weekend and I was able to moderate well. If I can stay around 5 drinks or less per week, I'd be happy with that - that's a HUGE improvement from where I was 2 months ago.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • Sharla_Jo
    Sharla_Jo Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2015
    Is it OK if I join this party a bit late? I've just been diagnosed with a heart condition at age 38 and it's come as a bit of a shock as I'm normally reasonably fit and healthy (I've run 8 marathons since last October!) although I am always just a bit too heavy (my BMI is currently 28). I've used MFP before and lost weight while I was training, but I always 'waste' calories on alcohol, and then after a few drinks I binge eat. I've now found out that drinking alcohol and carrying my excess weight (30 lbs) are both likely to make my heart condition get worse more quickly. You'd think this would be motivation enough for me to cut down - on both calories and alcohol - but I'm finding it a real struggle. And 10 lbs of that excess 30 lbs have gone on in the few weeks since I was diagnosed as I was confined to the sofa, and did nothing but eat and drink wine! I think step 1 - getting back on MFP - is under control. Now time to move onto step 2 - lose the booze! All help much appreciated.
  • Sharla_Jo
    Sharla_Jo Posts: 2 Member
    PS Well done to you dry August people for smashing the halfway point!
  • juliedee20
    juliedee20 Posts: 45 Member
    Day 9 and so far so good!
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    JacqRobs wrote: »
    Is it OK if I join this party a bit late? I've just been diagnosed with a heart condition at age 38 and it's come as a bit of a shock as I'm normally reasonably fit and healthy (I've run 8 marathons since last October!) although I am always just a bit too heavy (my BMI is currently 28). I've used MFP before and lost weight while I was training, but I always 'waste' calories on alcohol, and then after a few drinks I binge eat. I've now found out that drinking alcohol and carrying my excess weight (30 lbs) are both likely to make my heart condition get worse more quickly. You'd think this would be motivation enough for me to cut down - on both calories and alcohol - but I'm finding it a real struggle. And 10 lbs of that excess 30 lbs have gone on in the few weeks since I was diagnosed as I was confined to the sofa, and did nothing but eat and drink wine! I think step 1 - getting back on MFP - is under control. Now time to move onto step 2 - lose the booze! All help much appreciated.

    Wow! Sorry to hear that. Discoveries like that do always come as a shock. We have a tendency to think that nothing bad will ever happen to us. Well we're wrong, "time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all". You do need to take some action NOW, while you can. Stopping alcohol is a big step. You're right, eating and drinking go hand and hand. Good luck to you on your endeavor. Please continue to log in with your progress :)
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,343 Member
    After my little slip on the 14th, it's been all good....hoping to keep it up and continue into September.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Day 18 and not a speck of alcohol this month. I'm past the craving stage. Even old habits like have to have it while watching a movie are gone. Last night I hosted a dinner party with 8 guests and was not the least bit tempted. In fact, if I may pat myself on the back, I wasn't tempted for dessert either. Had a nice cup of black coffee (have adopted a liking for it recently) and enjoyed sitting back and watching others indulge.
    Keep up the good work MFP's :)
  • SandiRemedios
    SandiRemedios Posts: 31 Member
    Still AF. You are all so inspirational. Somedays I can't find this thread.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,343 Member
    @SandiRemedios - I bookmarked the thread. It is a star at the top right. I made it through another evening with no wine! I am so glad to be AF this month. I feel so much better in the mornings. For the long term, I am hoping that I can practice moderation, but for now, that is just not going to work so I am staying dry. Keep it up everyone - we can do it!!
  • juliedee20
    juliedee20 Posts: 45 Member
    Day 11 and still wine free! Passed my "wine night" again with nothing to drink. Hung out with my next door neighbor a bit, my "drinking buddy," and neither of us had a drop! Just sat on his back patio and looked at the stars and talked. It was nice to wake up this morning and actually remember our conversations.

    We are halfway through the week! Thanks to all who keep posting whether they be successes, challenges, or the occasional slip-up. It really keeps me motivated and inspired and feeling "normal."
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Day 19 and still dry. Funny, Tuesday's are generally hectic for me, my hubby and I have a late night class and generally pick up a bottle of wine or 2 on the way home, we then sit and drink and talk about the class until the wine is gone. I had a strong urge last night but I kept thinking, I've log on here for 18 days and said "still alcohol free", what would I say tomorrow? I knew it was my choice, heck, I knew I could even lie about it but I didn't give in. I joined the challenge, made a commitment and I'm sticking to it. Woke up this morning feeling great and looking forward to another dry day :)
  • jesha00
    jesha00 Posts: 29 Member
    I've been coming here often, reading your posts. They are inspiring :)
    Are you planning on doing a No Alcohol September? I would love to join!
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Congrats, everyone, for doing so well!

    I went to happy our last night and felt I did a pretty good job moderating (3 glasses of wine over 3 hours.) I woke up this morning, though, tired from not sleeping well and feeling pretty down. I didn't feel hung over - no headache or anything, but the emotional stuff is awful.

    I am a little disheartened today to realize that I still get the depressed feeling even after a night of light drinking. I'm sure it'll take some time to find my "sweet spot" in terms of how much I can drink and wake up the next day feeling fine. As of now it's looking like 1-2 drinks.