I Need To Reduce Carbs........



  • mapexdrummer69

    So eating large amounts of refined and processed foods is a good thing? Loading up on refined and processed carbs is beneficial??

    I don't eat refined sugar...and I don't eat white bread either. Right now, I don't eat bread at all.

    Honestly though the thing that gets me is the insulting way you implied we're all idiots by calling things that a LOT of people have learned to be effective...nonsense.

    I in no way stated that eating refined and processed foods was a "good" thing. They tend to be less dense in micronutrients which are important for bodily functions. However, they don't play a role in weight loss.

    Let me be very specific since my post appears to be fairly generalized.

    Nonsense= Reducing any one MACROnutrient, such as CHO (in any form, sugar, bread, pasta, etc.), and attributing it to WEIGHT loss. A caloric deficit is what determines WEIGHT LOSS.

    If the OP's physician prescribed a low carb diet in treatment of a metabolic disorder, that is a different story. I highly doubt that the majority of the posters on this thread are insulin resistant, however.
  • pbota
    pbota Posts: 1
    Yes, our culture consumes far too many carbs and I have to diligently limit the intake of staple items like semolina pasta, white rice, bread and mashed potatoes. I literally measure my portions of these item and keep my serving to 1/4 cup. Extra red pasta sauces or soy sauce for rice keep the calories in check. I also substitute whole grain or double fiber versions of pasta, bread and rice. Even with the substitutions, keep the quantities in check Potatoes are a little more difficult, I just have to strictly limit them and avoid adding butter and regular sour cream. You can also substitute cauliflower when making mashed potatoes. These are yummy when seasoned well.

    I recently found these products <http://www.miraclenoodle.com/>. While I haven't tried them yet, the info looks promising.

    Best wishes on your quest.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    Our bodies use sugar from pasta, white bread, candy, and crap to help store fat. If you fuel your body with more protein and healthy fat then your body will not store fat. It will use protein and fat as fuel. Also, cutting back on simple sugars help to kill cravings for more sugar. Nope, not diabetic. I just have researched how my body works. At 64 pounds lost I think I've figured it out.
  • mandylowry
    A few things to try would be reduced carb foods....Instead of a regular potato (60 net carbs) try sweet potatos (22 net carbs). Instead of the bleached white pasta, try Dreamfields brand pasta, with a net of 36 carbs but only 5g of carbs being 'digestable'. It's also good to know the types of carbs (info below). You can also substitute white bread with a whole grain bread or try the "Nature's Own" brand of 'sandwich rounds' they are 15 net carbs. Also instead of eating a packaged breakfast like pop-tarts or cereal, try a serving of oatmeal. You can buy the huge tub of rolled oats for cheap and they only take about 3-5 minutes to cook in the microwave, then you can add a bit of Splenda (instead of sugar to reduce carbs and calories) and a bit of cinnamon. And if you must have a sweet...instead of reaching for that candy bar, look for "Carb Smart" brand fudge bars or just have some fruit which has natural carbs and sugars!
    It is also good to know the types of carbs and how to calculate them. Also here is a helpful link to carbs: http://www.ehow.com/list_6718833_3-types-carbohydrates_.html
    Try to track your carbs for about a week and see what you come up with. I generally stay between 50 -130 net carbs.
    You can do it! Don't try, just do!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    So eating large amounts of refined and processed foods is a good thing? Loading up on refined and processed carbs is beneficial??

    I don't eat refined sugar...and I don't eat white bread either. Right now, I don't eat bread at all.

    Honestly though the thing that gets me is the insulting way you implied we're all idiots by calling things that a LOT of people have learned to be effective...nonsense.

    I in no way stated that eating refined and processed foods was a "good" thing. They tend to be less dense in micronutrients which are important for bodily functions. However, they don't play a role in weight loss.

    Let me be very specific since my post appears to be fairly generalized.

    Nonsense= Reducing any one MACROnutrient, such as CHO (in any form, sugar, bread, pasta, etc.), and attributing it to WEIGHT loss. A caloric deficit is what determines WEIGHT LOSS.

    Limiting or eliminating "white carbs" does not equal eliminating a macronutrient...point is the thread is advocating healthier foods as options to replace those.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    you need to find LowCarbAmanda she is in my friend list and she is awesome with the advice and the websites.

    Pasta an potatoes unfortunately have to go even if it is whole wheat pasta it is still the same # of carbs and one serving of pasta is within limits but no one ever eats 1 serving of pasta restaurants alone serve you about 6 servings.

    Go with South beach or atkins for general ideas but find Amanda she is the low carb queen in my book!
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Must preface: I am not an expert.

    You’ve got simple and complex carbs and you really just want to reduce the simple carbs. Some people find it easier to first start by replacing the simple cabs with complex ones instead of just carb cutting. So brown rice instead of white rice. Whole wheat pasta/bread instead of white. That sort of stuff. Though I can taste the difference with whole wheat bread, when it comes to pasta, by the time you add the sauce it taste the same to me. It maybe something your family would be willing to try…then everyone is healthier!

    So meals; instead of a side of rice I do half the rice I normally have plus some asparagus or some sort of veggies. Other times, since I like white rice, I will buy both white and brown and mix them together in my container. So when I make rice I am having a little bit of both. When I go out for sushi I try to have more sashimi instead of the rolls. I look silly but my friend does this and I do it occasionally, but I have my sandwich with only half the bread (yup, eating a burger with a knife and fork, lol). Try sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. You can roast them up or bake them too and they are much healthier. I have had cucumbers and squash cut up and sautéed and it is a little heavier so I don’t miss my rice as much. Did I mention I LOVE rice? It is tough to make the changes, but since your ultimately goal is to make this life long, take your time and do what you know you can sustain. The change will happen, for some faster than others.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Look at my diary...I'm averaging 1800+ calories a day, and keeping my carbs under 100 pretty easily (I shoot for 50g/day). Yesterday was a freak day...I had to eat over 2000cal, lol. That's DIFFICULT while trying to keep the carbs low =p.

    Anyhow...I eat a lot of the same things for now to keep my carbs around 50g...but if your carb restriction allows you to sit around 100g to 150g....the sky is the limit. I could eat just about anything I want within reason and stay under 150g of carbs.


    but don't you think your fat and protein are way over.

    The fats in nuts are mostly mono or poly which are actually good for you. If you took those out, it would be way under.
  • kissandxmakeup
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    White bread is made using wheat at its least nutritional state (removing the bran and germ). Then they spray nutrition back into it with manmade chemicals. Afterwards, it's bleached using chemicals that are/can be used as pesticides. It has nothing to do with diabetes. I think it's more to do with feeling GOOD after you eat GOOD food...and maybe even a little bit to do with the age old adage "you are what you eat".
  • mapexdrummer69
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    Our bodies use sugar from pasta, white bread, candy, and crap to help store fat. If you fuel your body with more protein and healthy fat then your body will not store fat. It will use protein and fat as fuel. Also, cutting back on simple sugars help to kill cravings for more sugar. Nope, not diabetic. I just have researched how my body works. At 64 pounds lost I think I've figured it out.

    Fat storage happens in the context of a CALORIE surplus, not a CHO surplus. In an isocaloric diet, the body will use mostly glucose, the stored form of sugar, for energy. At 64 pounds lost you have discovered that a caloric deficit renders weight loss.

    I apologize, but misinformation attributing weight loss to CHO restriction run rampant. If you LIKE and PREFER to reduce sugars, go for it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    Our bodies use sugar from pasta, white bread, candy, and crap to help store fat. If you fuel your body with more protein and healthy fat then your body will not store fat. It will use protein and fat as fuel. Also, cutting back on simple sugars help to kill cravings for more sugar. Nope, not diabetic. I just have researched how my body works. At 64 pounds lost I think I've figured it out.

    You go! I think the child just finished a nutrition class. All thems big words.
  • mapexdrummer69

    Our bodies use sugar from pasta, white bread, candy, and crap to help store fat. If you fuel your body with more protein and healthy fat then your body will not store fat. It will use protein and fat as fuel. Also, cutting back on simple sugars help to kill cravings for more sugar. Nope, not diabetic. I just have researched how my body works. At 64 pounds lost I think I've figured it out.

    You go!


    And congrats on the weight loss.

    I apologize for big words...

    Simply put:

    Taking away carbs does not lead to increased long term weight loss.

    A calorie deficit alone, meaning eating less calories than you burn, can be attributed to long term weight loss.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    honestly people chill out with the fighting over carbs vs no carbs.

    Smart healthy choices, whole foods, less processed junk and yes I do have to say if she is anything like me and Insulin Resistant eating carbs like breads and pastas and cakes got me this way and I struggle to get the last 30 off.

    I have to reduce carbs as I have charted my blood test results for over 2 years with better and better results

    When I was 237 i was on metformin 500 mg 3 times a day and had cholesterol issues and blood sugar issues and was polycystic and could not stay pregnant to save my life.

    Now 180 and off meds, all my # are better and I have 3 healthy kids with no fertility help from specialists. To top it all Off I just saved $300 by getting a better life insurance quote because I am healthier than I have ever been.

    In a person like me, carbs=problems with a hell of a lot more than just weight.

    What could it hurt if she tried it low carb for a month?
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    May I ask why there is all this "NO SUGAR" and "NO WHITE BREAD/PASTA".

    That is just nonsense. Are you all diabetic?

    Our bodies use sugar from pasta, white bread, candy, and crap to help store fat. If you fuel your body with more protein and healthy fat then your body will not store fat. It will use protein and fat as fuel. Also, cutting back on simple sugars help to kill cravings for more sugar. Nope, not diabetic. I just have researched how my body works. At 64 pounds lost I think I've figured it out.

    Fat storage happens in the context of a CALORIE surplus, not a CHO surplus. In an isocaloric diet, the body will use mostly glucose, the stored form of sugar, for energy. At 64 pounds lost you have discovered that a caloric deficit renders weight loss.

    I apologize, but misinformation attributing weight loss to CHO restriction run rampant. If you LIKE and PREFER to reduce sugars, go for it.

    Carbs drive insulin and insulin drives fat storage. High insulin levels make the body want to store fat, not burn it. I would love to give more detail but it will get pretty scientific and scientific usually means lots and lots of typing that no one wants to read.

    I think everyone needs to read Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Even if you don't believe him they are still good books that will open your mind up a bit and make you think about what we have been told by the government (and all the companies they are "in cahoots" with. Sorry, I'm not great with words) for the last 30-50 years.
  • mapexdrummer69

    Carbs drive insulin and insulin drives fat storage. High insulin levels make the body want to store fat, not burn it. I would love to give more detail but it will get pretty scientific and scientific usually means lots and lots of typing that no one wants to read.

    I think everyone needs to read Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Even if you don't believe him they are still good books that will open your mind up a bit and make you think about what we have been told by the government (and all the companies they are "in cahoots" with. Sorry, I'm not great with words) for the last 30-50 years.

    Your body in in a constant swing of storing and oxidizing nutrients. Hormonal fluctuations, such as insulin, glucagon, and IGF-1, play VERY LITTLE role in overall weight loss. At the end of the day, if you have used more energy than you have stored, you will lose weight.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Although this doesn't exactly answer your question, I substitute pasta with spaghetti squash and potatoes with butternut squash. I am a diabetic and these two substitutions cause a much lower impact on my glucose levels. I still eat a lot of carbs (I couldn't diet without them, carbs cause satiety), but I do try to substitute out somethings.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I think there are few things besides carbs that you should change when it comes to meal choices. When picking breads, look for whole grain not necessarily whole wheat, but whole grain. They are far better than white breads which raise your blood sugar level faster than whole grains. Also, switch up a potato or pasta with brown rice or quinoa. You could also buy whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta.

    You should also up your intake of fruits and veggies, especially the veggies. I didn't see any veggies in your diary. When it comes to fruits, try not to eat too many high sugar fruits like bananas. Also, if you do incorporate more veggies, try not to add a lot of starch veggies like corn or peas. They all have high carb and calorie counts. You should try making sauce from scratch instead of canned sauce. There are more nutrients and less sugars in it.

    Finally, try to avoid processed foods due to the sodium content. Ramen noodles can go through the roof with sodium. If you eat more natural foods and less processed foods, you will lose some water that you might be retaining, plus you will feel full longer.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Maybe I can shed some light as to why that was said as it relates to weight loss. Simple carbs such as sugars and white breads are ingested much faster to the bloodstream. The spike in sugar followed by the inevitable drop (as the pancreas produces excess insulin to reduce the sugar from the bloodstream) causes the body to feel like it needs additional energy and so the “sugar high” cycle begins. The pancreas has to elevate its production of insulin while reducing its supply of glucagon, which is basically locking-in excess body fat. Therefore, too much simple sugar intake dramatically hinders the process of reducing stored body fat. In layman’s terms, it defeats the efforts of someone trying to lose weight. In addition, people are often left feeling hungry much sooner after eating simple carbs as they pass through the body faster and therefore increase calorie intake. And, as you said, a calorie deficit is what leads to weight loss. So we have a set of foods that makes you eat more and stores your body fat. To many, that is a significant enough correlation to imply causation and so many people avoid those foods.

    If you are someone with a little more complex understanding, it may not be necessary. Or, if you have already developed a rigid workout routine the consequence may not be as dire. But for those just starting out on an overwhelming journey or to the average person that may not care to know all the details it is a simple, easy and often successful rule to follow.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    watch the documentary Fat Head it has some really great information on what carbs do to people's bodies that like me don't process food like everyone else is supposed to process food.

    Man the people who can have pasta are lucky *kitten*. My fertility specialist told me when I was much heavier....pick one meal and that it the one and only time I can have the bagel or the pasta or the bread and everything else is other stuff.

    For me is was a matter of priorities...what did I want more, chips or a baby, bagel or a baby, pasta or a baby. Then everytime I exercised it was my mantra I replayed over and over in my head until I was able to conceive.

    Plus here's another bit of proof for me any way...when I was in college I spent 10 days on a Wisconsin Dairy farm with my boy friend and all we did was eat meat and lots of it and I came back from that january vacation slimmer then when I left home.

    Leave it to me to go to Wisconsin in January, but it was what started me thinking that there has to be something to this for people who have issues processing certain foods.

    Would you tell someone with celiac disease to just buck up and eat the damn oatmeal in moderation too?
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    Carbs drive insulin and insulin drives fat storage. High insulin levels make the body want to store fat, not burn it. I would love to give more detail but it will get pretty scientific and scientific usually means lots and lots of typing that no one wants to read.

    I think everyone needs to read Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. Even if you don't believe him they are still good books that will open your mind up a bit and make you think about what we have been told by the government (and all the companies they are "in cahoots" with. Sorry, I'm not great with words) for the last 30-50 years.

    Your body in in a constant swing of storing and oxidizing nutrients. Hormonal fluctuations, such as insulin, glucagon, and IGF-1, play VERY LITTLE role in overall weight loss. At the end of the day, if you have used more energy than you have stored, you will lose weight.

    What's the reality of eating a diet very high in starch and feeling fully satiated at the end of the day whilst maintaining a caloric deficit?

    Not much of a reality. So the OP asking for suggstions on how to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates and replace with quality complex carbohydrates, fats, and proteins does a little more than satisfy a caloric requirement for the day - it's making a food choice that will lead to satiety, reduce cravings, and assist with weight loss efforts.

    (I mean, unless with your willpower you can consume Twinkies all day within your caloric budget and lose weight, then...good for you? I guess?)