What's your food budget?



  • AdrianaAbrone82
    Eeesh! Im glad you brought this up because I never took a look at what we were actually spending a month. On AVERAGE we spend $180 a week. That includes household items along with dog and cat food and litter. We are a family of five. 3 girls ages 5,2 and 1. We live in Tx, no organics, ALOT of milk , soy milk and pampers. I cook most of our meals and the only quick and easy meals we do are hot dogs, sandwiches and every now and then pizza. I think we can do better and I need to start shopping on a budget cause thats just too much. Thanks for the wake up call!
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    How much do you spend monthly (roughly) We do a weekly budget 100$ weekly
    How many are in your household? 3
    What region / area are you from? SE Florida
    Do you think that's high / low / average ? Probably low, my friends think I'm insane and possibly a magician. :D
    Does anything affect that total? - I use coupons when possible, but, being a veggie/vegan and not really eating much of anything thats processed puts a damper on that. I search for coupons on products we do use, write reviews for companies we love, and they send us coupons too. I do buy organic when I can. I shop sales, stock up when I find BOGO's, things of that nature. I also get FREE organic produce for helping out a friend who runs an organic buying club, so that really helps too.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I live in new york city so some things are expensive. Also, I do all my shopping at Whole Foods and eat out 1-2 times a week.

    It's about $120/ week. I buy organic and a lot of more expensive produce (chilean sea bass, halibut, black cod, tuna, etc)

    Not a fan of frozen food or packaged/processed stuff
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    Are you sitting down?

    How much do you spend monthly (roughly)? 900-1000

    How many are in your household? 2 adults

    What region / area are you from? Chicago

    Do you think that's high / low / average ? high, but that is 3 squares a day plus snacks and...um....craft beer. We only eat out once or twice a month

    Does anything affect that total? I tend to only buy organic fruits and veggies and buy grass fed beef from a farm in Indiana every 2-3 months. As for coupons....I wish!!
  • powersurges
    Yes but he extreme couponing is almost close to hoarding.