How do you deal with unsupportive friends/family?



  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Gotta say I cracked up pretty good at the "hearing issues" :laugh:

    I don't get some things either, though. Do you prefer to not eat at all when you visit with her? How about your fiancé?
    No we always eat what she serves even though it usually makes us sick afterwards because our bodies aren't used to that much fat, sodium, carbs and junk. We are slowly removing animal from our diet, we still eat turkey, chicken, seafood and cheese. We don't complain when we are there, she does. She will buy Stouffers mac and cheese and say it's health because it's not as bad as other brands -.- she keeps making rude comments that clearly show that our eating habits are an inconvenience to her.

  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    I don't mean to sound unkind, but I cut ties with anybody not supportive of my goals in life.
    There's no drama, but I just quietly start distancing myself.
    Nature abhors a vacuum. Once I closed the door on a relationship, new, better doors opened.

    We do to, I don't feel it's mean. If people are just going to be toxic and bring you down, then they have no business being a part of your life. We cut ties from a lot of people because they couldn't leave their teens behind them, we grew up, they stayed the same. If it were up to me, we would cut ties from her. We have distanced ourselves from her a lot already, but she's working real hard at making want to hibernate away from her.
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    YoungIronG wrote: »
    you broke rule #1 - don't argue with your inlaws, that is for blood only

    if you ignore her long enough, she will get the point.... its been about 5 years and I still have to ignore my father in law.


    im from LA and I have yet to hear the end of it- even tho he begrudgingly admits he likes my cooking and he take 10 medications for heath related conditions....

    stay strong and ignore, let your spouse scream at his/her own mom

    True that. I wont even argue with my blood relatives, I have no issues cutting ties when needed and my MIL is working hard for that.
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe she is like my mom, who feels intimidated by "different" diets even though she wants to be supportive. She doesn't get it sometimes. For example we eat her homemade baked goods, knowing that she is a user of skim milk and Splenda/sugar blend and so on...but when she brings out a frozen aisle apple pie with 500 calories per slice and sky high sodium we usually pass, or split a piece. It doesn't make sense to her. And that's ok, really. It would be a lot to expect of her to always have our favorite foods on hand and eat exactly as we do. She's never gonna enjoy plain Greek yogurt with chopped up fruit and oats in it as much as her McDonald's yogurt parfait.

    When she asks "what do you want to eat?" we usually ask her to make something we know is "innocent". We go to her place weekly for dinner and we often bring restaurant food of our choosing (which she likes everything so that works) and if she "cooks" more than 50% of the time we have large, loaded baked potatoes and my husband (who is pescetarian) brings his substitution for taco meat (TVP) and we bring a container of French onion dip we love, and leave her to the Velveeta cheese sauce and bacon pieces she prefers. We all eat broccoli on our potatoes and I'm fine with her low sodium taco everyone's happy. But if we told her "whatever you want to make" we would be eating boxed and canned food only, and a lot of things we didn't prefer to eat like Frito chili pies and boxed entrees with off the charts sodium and fat and so on.
    I think you are right, I think she is intimidated by something different. She think's Minute Maid juices are healthy, she has no concept of healthy and I think it bothers her. If we brought food to her house, she would get offended and it would most likely worsen the situation. Maybe we should have her over to our place and cook sometime.
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not sure that I understand why you are so upset.

    My mother and my MIL like to have us over and always ask what we would like to eat. They are from an era where being a good host meant feeding people (and many times, this is still tradition). It's no big deal. And I always offer to bring something that I know I can eat (like a salad, or a side, or especially a dessert). Maybe next time offer to have her over for dinner, or suggest a dish that you can provide? When someone makes something that is questionable with my macros, I just pick and choose what I can eat from what is available.

    About the vegan thing. I wonder if she is mixing it up with something else in her mind.
    We eat healthy, she thinks Stouffers mac and cheese is healthy. We are slowly removing animals from our diet and because she has no concept of healthy she doesn't realize that "anything you can eat, I can eat vegan". Even though we aren't vegan, the point is that there is a whole world of great tasting healthy foods out there. If we brought food to her house, she would be offended and the situation would worsen unfortunately. She is leaving us with only hard choices that will piss her off either way. If we stop going, she will be pissed. If we request healthier food, she will get pissed. If we don't do or say anything, she will still get pissed. She's not being a very reasonable person.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Maybe she is like my mom, who feels intimidated by "different" diets even though she wants to be supportive. She doesn't get it sometimes. For example we eat her homemade baked goods, knowing that she is a user of skim milk and Splenda/sugar blend and so on...but when she brings out a frozen aisle apple pie with 500 calories per slice and sky high sodium we usually pass, or split a piece. It doesn't make sense to her. And that's ok, really. It would be a lot to expect of her to always have our favorite foods on hand and eat exactly as we do. She's never gonna enjoy plain Greek yogurt with chopped up fruit and oats in it as much as her McDonald's yogurt parfait.

    When she asks "what do you want to eat?" we usually ask her to make something we know is "innocent". We go to her place weekly for dinner and we often bring restaurant food of our choosing (which she likes everything so that works) and if she "cooks" more than 50% of the time we have large, loaded baked potatoes and my husband (who is pescetarian) brings his substitution for taco meat (TVP) and we bring a container of French onion dip we love, and leave her to the Velveeta cheese sauce and bacon pieces she prefers. We all eat broccoli on our potatoes and I'm fine with her low sodium taco everyone's happy. But if we told her "whatever you want to make" we would be eating boxed and canned food only, and a lot of things we didn't prefer to eat like Frito chili pies and boxed entrees with off the charts sodium and fat and so on.
    I think you are right, I think she is intimidated by something different. She think's Minute Maid juices are healthy, she has no concept of healthy and I think it bothers her. If we brought food to her house, she would get offended and it would most likely worsen the situation. Maybe we should have her over to our place and cook sometime.

    This is probably the best route to take for now. If she sees that what you're eating is healthy and tasty, maybe she'll want to do more. I wouldn't suggest to her that she should change her diet, though. That actually could be a reason she gets upset: she may think that you're criticizing her, even if you're not, because what she taught her son wasn't good enough for him. I don't know if that's the case, but you might look for signs that's where her thoughts are leaning.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Soooo you have different ideas on what's healthy and this frustrates you? (Not assuming, I'm legit asking) You could just tell her to cook whatever she wants since you don't even like what she cooks when she "inconveniences" herself to prepare what she thinks you might prefer. She's happy, but you weren't going to be happy eating her food anyway :)
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    As a mom I can understand her pain and frustration. She raised your partner in what she thought was the best way she could. Mom's like to think they know best for their child. Now, you and your partner are going a new route and she's probably feeling Sad and misunderstood!

    I'm sure she's also feeling a bit pushed out as all us moms do when our children move on with their lives. I'd say you might try inviting her over more tell her you have a new recipe you'd like to try and you'd really really love her opinion on it. Get her involved in your lifestyle not by force but make her feel "needed" Moms really really REALLY want to be needed in their childs life. It's going to be Ok!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    As a mom I can understand her pain and frustration. She raised your partner in what she thought was the best way she could. Mom's like to think they know best for their child. Now, you and your partner are going a new route and she's probably feeling Sad and misunderstood!

    I'm sure she's also feeling a bit pushed out as all us moms do when our children move on with their lives. I'd say you might try inviting her over more tell her you have a new recipe you'd like to try and you'd really really love her opinion on it. Get her involved in your lifestyle not by force but make her feel "needed" Moms really really REALLY want to be needed in their childs life. It's going to be Ok!

    Very good points. I just wonder if the fiancé really dislikes this woman as much as she does. And if he doesn't, it could be worth either making it work or figuring out how to give them two some quality time that doesn't necessarily involve the OP? I don't know if that's a thing with married couples

  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Soooo you have different ideas on what's healthy and this frustrates you? (Not assuming, I'm legit asking) You could just tell her to cook whatever she wants since you don't even like what she cooks when she "inconveniences" herself to prepare what she thinks you might prefer. She's happy, but you weren't going to be happy eating her food anyway :)
    Probably should have read some of my reply's to other commenters. I am not frustrated by her lack of health food knowledge, I couldn't care less. She is the only one causing issues. She wants us to come over for dinner all the time, and always asks us want we want and pretends to be up for anything. We usually suggest a dish she normally makes that better suits our eating habits. Then she makes comments about our diet as if it inconveniences her life. Please note, we don't go over there all the time, we go like two or three times a month when she asks. We aren't making her cook foods we eat, she is making food she normally cooks. It's not about her ability to cook, we are removing animals from our diet slowly, we don't want to eat food that contains animals for health and moral reasons. We can't invite her over because his parents are complete shut in's and don't like our apartment because we have different style than they do. We can't go out to eat because they are shut in's and don't want to go out. We can't bring food to her house because she get's offended. We can't kindly and happily suggest new foods because she get's offended. He dislikes his mothers behavior just as much as I do and like me doesn't get why she pretends to be okay but then makes nasty comments to us just being rude and disrespectful. I agree with the other commenter I think she want's to feel needed but this behavior is unacceptable, childish and really doesn't have to be this way. Instead of acting this way maybe she should try new healthy recipes then she could be the one telling us new stuff and be the "leader" again. I don't know, but I do know she is backing us into a corner with only hard choices to make none of which she will like. We can't tell her to cook whatever she want's because we aren't going to abandon our morals and put our bodies through that. The last time we ate whatever she made regardless of our diet, we both were so sick that night and the next day we had to call out of work. Our stomachs couldn't handle all the sodium and junk. We eat clean, she doesn't. I do really appreciate you responding to my thread, I appreciate everyone's comments. They helped me and my fiancé get a better look at what she may be thinking and feeling, thank you.
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    As a mom I can understand her pain and frustration. She raised your partner in what she thought was the best way she could. Mom's like to think they know best for their child. Now, you and your partner are going a new route and she's probably feeling Sad and misunderstood!

    I'm sure she's also feeling a bit pushed out as all us moms do when our children move on with their lives. I'd say you might try inviting her over more tell her you have a new recipe you'd like to try and you'd really really love her opinion on it. Get her involved in your lifestyle not by force but make her feel "needed" Moms really really REALLY want to be needed in their childs life. It's going to be Ok!
    I totally get what you are saying, but any mother should be happy and proud to see their child doing better for themselves and taking care of their body (especially since his dad has heart problems and she works in a hospital so knows that a better diet could decrease her son's chance of heart problem as well) You should never shame your child for being knowledgeable. He doesn't act like a know it all or ever really talk about it unless she asks questions, which is rare. I am one of five kids, I was raised on junky, trashy food and even though my mom still eats junk and fully knows how bad it is for you, she doesn't judge us or make comments, she is happy and proud that I grew up and continue to learn and grow. She did her part and is a proud mother. She can't see why his mom acts this way. You should want your kids to do better than you did, you should want them to be smarter. His mom behaves like she wants him to be stuck under her wing and never able to grow and be an adult.
    My generation has the world at our finger tips and can learn any time we want. I understand that is intimidating to some from her generation (not all, I know lots of older people who take advantage and continue learning too) My generation is very lucky to have so much knowledge and passion for health and fitness, we would be ignorant to ignore it.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member

    You don't have to eat animal food, but I think you need to decide if you can tolerate this woman in your life, and take action. Otherwise, from my admittedly limited view, it's coming across like just overall your perhaps don't think that much of her, and regardless of what she does to bring it on, that attitude is going to come out in your interactions with her. If your fiancé wants to see his mother after that, he's an adult and I'm sure he can make it happen for himself
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    As a mom I can understand her pain and frustration. She raised your partner in what she thought was the best way she could. Mom's like to think they know best for their child. Now, you and your partner are going a new route and she's probably feeling Sad and misunderstood!

    I'm sure she's also feeling a bit pushed out as all us moms do when our children move on with their lives. I'd say you might try inviting her over more tell her you have a new recipe you'd like to try and you'd really really love her opinion on it. Get her involved in your lifestyle not by force but make her feel "needed" Moms really really REALLY want to be needed in their childs life. It's going to be Ok!
    I totally get what you are saying, but any mother should be happy and proud to see their child doing better for themselves and taking care of their body (especially since his dad has heart problems and she works in a hospital so knows that a better diet could decrease her son's chance of heart problem as well) You should never shame your child for being knowledgeable. He doesn't act like a know it all or ever really talk about it unless she asks questions, which is rare. I am one of five kids, I was raised on junky, trashy food and even though my mom still eats junk and fully knows how bad it is for you, she doesn't judge us or make comments, she is happy and proud that I grew up and continue to learn and grow. She did her part and is a proud mother. She can't see why his mom acts this way. You should want your kids to do better than you did, you should want them to be smarter. His mom behaves like she wants him to be stuck under her wing and never able to grow and be an adult.
    My generation has the world at our finger tips and can learn any time we want. I understand that is intimidating to some from her generation (not all, I know lots of older people who take advantage and continue learning too) My generation is very lucky to have so much knowledge and passion for health and fitness, we would be ignorant to ignore it.

    If your fiance is as annoyed as you, then he needs to talk to her. If it was your mom, I'd say you should talk to her, but trying to intervene in what is essentially an argument between your SO and one of their parents could backfire spectacularly and you don't want to be in the middle of that. I'm not saying cut off contact, that needs to be your fiance's decision, but talk to him first. Work out a plan of what to do with her and if it means less time spent over there, then so be it. Cutting off all contact should be a last resort, so I hope it doesn't have to come to that, but if change needs to happen, you two are the ones that will have to do it.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I'm not sure that I understand why you are so upset.

    My mother and my MIL like to have us over and always ask what we would like to eat. They are from an era where being a good host meant feeding people (and many times, this is still tradition). It's no big deal. And I always offer to bring something that I know I can eat (like a salad, or a side, or especially a dessert). Maybe next time offer to have her over for dinner, or suggest a dish that you can provide? When someone makes something that is questionable with my macros, I just pick and choose what I can eat from what is available.

    About the vegan thing. I wonder if she is mixing it up with something else in her mind.

    this is what I was thinking
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Clearly to MIL food is love.
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    As a mom I can understand her pain and frustration. She raised your partner in what she thought was the best way she could. Mom's like to think they know best for their child. Now, you and your partner are going a new route and she's probably feeling Sad and misunderstood!

    I'm sure she's also feeling a bit pushed out as all us moms do when our children move on with their lives. I'd say you might try inviting her over more tell her you have a new recipe you'd like to try and you'd really really love her opinion on it. Get her involved in your lifestyle not by force but make her feel "needed" Moms really really REALLY want to be needed in their childs life. It's going to be Ok!
    I totally get what you are saying, but any mother should be happy and proud to see their child doing better for themselves and taking care of their body (especially since his dad has heart problems and she works in a hospital so knows that a better diet could decrease her son's chance of heart problem as well) You should never shame your child for being knowledgeable. He doesn't act like a know it all or ever really talk about it unless she asks questions, which is rare. I am one of five kids, I was raised on junky, trashy food and even though my mom still eats junk and fully knows how bad it is for you, she doesn't judge us or make comments, she is happy and proud that I grew up and continue to learn and grow. She did her part and is a proud mother. She can't see why his mom acts this way. You should want your kids to do better than you did, you should want them to be smarter. His mom behaves like she wants him to be stuck under her wing and never able to grow and be an adult.
    My generation has the world at our finger tips and can learn any time we want. I understand that is intimidating to some from her generation (not all, I know lots of older people who take advantage and continue learning too) My generation is very lucky to have so much knowledge and passion for health and fitness, we would be ignorant to ignore it.

    If your fiance is as annoyed as you, then he needs to talk to her. If it was your mom, I'd say you should talk to her, but trying to intervene in what is essentially an argument between your SO and one of their parents could backfire spectacularly and you don't want to be in the middle of that. I'm not saying cut off contact, that needs to be your fiance's decision, but talk to him first. Work out a plan of what to do with her and if it means less time spent over there, then so be it. Cutting off all contact should be a last resort, so I hope it doesn't have to come to that, but if change needs to happen, you two are the ones that will have to do it.

    Well said, I agree. He does need to talk to her and really get down to what the problem actually is.