unsuccessful day

Today I had such a terrible day for calories.

I ate six chocolate granola bars before lunch
I snacked on crackers in the afternoon
And I made a bowl of pasta for dinner with cheese sauce

All on top of my normal food.

I felt so out of control. Since I started at the beginning of July, I only made one other mistake and ate ice cream (veg).

I don't know what came over me. Definitely a ton of stress. Also pmsing

I can and will do better tomorrow.


  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    edited August 2015
    I did too. But tomorrow's another day. I have to work on getting the crap out of the house and bringing good stuff in. planning better too. Good luck tomorrow.
  • ToshaLyn
    ToshaLyn Posts: 21 Member
    I absolutely know those feels. Sometimes I feel like I'm not me when I'm binge eating, like it's an outer body experience. Lol. Silly, I know.

    You can and will succeed! Don't dwell on the past. Look forward to a great day tomorrow!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Wow. That's kind of a lot. Maybe if you allot for ice cream more often you'll feel less restricted and won't do this. Get back at it tomorrow, we all hit bumps in the road.
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Wow. That's kind of a lot. Maybe if you allot for ice cream more often you'll feel less restricted and won't do this. Get back at it tomorrow, we all hit bumps in the road.

    Thanks for judging, just what I needed
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    pointkoala wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Wow. That's kind of a lot. Maybe if you allot for ice cream more often you'll feel less restricted and won't do this. Get back at it tomorrow, we all hit bumps in the road.

    Thanks for judging, just what I needed

    I wasn't judging. I said we all have bumps in the road. And suggested maybe not being so restrictive so maybe you won't want to binge. I shouldn't have pointed out that it was a lot though, that was unnecessary.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    If I go over by a lot I take a look at my data and see how where it puts me for the week. Since you're generally in a deficit if you have a really bad day, it could maybe put you at maintenance for the week. Sometimes you'll just be at a smaller deficit and might lose a bit.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Ice cream is never a mistake :)

    Just take today as a lesson. Next time, think to yourself: am I really hungry? Why am I eating my sixth granola bar?

    You're in control of every choice. As a binge eater, I've had to talk myself down from my binges that way. It's a powerful feeling when you can walk away from a binge.

    Also, don't expect perfection because it just doesn't work that way! We all mess up. (I mess up a lot!)
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    I'm sorry, I took it out of context, I'm a mess today.
    I know I ate a lot. 800 more calories than I should have eaten. Granola bars, crackers, and pasta... :-(
    Last month when I went overboard with the veg ice cream, it was an extra 600 calories that day.
    I know I ate a lot, I guess I just don't like hearing it.

    But last time... I was fine for a month. I am still doing so much better than I was before I started in July. I accounted for everything in my diary too.

    I need to relax and just work harder tomorrow. The cravings came too quickly. I won't give myself the option to binge eat tomorrow. I'm in control.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    pointkoala wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I took it out of context, I'm a mess today.
    I know I ate a lot. 800 more calories than I should have eaten. Granola bars, crackers, and pasta... :-(
    Last month when I went overboard with the veg ice cream, it was an extra 600 calories that day.
    I know I ate a lot, I guess I just don't like hearing it.

    But last time... I was fine for a month. I am still doing so much better than I was before I started in July. I accounted for everything in my diary too.

    I need to relax and just work harder tomorrow. The cravings came too quickly. I won't give myself the option to binge eat tomorrow. I'm in control.

    You don't have to apologize. I was for some reason feeling like being honest but it's probably not what you needed to hear.

    800 isn't that bad. If you're doing a 500 calorie deficit you basically wiped out a day and a half.

    You could try working with a weekly calorie goal which could give you a little wiggle room for the weekend or special event.
  • squeeeyk
    squeeeyk Posts: 165 Member
    I also had a terrible day today. However, tomorrow is a new day with new choices. You can do this!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Today you learned that starting your day with a crap ton of sugar doesn't easily lend itself to a great day in terms of fueling your body for weight loss. GOOD JOB!
    Now, start tomorrow by fueling your morning with some good protein, some good fats, and some good carbs and go forward.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Honestly OP its nothing, 800 calories is very little so keep it in perspective. If you are that bothered then do soemthing about it and walk an extra 30 mins a day. Log it and move on. Neating yourself up and stressing is utterly pointless.
  • coco_bee
    coco_bee Posts: 173 Member
    We must be kind to ourselves when this happens. I ate a whole packet of shortbread the other day, I lost control but dam I enjoyed them they were so yum yum yummy with my glass of milk. Changing how we eat is not all or nothing. It is not black and white, its a grey area in the middle. Hey good on you for returning to the plan :)

  • tiggerlove
    tiggerlove Posts: 225 Member
    We all have our days when we get a little out of control or a lot out of control as long as u get back on track is what matters. Life is stressful and it makes us do things so don't worry be happy and look forward to tomorrow.Stay positive & Stay Strong.
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    Ah I was such a mess yesterday but definitely appreciate the support. New day. You can't just beat yourself up over one day.
    I'm trying not to let the stress get to me but it's hard.
    I didn't think about it before but having the unhealthy food first thing in the morning probably did set me up for a bad day.
    It's like.... one of those things (or even half the granola bars) would have been reasonable. But then I just kept going.

    I really did just need some support. Encouragement that it's not the end of the world and I can do better the next day. In going to try to walk and hoop more today. Unfortunately I sprained my ankle so I can't do a ton of exercises (great time to do it, I know) but I'm trying to max out what I can do. Normally I would have done my evening walk last night but was too depressed and crazy

    I feel like a different person today :-) it will be a better day!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You were successful today. You counted each extra chocolate bar, etc. That means you were mindful as you ate what you chose to eat in addition to your perhaps planned eating. Being mindful is a step towards change.
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    edited August 2015
    I was dying for pizza Wednesday.. and ordered. On the bright side, it was only a medium and eaten over the course of several hours as I was going through old papers and such. Even though it blew my calories (even with exercise calories) by >200... I just hit it harder Thursday morning in the exercise dept to help make up for it in the weekly total. It happens, we're all human. Tomorrow (or the next meal) is always a new place to start doing better.