Needing to vent.. disappointed in myself.



  • kallemann67
    kallemann67 Posts: 92 Member
    There is a book I read a while back called Willpower. It's the science behind it - the chemistry and physiology that makes it last longer for some over others. Obviously if you have the ability to maintain a longer willpower that results in a better discipline which affects emotional motivation and of course successful output. Once one begins to change the chemistry of the energy source - reduce fats and sugars, amend calorie intake and expenditure that tax on your system will challenge your willpower 'fuel'. Don't forget that the other life challenges you face are already chipping away at your willpower reserves.

    You sound very hard on yourself OP. Understand that you may be working at full capacity right now. Eating yourself out of house and home by the end of the day is a tell tale sign that your willpower has completely depleted and in order to rebuild it you require the food intake. The science of willpower is extremely interesting and unfortunately overlooked too often by people trying to make a life change and feeling they are missing the mark.

    You may have to reduce the demand on your system. Change your caloric reduction to more midest change levels. Exercise not so much in an athletic manner but simply in a movement manner.

    Cold turkey actions may be a set up for failure and disappointment. Small goals, even really small goals might save your willpower to succeed another day.
  • chickiechickie
    chickiechickie Posts: 27 Member
    I do this myself, I don't know why. I've always kind of been a binge eater. I do it when I'm stressed but I've also realized that I do it as a reward. It's totally counter-intuitive. "Yay, I was healthy today! Eat all the things!"
  • LokiDokiArtichoki
    LokiDokiArtichoki Posts: 36 Member
    I feel you. That's why I'm in OA (it's kind of a last resort and I'm not religious/spiritual by any means but it's helping. there are people in the groups that know how broken and hopeless I've felt and that helps me not feel so alone in my struggles).
  • 124valerie
    124valerie Posts: 1 Member
    I am Weight Watchers too, I lost 50 13 years ago and I am up 21pounds. I used to binge after work too, I would be tired and overwhelmed from working all day but also immediate bored and un- stimulated. Sometimes I would also be angry from not being able to speak my mind at work with a boss or client, and I would seak justification in food somehow.

    I challenge you to explore the cause behind the binges and the self defeating nature of it. Perhaps you do just love being full but perhaps it's something else, and maybe it changes. You may need to simply be more realistic in your goals and eating regimen. Good luck! And-- you can do this.
  • shaddowstorm
    shaddowstorm Posts: 155 Member
    I do the same thing go so well all day and then I go see my bf after work and he keeps wanting to go out for tea of get take away and on top of that junk food.

    when I met him I was 60kgs now I'm 67kgs can't blame him he's not forcing food down my throat.

    I surprise myself how much I can eat.

    In 1 night I had KFC (zinger burger, 2 wicked wings, popcorn chicken, chips and potato and gravy plus a drink) after all that I had ice cream and a 170g packet of salt and vinegar chips and then some chocolate.

    I still can't believe I ate all that, I did feel sick by the end of the night but it doesn't turn me off from eating junk food another night which it should. I had stomach pains all the next day and didn't eat until 3pm.

    Weighed myself to scare myself back into being healthy
  • RoadtotheRAN
    RoadtotheRAN Posts: 55 Member
    You also need to remember why are on this journey and what you want to achieve. If you really want to achieve your goals that you've set, you'll stay on track no matter what.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    If you're finding yourself grabbing whatever's around (veggies, fruit, chips, ice cream, lunch meat, whatever), it does sound like the planning piece isn't totally there, and I totally agree that that will make a real difference. No judgement, it's all a learning process.

    Drop the deficit down to -0.5/lb a week, and consider planning your meals this way: eat more protein (at least 6-8 oz/meal, of meat, if you eat it), fat, and fiber (at least 22 grams a day). If you like beans and legumes, they are a really filling source of fiber (& they have protein, too). Have things you love that don't meet those criteria so you don't feel deprived, but fit them around that kind of plan.

    Some people just have good appetites. The only way I can net 1600 is if I burn 300 off 1900 gross, and if I plan my meals so that I'm full. I've still lost over 50 pounds. There's no race you have to win, steady losing is fine.
  • HockeyWifey
    HockeyWifey Posts: 19 Member
    You guys are all giving such great advice! I do need to plan my dinners. That's a problem that I have. i need to become more organized in this journey. This is really important to me.. I want this. I am getting my head back in the game and quiet honestly all of your responses helped a lot! It gave me some good ideas, and kicked the negativity out of my head. My husband also said he agrees, he needs to do a little more on his part. He could definitely eat healthier and he said that himself.

    Thank you all for your encouragement. It has helped me see the light so to speak lol I am looking forward to sharing results :)
  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    I totally hear you! Part of my problem, and maybe yours, is eating out of HABIT. It was always my habit to start snacking as soon as I got home. I would meander into the kitchen, get some crackers or chips, and munch munch munch all night long.

    It has taken some time for me to develop a new habit of immediately going to exercise. Now when I get home, I immediately change into my work out clothes and grab my iPod. My habit is not to grab food anymore, it is to go to the gym and workout. After working out, I'm gross and need a shower, and after a shower I always have a sit down regular meal, not just snacks out of the cupboards. Now being active is my habit over sitting down and munching right from the box.

    Maybe trying a new habit would work for you. If for example you find you always eat popcorn while watching TV, try a different habit. You could sub in gum or a glass of water. Or get physical, and walk in place or do crunches during commercials. If you find you always crave something sweet at 8 pm, try eating some grapes or a piece of dark chocolate instead of ice cream or cookies. These small habit changes can make a big difference!
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    We all develop habits. The comfort of feeling full may have originally stemmed from something years ago, even from childhood, and you now have to try and create new habits. For me when PMT kicks in it's into the gym and attack the punchbag rather than attack the biscuit tin. It's hard work but if you keep doing things more and more they become ingrained and become your new habits.

    Meal planning helps me a lot (and my shopping bill), I know exactly what's I'm eating and I won't pick up offers and food I don't need.

    Lastly if you're stressed you do need to work on the weight on your shoulders too. Stress will hamper weight loss and you need to look at what's causing your stress and do your best to remove it. Make sure you're getting enough sleep too as that will make a great difference. I was in a bad job and use to eat out or frustration, stress, boredom but I changed jobs and I'm now slowly making changes and new habits.

    Good luck!
  • BeeSting12
    BeeSting12 Posts: 6 Member
    Glad to see others are battling too. I just wanted to go get some Snickers ice cream and throw in a few cookies. Did I give in? No, I opted for a 1/2 cup frozen blueberries and a cup of water satisfied the crave today. ....ONE day at a time, you can do it!!
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Hockewifey, I think and this is my opinion, that due to the stress in your life it is making you depresses/anxious and you are emotionally stressed, and it could with things at home and that is your haven so you will act out by eating to make it go away.
    Now just so you understand me because I am not perfect but my husband and I have been on our own for 5 years our kids are grown, well just recently our younger child (25) moved home with his dog, just having him home and dealing with an additional dog has set me in a world wind, It is so stupid but my husband and I have both have been asking him to clean his room or bring out the dishes I feel like he's 8 I shouldn't have to ask. So you see something simple but in my mind I can't cope and it has thrown me off, I am trying to get back on track myself.
    If you would like to vent please feel free to contact me. Keep talking to people it helps.