Dating after weight loss

After losing weight, don't you feel mad @ the sex you're attracted to that used to ignore your existence and down right treat you like crud just because of how you looked now suddently showering you with attention because you're not fat anymore?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Eventually, you will get over being mad and focus on being joyful and having fun.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    Now that you have you lost weight are you out there showering overweight and obese men/women with attention? Somehow I'm guessing not lol...
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    No, I don't. I suggest not wasting your energy.
  • YummyMummyXox
    YummyMummyXox Posts: 17 Member
    I get you. I was picked on in high school for being chubby. Then when I dropped 6 stone at 20yr old all of a sudden one of said guys wanted to add me on Facebook and ask me out. I was like is this dude for real? What an arsehole lol
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    In all honesty, I thought I was going to be battling the same thing. Guys giving me attention that when I was fatter wouldn't have known I existed. I've been really surprised.

    After loosing about 103 lbs (about 60ish with MFP); I have managed to somehow still be invisible to the opposite sex. :/ Not what I wanted.
  • barbsus1991
    barbsus1991 Posts: 46 Member
    I've barely lost weight yet but people are treating me differently. I don't really think it's what you weight but how you come across to other people. When I fall off plan I'm unhappy and that's not attractive, but when I'm in control I feel good about myself regardless of the weight and that must show as guys and people in general are a lot nicer to me.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I did at first.

    Then I realised the only person I was really hurting was myself and I let it go.

    Let it go.

    I am one with the wind and sky...
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    flrancho wrote: »
    In all honesty, I thought I was going to be battling the same thing. Guys giving me attention that when I was fatter wouldn't have known I existed. I've been really surprised.

    After loosing about 103 lbs (about 60ish with MFP); I have managed to somehow still be invisible to the opposite sex. :/ Not what I wanted.

    As Barbsus1991 mentioned, it's more about how you come across than anything else. Sure people will often treat others differently because of weight, but most of the time that's not the only reason. Guys will approach girls who seem "approachable". My mother always says a single girl who doesn't want to remain so should always have a smile on her face (she's from a different generation, but it works!)
    Some guys are so used to getting snubbed by girls that they will often avoid talking to you if you don't seem friendly.

  • FrenchCanuck
    FrenchCanuck Posts: 60 Member
    I know guys are superficial and mostly driven to pick a girl on looks. Even fat guys don't look at me because I'm overweight - talk about double standards!

    Why do I know that he likes a skinny chick better than a fat one and not because I'm not smiling or something? Well, I often got pushed off aside because a skinny chick walked by, even if she's cold as ice and rude as hell to him; she talks, he follows. Those guys did not behave the same with me as with her, even though we are both confident, smiling, beautiful ladies. You can see it in his eyes and body language.

    All men disrespect overweight ladies and give more attention and respect to skinny chicks, and it's not because skinny chicks smile more.

    The few exceptions are men who were raised with women that learned to respect us and to love us for our personalities or men who prefer thick ladies.

    If I lose weight and become athletic, will I give a chubby guy my time of day? Hard to say, because the way they treat me at the time being as a thick lady, but I have good judge of character though and can spot someone that speaks through his heart; and him, yes, I would give him my time of day.

    But you all speak the truth though; if I keep thinking like this, I'll forever be spiteful towards the male species and will never find love.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I know guys are superficial and mostly driven to pick a girl on looks. Even fat guys don't look at me because I'm overweight - talk about double standards!

    Why do I know that he likes a skinny chick better than a fat one and not because I'm not smiling or something? Well, I often got pushed off aside because a skinny chick walked by, even if she's cold as ice and rude as hell to him; she talks, he follows. Those guys did not behave the same with me as with her, even though we are both confident, smiling, beautiful ladies. You can see it in his eyes and body language.

    All men disrespect overweight ladies and give more attention and respect to skinny chicks, and it's not because skinny chicks smile more.

    The few exceptions are men who were raised with women that learned to respect us and to love us for our personalities or men who prefer thick ladies.

    If I lose weight and become athletic, will I give a chubby guy my time of day? Hard to say, because the way they treat me at the time being as a thick lady, but I have good judge of character though and can spot someone that speaks through his heart; and him, yes, I would give him my time of day.

    But you all speak the truth though; if I keep thinking like this, I'll forever be spiteful towards the male species and will never find love.

    Wow... what a sweeping generalization about half of the species...
    If you truly have that kind of anger living in your heart then you're probably blinded to the way you treat men since you're have such negative preconceived notions about them before they even speak a word to you. You might not realize it but you likely treat them with the same 'cold as ice' and 'rude as hell' attitude that 'skinny chicks' supposedly do. Just having that kind of aura about you will make you much more unapproachable.
    I think you should work on dissipating that anger you have towards the other sex before considering getting involved with another person.
  • freeza12
    freeza12 Posts: 33 Member
    As others have said... life is lived better letting go of angers past... If you want others to be nice to you, how about dishing out the same treatment?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    We all have our preferences but it is normal to find people of average size more attractive than obese people. Even when I was obese I thought that. And I'm a woman.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    I know guys are superficial and mostly driven to pick a girl on looks. Even fat guys don't look at me because I'm overweight - talk about double standards!

    Why do I know that he likes a skinny chick better than a fat one and not because I'm not smiling or something? Well, I often got pushed off aside because a skinny chick walked by, even if she's cold as ice and rude as hell to him; she talks, he follows. Those guys did not behave the same with me as with her, even though we are both confident, smiling, beautiful ladies. You can see it in his eyes and body language.

    All men disrespect overweight ladies and give more attention and respect to skinny chicks, and it's not because skinny chicks smile more.

    That is not true, I have quite a few gorgeous guy friends that love girls with some curves! Pick the guys who like you for you and ignore the rest. No need to be spiteful towards them because they have different tastes. I'm sure you have a type of guy that you go after, right?
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    edited August 2015
    When people ask these questions, I remember a really hilarious (now, not then) thing that happened to me shortly after high school, after some disordered eating caused me to lose 20lbs. I felt pretty good about it, you know? So when a guy who I'd been hanging out with, who I was attracted to and who seemed friendly and interested asked me out, I was like "yay!"

    Then when we went out, he was sullen, quiet, no longer appeared interested and was rude and curt. I was confused and upset, so I didn't call him back. A few weeks later he called to apologize for being rude and giving me mixed signals. He'd been goaded into asking me out by his concerned bros because he's specifically attracted to very large, overweight women, and they wanted him go out with someone "normal", and he just wasn't attracted to me.

    A few years later I spotted him on a date with a very large woman (at least 300lbs), he looked happy. At least I know he wasn't totally full of *kitten*?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is you have no freaking idea who you're going to attract. I have major ugly duckling/fat kid syndrome so I have a hard time reading the signals. Personally, I'm attracted to less muscular guys, I tend to be into 'soft' skinny dudes. Go figure. Life's funny like that.
  • FrenchCanuck
    FrenchCanuck Posts: 60 Member
    yusaku02 wrote: »

    Wow... what a sweeping generalization about half of the species...
    If you truly have that kind of anger living in your heart then you're probably blinded to the way you treat men since you're have such negative preconceived notions about them before they even speak a word to you. You might not realize it but you likely treat them with the same 'cold as ice' and 'rude as hell' attitude that 'skinny chicks' supposedly do. Just having that kind of aura about you will make you much more unapproachable.
    I think you should work on dissipating that anger you have towards the other sex before considering getting involved with another person.

    Well if guys wouldnt of treated me like the crud underneath a shoe all my life maybe I would of had a more positive outlook on men.

  • FrenchCanuck
    FrenchCanuck Posts: 60 Member
    :( I feel you MiniChefKriss.People dont understand. It's hard for an ugly duckling. No matter what you do, even if you smile or try to think positive thoughts, guys still treat you the same. Hopefully, we'll change into beautiful swans! I'm 31 and dating men isnt easy...
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    you could have a nice personality and a pretty face but body fat is a huge no no and you are no longer a person if you have any. I've been honked at while crossing the street and told i should go back inside, that their eyes hurt and they shouldn't have to see "that". I've had guys lie to me about wanting to meet for a date only to show up to call me a fat heifer with their friends and leave. I've been told i am the fattest thing theyve ever seen. I've never been good enough to be in any guys life unless he's just looking for a fvck and chuck and he never has to tell anyone he was with me or contact me a second time. As far as men are concerned i am an embarrassment. Which is a shame because i am still nice to them anyway and it still doesn't get me anymore bonus points towards being a person.

    Those guys are d*cks. Who cares what a d*ck things. An idiot who thinks it's completely fine to honk at strangers on the street is not a valid source of any kind of judgement. Although I don't blame you for feeling they might be, if you're surrounded by them.

    Guys who would go to the trouble of setting up a date to insult you are behaving like psychopaths. Maybe they were brought up to act like psychopaths, that's possible too. And - some areas (neighbourhoods, cities) seem to bring up more jerks who act like psychopaths, for a variety of reasons. (Are you in a small town, by any chance? No offense to people from small towns, some of them are great, some of them create animals like that.)

    Not all men are like that. And not all men would be happy to be lumped in with those idiots. They bring shame to their gender.