What are YOUR goals?!



  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    I've hit my goal weight but my stomach is not flat. So my goal is to flatten my stomach by doing ab exercises & continue lifting weights in general.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    pili90 wrote: »
    This might sound crazy, but I don't have any... I'm doing this with a nutritionist, and a trainer. Both suggested not to have goals, just do it. The nutritionist checks my health, sugar levels, body fat etc, my trainer my fitness progress and in the end I'm not worried.

    Sometimes we get a bit obsessed with the whole thing, goals are useful, but not for all.

    Running races is a great goal, because you can measure it without going crazy about it... :) you can do this!

    I can see the wisdom of not having goals. It's where I am right now. My only goal is to stay true to the process (eat healthily at a small deficit and exercise most days).

  • Weirdistonni
    Weirdistonni Posts: 49 Member
    I would like to weight 160. Be able to run five minutes straight. Build upper body strength. Be able to do pull ups and chin ups. Also gain muscle :)
  • robspot
    robspot Posts: 130 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Secondary goal: increase strength nothing I think too extreme, is a chin up extreme?

    I'd also like to achieve a chin up without looking like a hyperventilating baboon!!
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    edited August 2015
    Love seeing everyones goals. I am currently searching for my next goal and Im 99% sure its going to be to sign up and complete a triathalon. Since last september I have lost 108#, made it to wonderland and as of yesterday was able to zip my wedding dress (9 years since Ive been able to) i dont have a specific weight I want to be. I just want to be healthy and comfortable so I suppose about 150-155 is a good place for me. Im currently at 178.
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    my dream: 28 inch waist, 5 minute mile, bench press 405, deadlift 660, 30 pullups in a row with good form, 20 planche pushups in a row...but these are veeeeeeerrryyyy long term goals for me
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    oh and no injuries along the way :-)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    robspot wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Secondary goal: increase strength nothing I think too extreme, is a chin up extreme?

    I'd also like to achieve a chin up without looking like a hyperventilating baboon!!

    At the moment all i can do is jump up and ever so slightly slow my descent.

    One reason I was thinking of going to the gym, to use the assisted chin up machine so i can see how far off I am.

  • BeccaKay96
    BeccaKay96 Posts: 77 Member
    These are all so awesome even though I don't have time to read them all! I'm happy so many people are keeping this going! You are all awesome and can do anything you set your mind to :D
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    just to lose 2.5 lbs per month until i lose about 10lbs (120 > 110
    get strong in fit aspects swimming, running weightlift.(ect)..
    Eat more healthy
    Maintain my weightloss and apply everything else i said except for the lose lb part.
  • cathliz71
    cathliz71 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been thinking of this a lot lately (even bought a book on setting goals). I am getting married in the spring in the Dominican and I want to look awesome. I have been working with a personal trainer for the last year and have seen some big improvements in my strength and my physical capabilities (and my body composition - just not quite where I want to be). I have been at the same weight for the last year however and this is discouraging. Sometimes I am tracking my food, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I am eating very well and there are times I fall off the wagon. I quit drinking alcohol 1.5 years ago and quit smoking 7 months ago...2 tough things for me so I need to cut myself some slack as I can be very hard on myself.

    This next 8 months my goal is to lose about 10-15lbs, maintain a consistent exercise routine with weights and running and to run a 10k. There!!! I wrote it down :smiley: Good luck to all others in their goals!
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Attain healthy bmi, about 25 lbs to go. (Seems so close it's unreal when I think of how far away I was from both a healthy and an overweight bmi a year ago... :o )

    I'll likely need to drop more weight from there, though my focus will probably shift to body comp and reducing body fat than fixating on the number on the bathroom scale. I'd like to think so anyway.

    I'd also like to be in single digit sizes, and complete a proper pushup. And a pull up. My upper body strength has improved some, I think? Me weighing significatly less probably has more to do with it...meh.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    My first goal was to lose the weight that piled on when I got injured. I'm pretty much there (just 4.4 pounds away!), so I've been thinking of other goals. Among them (in no particular order):

    1. Improve my swimming technique and endurance.
    2. Maintain a 25.5-26" waist (that should come in the next four pounds and it's the measurement at which my clothes fit best. Also, I'm going to try to build some muscle once I'm out of my deficit -- slowly, granted -- so I want a non-scale guide of whether or not I'm on track size-wise).
    3. Stick to a progressive lifting routine; lift 2-3 times/ week. (3-4 would be cool, but it isn't compatible with my swimming or work or volunteer schedule. Hence the expectation of incredibly slow gains. Also, I'm limited to machines which I imagine will lead to slower gains than compound lifting as I won't use as many secondary muscles).
    4. Wheel around in my manual wheelchair for a mile without getting fatigued. Increase this goal once it's met. (Note: I am a part-time wheelchair and scooter user. I walk as much as I can; that just isn't much. I need mobility devices to live a full life and not get stranded.)
    5. Increase my flexibility.
    6. Do *something* everyday. I know there will be days I'm too exhausted to do a full workout, but on those days I need to move at least a little bit, whether that means gardening or wheeling around the block or doing some body weight exercises around the house. The injury made me sedentary for a long time, and it's become my default setting. I'll never be as spontaneously active as I once was, but I also don't want to feel quite so at home on the couch.

    I like having goals, but I don't like deadlines much. I find that deadlines take some of the joy out of the process and often lead to disappointment. For each goal, there is a corresponding reward to look forward to, though, and they keep me plenty motivated:

    1. If I work on my form, I'll be able to enter a swim meet.
    2. If I get down to my original size, I'll get to wear my favorite clothes.
    3. If I get stronger, I'll be a better swimmer and not get so tired in the wheelchair. I'll also protect my bones that are probably taking a hit from this dearth of weight-bearing activity.
    4. If I increase my distance in the wheelchair, I can go "hiking" out in nature (I'm getting an adapter to make my four-wheel a three-wheel that can handle somewhat rough terrain).
    5. The process of increasing my flexibility relieves stress and soreness and helps me sleep better. The flexibility itself is just a bonus.
    6. Moving makes me happy and relieves stress. I've got a stressful actual job and an equally stressful volunteer job. Addressing my stress is incredibly important.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    My main goal is to remain healthy. So, to that end I want to get into the healthy BMI range, which means losing at least another 8 lbs. But I'd like to lose about 15 more just so I have room to bounce around a little in maintenance without going over.

    Also, my waist in the healthy range now but I'd like to lose a couple more inches off for the same reason. I just want as many risk markers in the healthy range as possible.
  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    In the next 12 months:
    Run a 10K
    Sub 30" waist
    Spartan Race in 2016
    Hand Stand Push Up
    Sub 20% body fat....because I secretly would like to do a bikini comp. Shhhhh don't tell anyone.
  • FitForLife2015
    FitForLife2015 Posts: 20 Member
    My goals:
    1.) Get healthy
    2.) Be 155lbs-165lbs (depends on my muscle)
    3.) Build Muscle
    4.) Be under 200lbs by Christmas (that is 34lbs to go..)
    I may not make #4, but I'm aiming high, but I'll only do it the healthy way..
  • Sean_TheITGuy
    Sean_TheITGuy Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 37, and just figured out that I need to lose around 50lbs to hit 17% bodyfat. That's my goal to hit before I'm 40. As soon as I hit it, I'm going to look into some new rock climbing equipment, as that's always been a side interest of mine, but I've always been too heavy to really be as good as I want.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I started my weight loss journey April 1st with a goal to lose 100 pounds in 1 year. I will be just about 50 pounds down at the five month mark on Sept 1st. So that gives me the next 7 months to lose the next 50. I know a lot of people on here hate to set timelines because they get easily discouraged and feel like they are setting themselves up for dissappointment but that's not how my brain works. I like to set goals like this as it helps to keep me focused and on pace. Even if things work out differently for me I can guarantee you one thing...I will weigh less than I do right now. :) I'm in this for the long haul. I honestly don't ever plan on stopping the calorie counting habit. I don't mind it at all and its working for me. I've found a really easy routine for me and I'm losing weight consistently. We all have our moments where we go off the reservation but the key is to just get back on track and keep going. My ultimate goal is to lose a total of 125 pounds and I know I will reach that goal. I may take another year past next April...who knows, but as long as I keep going I know that I will eventually get there.
  • FunSizedKJ
    FunSizedKJ Posts: 67 Member
    Ideally I need to lose 100 - 120 lbs to be in a healthy weight range for my height, so that is vital for me.

    Beyond the number on the scale though, I want to get back into lifting. I love every second of it, but life just got in the way for me (college, 2 jobs, getting married, a baby, etc.) I'm hoping along the way I can find time and spaces in my schedule to get back into it.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Current goals:

    -Get back to 139, but this time with more muscle. So something like 20-22%BF at that weight.
    -Be able to do push ups again.
    -Avoid high cholesterol, diabetes, alcoholism, heart disease that runs rampant in my family.
    -Run my first structured 5k (mid-Sept) without walking