Why did you get fat?



  • mikeshockley
    mikeshockley Posts: 684 Member
    Mostly because food is really delicious.
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    I was always a chubby kid so my sister had me stay with her for a few weeks and taught me proper nutrition and excersize. I continued to gradually lose weight then developed an intense mix of eating disorders and had an underweight bmi. then I got pregnant and into recovery but overcompensated and gained 80lbs. I've been up and down since. I'm an emotional eater and have been over 200lbs several times in my life. I get to the point that I'm so disgusted with myself that I give up. I can definitely relate to fat *kitten*, "I eat becase I'm unhappy and I'm unhappy becase I eat." I'm down 29lbs total and 13lbs away from my normal weight range, trying to finally break my self destructive cycle
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    I was lazy. Pure and simple. It was easier to sleep in and not exercise. It was easier for my wife to stop and pick up take-out, fast food, pizza, etc. than it was to plan and prepare meals. Lazy.
  • idrinkalotofwater
    idrinkalotofwater Posts: 251 Member
    Mostly because food is really delicious.

    Haha ditto

  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    edited August 2015
    I moved out of my parents' house for school (was 155 lbs) and got very lazy. I ate take out, drank too much, lazed around watching this cool new thing at the time called "On Demand TV"... Of course, I also stopped swimming. I let my lifeguard training expire and in hindsight, this was my demise. I let myself go and was always kind of skinny fat with a nice enough booty and big boobs. The cycle kept up - lazy student always eating fast food, add alcohol to that. I got to 225 at my heaviest.

    In 2012, I'd been living with my now-husband a few years. We were more food secure and had more time to prep food properly; we overhauled our diet and shopped and cooked. In 2013, I started doing more physical stuff - hikes, bike riding, got back in the pool, started weightlifting. We walk everywhere. My husband loves to run and does many long distance races each year.

    In 2013, I started focusing on wedding planning and getting nice and svelte. A month before we got married, I really messed up my ankle. I sprained it very badly; the tibia was bruised inside and some of my tendons broke. I couldn't work out, but I maintained my weight at 180 lbs for a few months. The injury took a long time to heal and I got lazy again, lost motivation and kept devouring food. I was 220 in June. Today, I am 212 and looking forward to losing the pounds again. This time for good!
  • rowrow1985
    rowrow1985 Posts: 1 Member
    I was about 120lbs when I found out I had a huge ovarian cyst. After my surgery, I couldn't work out for 3 months. I ended up eating cake and ice cream every night because it's so delicious! I ate whatever I wanted actually. After the 3 months, I weighed 145lbs.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    One thing led to another and the next thing I knew I was 60 and 30
    #s over weight. Call this change my mid-life crisis. I want to be young again so I'll try regaining my youthful weight. Cheaper than a Corvette.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 690 Member
    Laziness and overindulgence in college and law school. I could go back to being chubby as a kid and suggest that I grew up with bad eating habits but once I went away to college and was living on my own, it was my own choices. The bright side is we can make our own positive choices as well.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    I didn't love myself, I let all the bad/horrible things that I could not control, control me and thought I must of done something to deserve it and I was not worth anything or being truly loved. I now chose me and I love me and I now I deserve to me happy and healthy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I graduated college at 30 and started working for a CPA firm. Basically, I was always very active growing up and involved in all manner of athletics...in college I was still pretty active and didn't own a car so I rode my bike everywhere...when I took a desk job, most of that changed.
  • pepper1173
    pepper1173 Posts: 20 Member
    I was overweight after I had my son in 1999, my daughter was born in 2006. She had medical issues for 5 years, I ate my way through the stress.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    edited August 2015
    I've been heavy for as long as I can remember. Poor food choices, lack of exercise then later in life came stress of my job, focusing on my kids and a divorce. Finally putting myself in my priority list! Oh and I really just love food, lol.
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    I grew up with an Abusive Alcoholic father and a very dependent mother. I used Track and Church to keep my sanity.Then in my early teens I fell through a roof which lead to 2 years in and out of a hospital eventually having a fused hip..... Got married at the end of my junior year in high school and had my son mid-senior year. Graduated pregnant with my second child. When my second child was born I kept the weight I had gained with her. Then when she was 9 months old my husband cheated on me. I stayed with him but slipped into a pretty bad depression. The weight piled on. Then it stabilized not going up or down. Then in 2012 my dad died and Up it went again........ I'm at my heaviest now and I think i'm ready for a change!!
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    An abusive relationship with (bonus points) a chef, two deaths of people I was very close to, being laid off and then unemployed for 8 months, and the depression that came with all that.
  • emiliebecause
    emiliebecause Posts: 63 Member
    Comfort eating and caring for myself AFTER caring for everyone/everything else. Now I prioritise getting food I like and eat and I prioritise taking time to exercise before I care for someone else. A good example just came up yesterday that really illustrated how I am making these changes. My son complained of a sore throat and just not feeling well. I decided I would go and get extra fruits and warm tea etc, for him. But I had already planned a nice brisk walk for that time. I did the walk first and the other stuff second.

    Thank you for asking this question and I am very sorry for your loss. It is good for us to know our triggers and be forgiving of ourselves so that we can care for ourselves in loving ways.
  • Ramla_J
    Ramla_J Posts: 14 Member
    I got fat because of sexual abuse since the age of four and I was raped at age 9. For some reason, I had a target on my back and had a number of abusers. The only way to stop the abuse and also comfort my damaged inner child was to eat and get fat. My fat was my shield. My fat was my protection. Food was my emotional teddy bear.

    Don't feel sorry for me. I spent over five years in therapy and have positively dealt with the pain. I love myself now and realize that it's all experiences in life, positive and negative, that make up who we are now. So, this is who I am, accept it or not.

    Yep, I'm still overweight. But I'm working on it - and I'm being successful. Even though we've accepted our demons, do they ever go away? Working through the head stuff is never-ending, but with a positive attitude, anything can be accomplished.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    @Gozergirl you raise a good question.

    Some say the "WHY" is not a concern but they are wrong. Until we step backwards to see the WHY it is very hard to stop the actions of the pass that are factors in our weight gains.

    This, if we do not examine the WHY what will stop us from falling back into the same trap that got us fat the first time around? The WHY leads us to understand and to learn. Great Question OP.
  • saraherren
    saraherren Posts: 59 Member
    edited August 2015
    I got fat because I ate way too much fast food and never enough at home growing up. I ran cross country in high school for a year and did gymnastics for both my high school (also for a year) and outside of school for 8 years. My weight was normal while doing those. Junior year of high school rolled around and I quit all sports but still had terrible eating habits. Then I moved to college in 2009 and continued with my awful eating habits. I also developed an unhealthy relationship with Starbucks (drank it upwards of 3-4 times a day my last few years of college). I did college gymnastics my first semester, but got hit by a drunk driver on December 4, 2009 and hurt my lower back and right shoulder, so I quit gymnastics. The only form of exercise that I got after that was walking around campus (which is one of the largest in the nation) and when I took 2 PE classes (diet & exercise and walking), even though they were only 50 minutes long and were 2 days a week. Besides that, my excuse for eating terribly was that I was in college majoring in biochemistry/pre-med and had no time and didn't care enough about cooking and eating at home/properly. I also got extremely depressed my sophomore year and was put on anti-depressants. I turned to food every time I was upset and definitely when I was stressed (which was all the time considering I majored in biochem/pre-med).
  • kosinski61
    kosinski61 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a condition called Lymphedema - 30 to 70% of my weight is water. With this condition I gain weight quickly - 23lbs in two months! I do not snack and do not keep items such as chips, cookies, etc. around, but I do skip meals. Going on this diet plan, I try not to skip any meals. I have tried everything to bring the weight down, but it is a struggle. I eat very healthy, I eat lots of veggies, very little meats. My research has shown that cutting back on protein is probably the worst thing I could do. So, I have increased my protein intake, adding protein shakes to my diet. Let's see how it turns out.