what are your june goals? :)



  • mvln
    mvln Posts: 96 Member
    My June 2011 goals are:

    1) Burn at least 16,000 calories through cardio and weight lifting
    2) Have a max of 1 glass of wine per week
    3) Have an average fasting blood sugar of 95 or less
    4) No fast-food
    5) No processed carb and sugar after lunch (except when I burn at least 1,000 calories during the day)
    6) Minimize sodium intake
    7) Drink 120oz of water a day

    Last month, I was able to:
    1) Burn a total of 15,000 calories through cardio and weight lifting
    2) Break my addiction to diet coke (yay! I was a coke addict almost all my life.)
    3) Bring down my average fasting blood sugar to 100
  • This Month is sooooo important to me! Lot's of things have changed in my life, I am still trying to get use to it...

    1. Lose 6lbs.

    2. Workout 5 days a week minimum!

    3. Cut down on sugar as much as possible.

    4. Eat a -lot more fruits and veggies.

    5. Always stay within my calorie range.

    6. NEVER binge.

    6. Enjoy being active and healthy and making this my lifestyle forever.

    7. Enjoy summer time, even though I am not at my goal weight.

    8. never skip a workout.

    9. Focus on school without forgetting about my diet!

    10. Staying strong, focused, and motivated for the whole month!

    Let's do this!
  • coultesr
    coultesr Posts: 51 Member
    My June Goals-

    1) Continue to complete Rushfit (finish July 9th)
    2) Run my 2nd 5k on June 26 in under 35 mins
    3) Get to 150 by the end of the month

    I am off for the summer on June 10th... I guess I hope to stay organized and consistant, even though I am not working
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    Ok mine are going 2 be NO SUGAR!!!!!! Hope i can last this month!!!!
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    1. Reach 180lbs so my driver's license quits calling me a liar (11 to go...I CAN DO THIS!!)
    2. Finish building my garden wall. Cement blocks I busted up from an old garage slab last fall. It's the gardeners weight lifting lol
    3. Be able to fall asleep before 1am. Recently single for the first time in almost 7 years and having a hard time falling asleep. Working harder=better sleep? Maybe
    4. Be able to jog the neighborhood loop without feeling like I'm going to die. 1.1 miles from my front door, around the bend, and back. Maybe running it will be next month.
    5. Stay under my calorie goals. I'm not going to say every day- this weekend is already shot to hell (BF'S BACHELORETTE PARTY WEEKEND! WHOOP!). But every day after this weekend :) I've been doing pretty darn good the last couple weeks, I'm not going to feel guilty about blowing off two days. Ok maybe a little, but I'm doing it anyway.

    That's all I got for now. Good luck with your goals everyone!!!
  • cdoane
    cdoane Posts: 11 Member
    Well, May was a bad month for me, got a little off track so my biggest goal in June is to get back on track and do the following:

    1. Loose at least 10 more pounds
    2. Log into MFP every day and tracky everything, even when i have bad days
    3. Do the Zuma class once a week at my gym!
    4. Excersise at least 5 times a week (either gym, Zumba, or walking/bicyling outside on the weekends)

    Good luck everyone on your goals!
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I need to constantly set new "start dates” for myself to keep motivated since I always do so well when I first start my new goal and then after a month or so it starts to fade. So here we go for the month of June.

    1. No fast food
    2. No soda
    3. Work out 6 days a week (walking the dog only counts if it’s over 30 minutes.)
    4. Track everything I eat (No slacking on weekends!)
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    1) Run 100 miles
    2) Drink at least 10 cups of water everyday
    3) Drop my body fat 1%
    4) Lose 4-6 pounds
    5) A cheat meal a week-NO MORE weekends off!
  • mandie26
    mandie26 Posts: 59
    My goals for June are:

    -Workout at the gym 4-5 days/week. The gym has really been working for me, (and it's air conditioned and awesome!)...so I'm going to stick with it!

    -I currently weigh 208lbs, and I'd like to get as close to 199lbs on the scale as possible. I really, really want to see a "1" in front of my weight by the end of the month. That means a steady loss of just over 2lbs a week all month...so consistency is key, if I even want to get close to 199.

    -Start properly strength training. I really haven't done any of it in my weightloss journey thusfar ,and I know how important it is. So, I'd like to swallow my fear and join the bulky men in the circuit training and weight lifting room at my gym. I can do it!

    -Track my calories everyday. Every single day. If i want to succeed, I have to be committed.

    Pretty straightforward goals: Workout alot, eat extremely well and kick *kitten* this month!
  • brosehemian
    brosehemian Posts: 34 Member
    ULTIMATE JUNE GOAL: break into the 150s!!!

    i'll do this by going to the gym four days a week. walk the trail by my house once a week. and go to a yoga class once a week.
    and of course, keep eating healthy.

    while im all for setting new goals, it also helps me when i look back on the old goals i have and see whether or not i met them. this month, i was proud because i seemed to break the cheating cycle. i haven't done anything that i would call 'cheating' in two weeks. there have been some high calorie meals, but i've stayed under my calorie goal very consistently. gooooo me!
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    My goals are always changing but top four are:

    1) Actually start doing yoga (I have been interested in it forever but am intimidated by the poses)
    2) Register for kickboxing and learn to defend myself as a bonus
    3) Eat as much whole unprocessed foods as I can, although fast foods TASTE soooooo good..(lol)
    4) Finish the C25K and register and finish a 5K race

    This will be a ever changing list I am sure...

  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    I actually posted my June goals in my blog the other day. Here they are....

    Exercise for 1800 Minutes (average of 1 hour per day)
    Finish Month 1 of Insanity and Recovery Week
    Ride My Bike 30 Miles

    Bring my Lunch 3 out of 5 days per week
    Eat at Home at least 5 nights per week

    I think my list is very doable. I am a little behind on the 1 hour per day of exercise because I fell ill today. I will definitely make it up though!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Finally get to ONEderland, only 12 more pounds! and Exercise 5-6 times a week
  • ldaleman
    ldaleman Posts: 1
    I have two kids under 3 and my goal is to actually fit in some exercise and me time in June. I am going to try to be more responsible with what I eat though. I am 142 lbs (ugh) and only 5 "3, so I really want to buckle down. I feel as if I am looking at a stranger in the mirror. So basically my June goal is to stick to healthy eating and go on some sunny walks with the kids. Your goals sound great. I have been to Seatle before, great chowder!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I made a list of goals up near the end of May,and an updated one today.


  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I want to reach and blow right past the 100 pounds lost mark. Maybe hit 110 lost, so 22 pounds lost for the month... kinda steep tho.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Get into the 150s
  • Kirstyvox
    Kirstyvox Posts: 13 Member
    - Lose another 5lbs, or maybe even more!
    - Start the 30 day shred.
    - Do some more strength training.
    - Step on the scale to see it say 140lbs or less.

  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    yep my June goals am putting it out there!!!

    Is to loose 14 pounds by my birthday July 3rd by making sure I do the following:

    1) stick within my alloted 1200 calories
    2)workout for at least 90minites 5 days a week
    3)Run for 3 mornings a week for 1hr
    4)Cook my own meals no fast food,or junk snacks
    5)Make it a habit to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    6)Stay motivated by surrounding myself with positive people

    Need some more friends am fairly new to this site. PLEASE ADD ME SO I CAN FOLLOW STEP 6 lets win this battle together!!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I want to lose 10lbs this June. That's 2 weeks of 3lbs and 2 weeks of 2lbs, which I should just about be able to do. Going to go out for a lovely walk in a minute just to kick start the loss, think I should have had an okay week this week, but not sure whether it will be a 3lb week or not. I'll have to wait and see :).
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