Tumor on thyroid was benign , now what?? Lost some inches, no weight



  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Yes, the doctor said if I was expecting these drugs to help with the weight loss, then I should think of a different route.

    I gained a lot of weight before my Hashi's diagnosis, and I continued to gain on Synthroid. I honestly thought it was for no reason—until I learned to log everything I eat and drink accurately and honestly. What a wake-up call!

    My theory is that Hashimoto's messed up my hunger cues. Logging showed me so was eating way too much, but I was hungry all the time. Waiting an hour after my meds until I could eat was torture.

    I'm less hungry when I use MFP's fiber and protein goals as minimums, and ignore fat & carbs. It'll take trial & error to find what works for you. Do not give up!
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! I'm 1 year into a diagnosis of hypothyroid, two nodules and Hashimotos. It is incredibly difficult to get into an endo here ... 6 month wait list. While I waited, I gained 8 inches in my abdomen and 20 pounds in the 2 months after going on synthroid. I had a full battery of tests given these symptoms and wound up with no diagnosis. When i finally saw the first endo, he said it was all in my head despite not ordering a single lab. I was furious. After getting on a second doctor's waiting list, I decided to do something drastic ... something that I'd never attempted before despite having lost 50 pounds three years ago ... I gave up refined sugar and white flour. This had never been necessary at any other point in my life ... but the results were immediate. I'm down 20+ pounds in less than 8 weeks. I am constantly full with lots of protein, fruits and veggies. I also eat corn tortillas. Now that I'm back to 60 minute workouts I'm reintroducing complex carbs and am still seeing results ... even though it's much slower than ever before in my life given my level of effort!!

    Take heart ... for what it is worth you are not alone!!!! Keep putting one foot in front of the other ... feel free to friend me for motivation. :)

    I appreciate you kind words, and I did follow you. I just woke this morning and felt even more upset than before. I gained again, even with logging and exercise. However, I'm still not pushing myself as much as I could. I'll be honest, I used to do Taebo 5 days a week in my 20s, and while it was near impossible at my size (size 14/16 then), the weight fell off.

    I'm trying to integrate it back in as I know for certain I always feel better when I do it. Drastic measures like you said. I'm not willing to pump my body full of diet p[ills. I just won't. I know I can do this, I just have to push more and train my mind to think thin.

    I've been thinking of going vegetarian, not vegan, and I've been making gradual changes. I'm going to try to cut out complex carbs for a week and see what happens. I watch out for refined sugars. I typically use Agave syrup, splenda, and trivia.
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    Yes, the doctor said if I was expecting these drugs to help with the weight loss, then I should think of a different route.

    I gained a lot of weight before my Hashi's diagnosis, and I continued to gain on Synthroid. I honestly thought it was for no reason—until I learned to log everything I eat and drink accurately and honestly. What a wake-up call!

    My theory is that Hashimoto's messed up my hunger cues. Logging showed me so was eating way too much, but I was hungry all the time. Waiting an hour after my meds until I could eat was torture.

    I'm less hungry when I use MFP's fiber and protein goals as minimums, and ignore fat & carbs. It'll take trial & error to find what works for you. Do not give up!

    Thank you. I'm willing to try multiple approaches to get the job done. I think carbs are the first thing to go ; (
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member

    It's a long, expensive road filled with lots of blood work and frustration. I hope you find answers, help and a fabulous doctor.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I'm getting frustrated by this losing inches, losing no weight argument. I have been working out 5 times a week, and watching calories, but no budge in the weight. Last year, I swam 5 times a week and lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I have been swimming now since February, and have only lost 10. I'm at a loss . I am so discouraged.

    I've also undergone a biopsy of my thyroid after finding a goiter that was 3.5 cm. The endocrinologist is convinced there's nothing wrong. I found out that the tumor was benign, so yay, but what in the world would have caused this? The cells found in the goiter match up to Hashimotos, but he says no. Even if you have normal TSH, T3, and T4, you can still have this disease. The doctors have no answers. Honestly, I was hoping to blame my thyroid for these issues.

    When dieting and exercise don't work, what really is the best answer? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

    I suspect you will not like the answer, but diet and exercise always work. And you cannot gain weight because of your thyroid or other hormonal issues, with hormone levels being normal, sorry.
    It is very easy, however, to overeat, to have the wrong idea about the portions sizes you are eating or to overestimate what you burn by exercising. Have you tried counting calories? If yes, how long have you been doing this and how are you measuring, using a scale or not?
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member

    It's a long, expensive road filled with lots of blood work and frustration. I hope you find answers, help and a fabulous doctor.

    I appreciate that. I have already begun looking for other doctors.

  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    I'm getting frustrated by this losing inches, losing no weight argument. I have been working out 5 times a week, and watching calories, but no budge in the weight. Last year, I swam 5 times a week and lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I have been swimming now since February, and have only lost 10. I'm at a loss . I am so discouraged.

    I've also undergone a biopsy of my thyroid after finding a goiter that was 3.5 cm. The endocrinologist is convinced there's nothing wrong. I found out that the tumor was benign, so yay, but what in the world would have caused this? The cells found in the goiter match up to Hashimotos, but he says no. Even if you have normal TSH, T3, and T4, you can still have this disease. The doctors have no answers. Honestly, I was hoping to blame my thyroid for these issues.

    When dieting and exercise don't work, what really is the best answer? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

    I suspect you will not like the answer, but diet and exercise always work. And you cannot gain weight because of your thyroid or other hormonal issues, with hormone levels being normal, sorry.
    It is very easy, however, to overeat, to have the wrong idea about the portions sizes you are eating or to overestimate what you burn by exercising. Have you tried counting calories? If yes, how long have you been doing this and how are you measuring, using a scale or not?

    I would have to respectfully disagree with you. My sister had thyroid issues, normal TSH, T3, and T4 values, and she gained 60 lbs. She's a vegetarian and works out 2 hours a day. It was determined that her thyroid was to blame, and she's now being treated with hormone replacement. She was diagnosed with Hashimotos. Your thyroid controls metabolism, and several diseases associated with the thyroid, including Hashimotos, can affect metabolism and lead to obesity.

    I have been counting calories. In fact, even before I was using myfitnesspal, I was doing wight watchers, and I was weighing food. I also exercise 5 days a week, quite vigorously actually.

    To have a growth on your thyroid at this size is just not normal. Plus, I didn't have tests in the afternoons to measure my T level, which at this time, typically the T-levels can vary. These tests are some of most inaccurate tests for thyroid levels. These tests are half the reason so many people go undiagnosed.
  • wendy5618
    wendy5618 Posts: 1 Member
    I just had a mass and half my thyroid removed two weeks ago. After a lot of online research and discussions with my doctor I believe that soy cause my thyroid problem and weight gain. Just something you may want to look into.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited August 2015
    I had half my thyroid removed due to a 4.5cm adenoma caused by unknown reasons (soy? not enough iodine? who knows), haven't had issues before or since losing weight when I track my calories accurately and haven't needed replacement meds yet. Just because your sister has Hashi, doesn't mean you do. But definitely get a second opinion.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Too many variables in what causes benign tumors. The cells simply don't die as programmed. Who made the diagnosis that the tumor cells match up to Hashimoto's?

    If you have a thyroid disorder or any metabolic disorder, this doesn't cause one to gain weight (other than the initial ~10lbs from cellular uptake) - eating more than you burn does. Your metabolism may decrease, but only to a marginal degree and on a macro scale. Bottom line if you are gaining weight you are eating more than your body needs.

    You will also have a problem balancing your hormones simply by being overweight - signal hormones get overproduced in serum due to increased mass and this creates a terminal cascade.

    Look to your logging first - this is what you have immediate control over. Continue pushing your doctor - or find a new one willing to work with you. Present them with data and peer reviewed articles. Show them your MFP diet and activity log. Doctors don't deal well with relative data, so help them in your diagnosis and provide objective evidence and start eliminating the variables.

    I've been diagnosed since 2000 and put on ~75 lbs over the last 15 years. Once I started logging last year and aware of my intake/output I lost >50 lbs.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    My two cents on this: get a different endo to get rechecked, there may be something else going on that's compounding the problem (and remember just because the numbers are normal, doesn't mean that they are normal FOR YOU) and a registered dietitian that specializes in patients with your issues.

    Here's my story: I did all the fad diets for many years, would lose, gain it back, lose, gain it back.... Finally got smart, joined a gym and started working out, stopped the fad diets got on a food plan from one of the trainers... nothing. Went to an RD associated with a hospital bariatric program got on a 1700 calorie food plan. Weighed and measured EVERYTHING, tracked everything, worked out... gained 40 lbs in a year. All this time primary checking my TSH: normal. Finally went to endo, she did a full panel (thyroid, hormones, everything), I brought her copies of the last two TSH test so she would have that info. My TSH this time: through the roof, I was in a fluctuating pattern in my TSH, my thyroid was just starting to fail, the testing she did also revealed I am insulin resistant... So she started treating me with levothyroxine and metformin. Went back to RD for changes, she said keep it the same, so I kept on, it took me over a year but I lost 10 lbs. This January I started gaining again, no rhyme or reason. In under 6 months I gained 15 lbs. Doc checked my levels, everything was great, I had a needle biopsy of the two lumps on my thyroid (one is benign the other is inconclusive, I have to wait until Jan to get it rebiopsied), so I decided time to change to a new dietitian and did some research. I found an RD that specializes in patients with thyroid issues, insulin resistance and have been working with her for just over a month now. I've lost 4 lbs and am feeling better than I have in a long time, and all she had to do was change my food plan to lower carbs (the last one I was on was modeled on the American food pyramid with higher grain carbs).
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    My two cents on this: get a different endo to get rechecked, there may be something else going on that's compounding the problem (and remember just because the numbers are normal, doesn't mean that they are normal FOR YOU) and a registered dietitian that specializes in patients with your issues.

    Here's my story: I did all the fad diets for many years, would lose, gain it back, lose, gain it back.... Finally got smart, joined a gym and started working out, stopped the fad diets got on a food plan from one of the trainers... nothing. Went to an RD associated with a hospital bariatric program got on a 1700 calorie food plan. Weighed and measured EVERYTHING, tracked everything, worked out... gained 40 lbs in a year. All this time primary checking my TSH: normal. Finally went to endo, she did a full panel (thyroid, hormones, everything), I brought her copies of the last two TSH test so she would have that info. My TSH this time: through the roof, I was in a fluctuating pattern in my TSH, my thyroid was just starting to fail, the testing she did also revealed I am insulin resistant... So she started treating me with levothyroxine and metformin. Went back to RD for changes, she said keep it the same, so I kept on, it took me over a year but I lost 10 lbs. This January I started gaining again, no rhyme or reason. In under 6 months I gained 15 lbs. Doc checked my levels, everything was great, I had a needle biopsy of the two lumps on my thyroid (one is benign the other is inconclusive, I have to wait until Jan to get it rebiopsied), so I decided time to change to a new dietitian and did some research. I found an RD that specializes in patients with thyroid issues, insulin resistance and have been working with her for just over a month now. I've lost 4 lbs and am feeling better than I have in a long time, and all she had to do was change my food plan to lower carbs (the last one I was on was modeled on the American food pyramid with higher grain carbs).

  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited August 2015
    aggelikik wrote: »
    I'm getting frustrated by this losing inches, losing no weight argument. I have been working out 5 times a week, and watching calories, but no budge in the weight. Last year, I swam 5 times a week and lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I have been swimming now since February, and have only lost 10. I'm at a loss . I am so discouraged.

    I've also undergone a biopsy of my thyroid after finding a goiter that was 3.5 cm. The endocrinologist is convinced there's nothing wrong. I found out that the tumor was benign, so yay, but what in the world would have caused this? The cells found in the goiter match up to Hashimotos, but he says no. Even if you have normal TSH, T3, and T4, you can still have this disease. The doctors have no answers. Honestly, I was hoping to blame my thyroid for these issues.

    When dieting and exercise don't work, what really is the best answer? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

    I suspect you will not like the answer, but diet and exercise always work. And you cannot gain weight because of your thyroid or other hormonal issues, with hormone levels being normal, sorry.
    It is very easy, however, to overeat, to have the wrong idea about the portions sizes you are eating or to overestimate what you burn by exercising. Have you tried counting calories? If yes, how long have you been doing this and how are you measuring, using a scale or not?

    I would have to respectfully disagree with you. My sister had thyroid issues, normal TSH, T3, and T4 values, and she gained 60 lbs. She's a vegetarian and works out 2 hours a day. It was determined that her thyroid was to blame, and she's now being treated with hormone replacement. She was diagnosed with Hashimotos. Your thyroid controls metabolism, and several diseases associated with the thyroid, including Hashimotos, can affect metabolism and lead to obesity.

    I have been counting calories. In fact, even before I was using myfitnesspal, I was doing wight watchers, and I was weighing food. I also exercise 5 days a week, quite vigorously actually.

    To have a growth on your thyroid at this size is just not normal. Plus, I didn't have tests in the afternoons to measure my T level, which at this time, typically the T-levels can vary. These tests are some of most inaccurate tests for thyroid levels. These tests are half the reason so many people go undiagnosed.

    You have separate issues here:
    1) You need a diagnosis. And if you cannot get answers, you need a new dr. You need someone to explain to you what is happening, what is the prognosis, what to expect. No doubt about any of this.
    2) No one gains weight without being hypothyroid (normal T4) because of hypothyroidism. Sorry, makes no sense. Either you are hypothyroid, so your hormone levels are not normal, or you are not. You can have Hashimoto's and still have a functional thyroid. In which case, you are not hypothyroid yet.
    3) If you do become hypothyroid, you lose energy, your life is affected in several ways, and because everything slows down, you do gain a bit of weight. Unless this goes on for a long time, and you end up unable ot get out of bed or to follow a conversation, you still do nto end up with a ton of extra weight. And if your hypothyroidism is that bad, then weight gain is honestly the least of your problems.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    Did you have a test for anti-thyroid antibodies? If you did, and you don't have the antibodies, then you don't have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. You can easily have a thyroid tumor without having Hashimoto's. They usually have nothing to do with each other. Are you having the tumor removed or leaving it there? I might want a second biopsy and a second opinion to make sure it's benign.

    I was hoping that my thyroid was to blame for my being heavier than I wanted to be in my twenties, but getting thyroid medication didn't help me that much with weight loss. Not being depressed as a symptom of being hypothyroid made it easier for me to get my emotional eating under control, and lose weight the way that most people have to do it, by eating less. Ironically, the one thing I was willing to get out of bed for in those days was exercise, because it actually made me feel better.

    You've lost 40 pounds. Celebrate, and then stick with the process. It gets harder and harder to lose weight as you get smaller, because of the physics of the thing. You just don't need as many calories to move and sustain a body that is 40 pounds lighter. It's normal to reach a plateau, and a lot of people give up and regain weight. Be a person who stays strong, and you will get to your goal.
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    My two cents on this: get a different endo to get rechecked, there may be something else going on that's compounding the problem (and remember just because the numbers are normal, doesn't mean that they are normal FOR YOU) and a registered dietitian that specializes in patients with your issues.

    Here's my story: I did all the fad diets for many years, would lose, gain it back, lose, gain it back.... Finally got smart, joined a gym and started working out, stopped the fad diets got on a food plan from one of the trainers... nothing. Went to an RD associated with a hospital bariatric program got on a 1700 calorie food plan. Weighed and measured EVERYTHING, tracked everything, worked out... gained 40 lbs in a year. All this time primary checking my TSH: normal. Finally went to endo, she did a full panel (thyroid, hormones, everything), I brought her copies of the last two TSH test so she would have that info. My TSH this time: through the roof, I was in a fluctuating pattern in my TSH, my thyroid was just starting to fail, the testing she did also revealed I am insulin resistant... So she started treating me with levothyroxine and metformin. Went back to RD for changes, she said keep it the same, so I kept on, it took me over a year but I lost 10 lbs. This January I started gaining again, no rhyme or reason. In under 6 months I gained 15 lbs. Doc checked my levels, everything was great, I had a needle biopsy of the two lumps on my thyroid (one is benign the other is inconclusive, I have to wait until Jan to get it rebiopsied), so I decided time to change to a new dietitian and did some research. I found an RD that specializes in patients with thyroid issues, insulin resistance and have been working with her for just over a month now. I've lost 4 lbs and am feeling better than I have in a long time, and all she had to do was change my food plan to lower carbs (the last one I was on was modeled on the American food pyramid with higher grain carbs).
    aggelikik wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    I'm getting frustrated by this losing inches, losing no weight argument. I have been working out 5 times a week, and watching calories, but no budge in the weight. Last year, I swam 5 times a week and lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I have been swimming now since February, and have only lost 10. I'm at a loss . I am so discouraged.

    I've also undergone a biopsy of my thyroid after finding a goiter that was 3.5 cm. The endocrinologist is convinced there's nothing wrong. I found out that the tumor was benign, so yay, but what in the world would have caused this? The cells found in the goiter match up to Hashimotos, but he says no. Even if you have normal TSH, T3, and T4, you can still have this disease. The doctors have no answers. Honestly, I was hoping to blame my thyroid for these issues.

    When dieting and exercise don't work, what really is the best answer? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

    I suspect you will not like the answer, but diet and exercise always work. And you cannot gain weight because of your thyroid or other hormonal issues, with hormone levels being normal, sorry.
    It is very easy, however, to overeat, to have the wrong idea about the portions sizes you are eating or to overestimate what you burn by exercising. Have you tried counting calories? If yes, how long have you been doing this and how are you measuring, using a scale or not?

    I would have to respectfully disagree with you. My sister had thyroid issues, normal TSH, T3, and T4 values, and she gained 60 lbs. She's a vegetarian and works out 2 hours a day. It was determined that her thyroid was to blame, and she's now being treated with hormone replacement. She was diagnosed with Hashimotos. Your thyroid controls metabolism, and several diseases associated with the thyroid, including Hashimotos, can affect metabolism and lead to obesity.

    I have been counting calories. In fact, even before I was using myfitnesspal, I was doing wight watchers, and I was weighing food. I also exercise 5 days a week, quite vigorously actually.

    To have a growth on your thyroid at this size is just not normal. Plus, I didn't have tests in the afternoons to measure my T level, which at this time, typically the T-levels can vary. These tests are some of most inaccurate tests for thyroid levels. These tests are half the reason so many people go undiagnosed.

    You have separate issues here:
    1) You need a diagnosis. And if you cannot get answers, you need a new dr. You need someone to explain to you what is happening, what is the prognosis, what to expect. No doubt about any of this.
    2) No one gains weight without being hypothyroid (normal T4) because of hypothyroidism. Sorry, makes no sense. Either you are hypothyroid, so your hormone levels are not normal, or you are not. You can have Hashimoto's and still have a functional thyroid. In which case, you are not hypothyroid yet.
    3) If you do become hypothyroid, you lose energy, your life is affected in several ways, and because everything slows down, you do gain a bit of weight. Unless this goes on for a long time, and you end up unable ot get out of bed or to follow a conversation, you still do nto end up with a ton of extra weight. And if your hypothyroidism is that bad, then weight gain is honestly the least of your problems.

    Thank you for that information. There are so many variables at play here, and I have just begun to seek out a new endocrinologist. I have been told that gluten may be to blame. When I was in China in February fro business, I only ate vegetables, rice, and protein. No gluten of any kind. I lost 10 plus in ten days, which was beyond surprising to me. Then, I returned home and tried to mimic the foods I was eating. I lost about 4 lbs, then I stopped completely. So, the positive thing is that my body did respond to a change in diet. Interesting thing was, I was less active there.
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Did you have a test for anti-thyroid antibodies? If you did, and you don't have the antibodies, then you don't have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. You can easily have a thyroid tumor without having Hashimoto's. They usually have nothing to do with each other. Are you having the tumor removed or leaving it there? I might want a second biopsy and a second opinion to make sure it's benign.

    I was hoping that my thyroid was to blame for my being heavier than I wanted to be in my twenties, but getting thyroid medication didn't help me that much with weight loss. Not being depressed as a symptom of being hypothyroid made it easier for me to get my emotional eating under control, and lose weight the way that most people have to do it, by eating less. Ironically, the one thing I was willing to get out of bed for in those days was exercise, because it actually made me feel better.

    You've lost 40 pounds. Celebrate, and then stick with the process. It gets harder and harder to lose weight as you get smaller, because of the physics of the thing. You just don't need as many calories to move and sustain a body that is 40 pounds lighter. It's normal to reach a plateau, and a lot of people give up and regain weight. Be a person who stays strong, and you will get to your goal.

    I did not actually have them tested, and I'm now wondering why they never were. I am not having the tumor removed. At least, they said I should not unless it causes any issues. Right now, my voice has changed, so my hunch is that the tumor is hitting a nerve to my voice box. The cells that were found in the biopsy match pun to what is normally associated with Hashimotos. I followed up the old endo and they said this was not true. I followed up again with my best friend, who is an ER doctor, and she, like many of you, urged me to get a second and third opinion. Because to accept that there's no reasoning for a growth that large directly on your thyroid is irresponsible by the endo.
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Too many variables in what causes benign tumors. The cells simply don't die as programmed. Who made the diagnosis that the tumor cells match up to Hashimoto's?

    If you have a thyroid disorder or any metabolic disorder, this doesn't cause one to gain weight (other than the initial ~10lbs from cellular uptake) - eating more than you burn does. Your metabolism may decrease, but only to a marginal degree and on a macro scale. Bottom line if you are gaining weight you are eating more than your body needs.

    You will also have a problem balancing your hormones simply by being overweight - signal hormones get overproduced in serum due to increased mass and this creates a terminal cascade.

    Look to your logging first - this is what you have immediate control over. Continue pushing your doctor - or find a new one willing to work with you. Present them with data and peer reviewed articles. Show them your MFP diet and activity log. Doctors don't deal well with relative data, so help them in your diagnosis and provide objective evidence and start eliminating the variables.

    I've been diagnosed since 2000 and put on ~75 lbs over the last 15 years. Once I started logging last year and aware of my intake/output I lost >50 lbs.

    The endo and my ER doctor looked at the tests and said that it's true, the cells do occur in Hashimoto patients, but that's not to say that I do in fact have the disease. I have been log gin the past 10 days, and I have taken the necessary steps to reduce some hidden calories. I am also doing trial and error with the gluten thing since I had o much success in China with zero gluten. This week my body finally let go of .6 lbs. I'm trying to stay positive since it's a lose, albeit a small one. I upped my exercise and change the types of exercises I did everyday. I also started counting my steps. I am up to 5000 a day just with walking, but I'm also swimming. I'm going to add Taebo and Zumba this week to shake it up.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Did you have a test for anti-thyroid antibodies? If you did, and you don't have the antibodies, then you don't have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. You can easily have a thyroid tumor without having Hashimoto's. They usually have nothing to do with each other. Are you having the tumor removed or leaving it there? I might want a second biopsy and a second opinion to make sure it's benign.

    I was hoping that my thyroid was to blame for my being heavier than I wanted to be in my twenties, but getting thyroid medication didn't help me that much with weight loss. Not being depressed as a symptom of being hypothyroid made it easier for me to get my emotional eating under control, and lose weight the way that most people have to do it, by eating less. Ironically, the one thing I was willing to get out of bed for in those days was exercise, because it actually made me feel better.

    You've lost 40 pounds. Celebrate, and then stick with the process. It gets harder and harder to lose weight as you get smaller, because of the physics of the thing. You just don't need as many calories to move and sustain a body that is 40 pounds lighter. It's normal to reach a plateau, and a lot of people give up and regain weight. Be a person who stays strong, and you will get to your goal.

    I did not actually have them tested, and I'm now wondering why they never were. I am not having the tumor removed. At least, they said I should not unless it causes any issues. Right now, my voice has changed, so my hunch is that the tumor is hitting a nerve to my voice box. The cells that were found in the biopsy match pun to what is normally associated with Hashimotos. I followed up the old endo and they said this was not true. I followed up again with my best friend, who is an ER doctor, and she, like many of you, urged me to get a second and third opinion. Because to accept that there's no reasoning for a growth that large directly on your thyroid is irresponsible by the endo.

    You need that antibody test. The doc can't say that you don't have Hashi's without doing the test. At the very least, you're going to want to have a TSH test every year if you have anti-thyroid antibodies in your system. My mom had a huge benign growth on her thyroid that caused sleep apnea. (My mom also had Hashimoto's, as do I). If the tumor is affecting your voice, it seems like a good reason for it to go, now, before it gets bigger.

    Did the endo tell you whether the tumor could be removed, or whether you'd have to have your whole thyroid removed? That's another consideration.
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi, I would continue to have my thyroid levels checked. Hashimoto's does cause fluctuation in thyroid hormones at times. If you are at the beginning, your thyroid levels may be normal but if you have Hashimoto's, you will eventually become hypothyroid. So I would get them checked every 6 months. Absolutely have your thyroid antibodies tested - antithyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO); even if your thyroid levels are normal, the thyroid antibodies may be elevated if you have Hashimotos.

    When I was about 18, I had a goiter, but my thyroid levels were normal. About 1 or 2 years later, they were very abnormal. I didn't know at that time that I needed any follow-up (they found the goiter on my physical for college) so it was really bad when finally diagnosed - fatigue - could hardly get out of bed, depression, slowed thinking, etc. Absolutely get follow up labs and get your thyroid antibodies checked. Your sister having it definitely increases your chance of having it as well.

    Good luck.
  • Diggergirl1996
    Diggergirl1996 Posts: 29 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Did you have a test for anti-thyroid antibodies? If you did, and you don't have the antibodies, then you don't have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. You can easily have a thyroid tumor without having Hashimoto's. They usually have nothing to do with each other. Are you having the tumor removed or leaving it there? I might want a second biopsy and a second opinion to make sure it's benign.

    I was hoping that my thyroid was to blame for my being heavier than I wanted to be in my twenties, but getting thyroid medication didn't help me that much with weight loss. Not being depressed as a symptom of being hypothyroid made it easier for me to get my emotional eating under control, and lose weight the way that most people have to do it, by eating less. Ironically, the one thing I was willing to get out of bed for in those days was exercise, because it actually made me feel better.

    You've lost 40 pounds. Celebrate, and then stick with the process. It gets harder and harder to lose weight as you get smaller, because of the physics of the thing. You just don't need as many calories to move and sustain a body that is 40 pounds lighter. It's normal to reach a plateau, and a lot of people give up and regain weight. Be a person who stays strong, and you will get to your goal.

    I did not actually have them tested, and I'm now wondering why they never were. I am not having the tumor removed. At least, they said I should not unless it causes any issues. Right now, my voice has changed, so my hunch is that the tumor is hitting a nerve to my voice box. The cells that were found in the biopsy match pun to what is normally associated with Hashimotos. I followed up the old endo and they said this was not true. I followed up again with my best friend, who is an ER doctor, and she, like many of you, urged me to get a second and third opinion. Because to accept that there's no reasoning for a growth that large directly on your thyroid is irresponsible by the endo.

    You need that antibody test. The doc can't say that you don't have Hashi's without doing the test. At the very least, you're going to want to have a TSH test every year if you have anti-thyroid antibodies in your system. My mom had a huge benign growth on her thyroid that caused sleep apnea. (My mom also had Hashimoto's, as do I). If the tumor is affecting your voice, it seems like a good reason for it to go, now, before it gets bigger.

    Did the endo tell you whether the tumor could be removed, or whether you'd have to have your whole thyroid removed? That's another consideration.

    Believe it or not, both my parents have sleep apnea. I also get the same fatigue they did which hinders my ability to even work in the afternoons. I will get this scheduled ASAP. I will go to a different doctor though. Thank you for that. The doctor said I didn't need it, the growth, out unless I wanted it out.