Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Going to a regular store, and going to "plus" area to find pants. Designers for plus size, think all fat women are color blind, uneducated unemployed, and don't like nice clothes, or sexy clothes...I saw a bunch of junk that looked like a Wal Mart clearance sale in a ghetto. Nothing appropriate for leading a professional meeting, or traveling for a work trip. The suits available were cheap looking, and nothing fitted.

    I need to lose weight to get back to shopping in sections that have decent clothes to choose.
    5lets get together and make attractive clothes for the plus market. We'ed be rich! Or perhaps leav8ng them in their blah grundgies would be the motivation to get fit.
  • emmagrace0818
    emmagrace0818 Posts: 211 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself currently! Yuck! And not being able to do as much physically as I could before.. In the middle of doing something and I get out of breathe and my back starts hurting and I think to myself, what the hell, I used to be able to do this plus alot more!
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    My step-dad took a very unflattering picture of me sitting down and I looked like a whale. I decided that no one would ever be able to take a picture of me looking that big and I got to work. I'm only on day 58...but I'm already so much happier. I didn't realize that my body was a prison until I started trying to escape it.
  • mml023
    mml023 Posts: 3 Member
    I tried a couple time before but no seriouse efforts I have alwayes been big but never this big I got married and had a baby 2 years ago I was so sure I could loss the weight like nothing but I actually gained 15 pounds since giving birth Im only 23 and I feel so much older if I feel old at 23 I'll feel like a zombie at 30 plus my husbands mom has diabetes and everything she is going through because of it is scary I want to be healthy for my son I love him more then I love myself more them I love anything or anyone if I'm doing this because of something he would be that something
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'd always been a 'bigger' girl - my whole life. When I met my boyfriend, I realised how insecure I was. I would constantly point at other girls who were overweight and ask how I compared to them. I literally wanted him to analyse me against them. It was crazy behaviour not to mention straining for my relationship. I lost weight and felt brilliant. I was still far from skinny but I looked a lot healthier.

    My nana died in 2014 and I stopped being so strict on my diet and I stopped going to the gym. I was mourning my Nana, of course but I can't really use that as an excuse - I just became lazy and preferred eating to running. Eventually it caught up with me when I visited the doctor for a routine appointment, stepped on the scales and was told that I'd put on over 2 stone. I was now 11 stone and at 5ft2 - that wasn't healthy.

    I was absolutely mortified. I walked out of that doctors surgery in tears, drove to my Mum's house and sobbed in her arms for an hour. I know it sounds farfetched but I felt grotesque and as though I'd totally failed and let myself go. After crying on my Mum for a while, I drove home to my boyfriend and demanded to know why he didn't tell me - his response? "I noticed it but didn't want to upset you". Ouch.

    I was angry at my boyfriend and took all my frustrations and insecurities out on him from that moment onward until I decided to start doing something about it again. I joined Weight Watchers (again) and stepped it up in the gym and lost 25lbs. I'm now a healthy weight but feel I need to be eating more calories so have come away from Weight Watchers and upped my calories to 1500. I'm feeling an awful lot of anxiety and worry - will I put on weight from this? These questions go round and round in my head but I'm really determined not to fail and not to gain and most importantly, to be happy and healthy.
  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    Mine was looking at pictures from 5 years ago when I was 90lbs to looking at when I started at 185lbs...Ive lost 10lbs in a month.
  • betbetrex
    betbetrex Posts: 8 Member
    I just remember being so lazy. I was living with a girl even lazier than me and we would just watch tv all the time and work. There was no fun just sitting and watching. Then when i wanted to do something more i was too tired and i just got sick of it. I just wanted to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without feeling exhausted or out of breath. Also i hated myself after eating fast food all the time.
  • coco_bee
    coco_bee Posts: 173 Member
    When I had to lie down to get my bloody jeans on. Something like this lol:
  • chickiechickie
    chickiechickie Posts: 27 Member
    Weelll... The first time I lost weight, I did so when I realized I had hit 161 pounds. I had always been 140 so seeing that number freaked me out and at the time, I was about to turn 19 and head to college, so I wanted to make some life changes beforehand.

    The second time was when I hit 181 at 22/23 after a very bad 4 year relationship in which my ex was emotionally abusive. I had been struggling with depression and anxiety for the entirety of the four years and put on 50 pounds. So I had another, "Time to take control" moment.

    I put on weight again starting in Februrary of 2014, again due to stress. I binge eat and my boss at the time was massively abusive to us and I was soft so I wallowed in food. It didn't help that money was tight and the store's food was 40% off for employees... The moment that kicked me in the gut this time was not fitting into most of my clothes and not being able to afford to replace them sufficiently well. It would be much cheaper to just drop the weight - less money spent on binging - and not bother buying pants I don't intend to wear for too many more months.
  • Ninkasi
    Ninkasi Posts: 173 Member
    edited August 2015
    I went to the doctor and she said I have high blood pressure. Over the past 8 years between grad school and long hours at a sedentary job I have put on 50 pounds. I'm tall, so for a long time I could hide most of it but not anymore. My doctor put me on medication and told me that if I lost the weight, the problem would go away. I don't do pills well. I forget to take them and they are a pain. But i guess for a while they are my punishment, so here I am.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I got diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension and was told I needed to lose a little bit of weight. I decided to just completely transform my life to make sure it would never become an issue again.
  • Mizz_Mo
    Mizz_Mo Posts: 64 Member
    Putting deodorant on and realizing how fat my armpits were! It's crazy how sometimes something so silly will light a flame under your butt to do better. I mean, seriously, you would think my huge butt and/or thighs would have been the catalyst ;-)
  • SairyGamp
    SairyGamp Posts: 16 Member
    Lots of reasons really - how difficult it is to find clothes that fit me and hide my big stomach (esp. work clothes). how sluggish I feel all the time and the fact that I have thousands of pictures of my kids, but I'm not in any of them because I don't want to see how fat I am.
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    Several things happened all at once for me, I guess I'm pretty dense so I needed more than one clue.
    My blood pressure went up, my fat pants were too tight, my kneecap slid off track and I needed 6 weeks of PT all because I was fat. My husband and doctor both expressed concern for my health.

    I finally really looked at myself in the mirror, and it wasn't good.
  • Ashley4573086
    Ashley4573086 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok... so it's kind of gross but funny... haha

    When I took my bra off one day after work and I literally felt my shoulder fat roll onto my back... that was one of the most awful feelings... In that moment I wasn't just obese, I FELT my obesity! The next day I started eating better... a week later I met with a PT... Now here I am 3 weeks into my program with him and 11 lbs lighter! Plus... I no longer feel that fat roll!!!

    I use to go to the gym everyday I never really lifted or did strength training but I did do a ton of cardio and I was in pretty decent shape not great but decent... when SO and I started dating I started going less and less and we would eat out ALL the time... after 4 years and 2 c-sections and an ungodly amount of fast food and huge portion sizes I ended up gaining a total of around 80 pounds! ALL of which I am dying to lose!
  • Tess_Christine
    Tess_Christine Posts: 87 Member
    I had my Second child 7 weeks ago, first one I bounced back so fast! (I also was only 16) now I'm 20 and after 7 weeks i am heavier then ever.... my weight has bounced around so much since I've had my first son... 210 to 150 to 220 to 190 to 249 to 277 now 238... I wanna to get down to 150 so bad !

    I realized I need to lose weight now when running after my 4 year old makes me so tired after just 5 mins... when taking care of a baby makes me exhausted... going up and down stairs hurts after just 2 sets ... ♡ needing a life change ♡
  • drivenbonkers
    drivenbonkers Posts: 33 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    My extra wait was baby weight. I always planned on losing it but kept making excuses about being too busy. ..........

    ^^^^ this, only my baby just turned 27, LOL.

    Years ago, when said baby "E" was about 4 or 5, I was lamenting on the phone to my Mom about being 'out of shape'. 'But Mommy, round IS a shape!' says E. Such a HELPFUL child!

    Over the years, I have attempted several times to lose weight, with zero success.

    Until this year, I lacked the necessary 'there is no try, only do' and 'failure is not an option' attitudes.

    I declared 2015 as the 'Year of ME!'. I'm being the best me I can, and that involves getting fit, losing weight.

    Another 20 lbs to go, and I'm 'treating' myself with horseback riding lessons. I really, really miss riding.

  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    I have really a lot of reasons that inspired me to lose weight cause I have a lot of weight to lose!!

    First inspiration: my three daughters- don't want them to struggle with their weight and self image as I have my whole life so I need to be a positive role model and help them learn to live a healthy lifestyle

    Second inspiration: had my youngest daughter three months ago and felt super out of shape and heavy pregnant with her..my blood pressure was elevated and I was border line diabetic during my pregnancy and the after having her I still look four months pregnant

    Third inspiration: the desire to feel like me again!! I miss the healthier, more energetic, thinner me. I want to feel good about myself again and turn heads...when I go back to work (from maternity leave) I want people to ask me how I lost all the weight and tell me I look great and I want to feel proud of my self for achieving something very difficult. Just sick of being over weight, inactive, lazy, sluggish Alicia...I want to be awesome,athletic, sexy Alicia!! Now if that isn't inspiration I don't know what is!!
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    NOticed I didn't actually feel good. Back hurt all the time and I was tired even though I work a desk job and get plenty of sleep. So I decided to stand on a scale. About had a cow.
  • hpaige413
    hpaige413 Posts: 1 Member
    Saw a pic of myself taken yesterday thinking I looked huge. Then confirmed that thought when I stepped on the scale this morning. I'm only 3 pounds away from where I was when I had my last baby...and that was 4 years ago!! :(