Who else loses weight for FREE???



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm always getting Beach Body pushed on me on FB and it's annoying....I'm always seeing grabby marketing weight loss ads everywhere! I see success with them, especially Beachbody. I personally have seen friends succeed with it and that is great! BUT what Im super cool about is losing weight and gaining strength physically and mentally ALL FOR FREE! I'm looking for fellow people who don't get sucked into the cash grab of weight loss/ health merch..

    I've gotten some of those too, and they are irritating. 100 percent don't believe in weight loss products.
    FREE is using MFP to track food

    Agreed! I love the MFP app! No premium for me, just the free version.
    Lifting weights at home

    The last three days I have been tearing up my dining room and living room floors, which was a HUGE workout, and included lots of lifting of heavy things. I don't normally do this work, and I didn't log it, but I have DOMs today.
    Doing cardio at home or outside stuff

    I've done cardio at home, sometimes run outside, but I love my $99 a year gym membership, which I've had for 12 years. I love the energy of working out with other like minded people at 4 a.m. three days a week. However, I don't see this being the same as the weight loss products you mentioned.
    No sups, no protein shakes, no gym memberships, no jenny craig, no herbal magic, no beach body etc....

    While I drink a protein shake for weight lifting recovery, and I have a gym membership, I will clarify that these are my fitness tools only. :)

  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    Technically if you want to do things as correctly as possible mfp needs you to get a food scale (which is like $10+). But yeah, losing weight is just a matter of proper logging, don't need expensive stuff to lose weight. Though getting the occasional toy (hrm, fitbit, etc.) is nice, but in the end thats all they are, just fun ways to motivate you or help you keep track.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Bonny132 wrote: »

    However!!!! And this is a big one, my new and smaller size clothes are costing me a fortune!!! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    My gym membership is covered by my insurance, they are saving a ton of money on prescriptions, I no longer need.
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    I bought an Apple Watch, a new bike, and a new scale. But those were one time fees. MFP all the way for me.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Leka1000 wrote: »
    Lifting weights at home
    Doing cardio at home or outside stuff
    No sups, no protein shakes, no gym memberships, no jenny craig, no herbal magic, no beach body etc....

    WHO is on the same page as me?

    Mind telling me how you lift weights at home for free? How is this different from a gym membership?

    Do you lift 3L bottles of milk or bricks or something? Or do you mean a home gym is free while a gym membership isn't?

    I guess I lose weight for free, I don't do any weight watchers or Jenny Craig or diet pills.

    But I do have a gym membership and do kick boxing.

    To me free isn't a positive compared to paid.
    For me it's about efficient use of money, paying for a gym and never using it, that's wasteful, paid for one and spending 10 hours a week there where they maintain and repair the equipment seems like a much better option than a home gym.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I have spent very little on my weight loss. I don't have a gym membership, buy special food or shakes or pay for any program.
    I already had a food scale. I bought some new shoes.
    I wouldn't object to spending money on some useful things. I may buy some new weights or exercise dvd's in future.

    Do what works for you. You definitely don't have to spend a bunch of money to lose weight though.
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    i love having MFP for Free! That being said, I am worth every penny of my gym membership, weight-loss contests through the gym, personal training 2x per week, headset for my phone, good walking shoes, workout clothes, scale both bathroom and kitchen, magazines to find new recipes, my fitbit charge HR that was a gift and my fanny pack for my out door walks....oh, and new clothes as I've dropped sizes.... Do what works for you!
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    luluinca wrote: »
    My gym membership is free because my insurance pays for it and my coach is priceless!!! Other than my addiction to gym clothes...............it's all FREE!!!!

    TIL to check our health insurance to see if it will cover a gym membership! That's so great! Even a discount would be nice, lol.

    But other than that, I'm with you, OP. Freeeeeee. My Dad saw my MFP open on his pc when I was visiting last week. He later asked, "I saw that calorie thing...is that free?" Thought that was so cute. I explained it to him briefly, hopefully I'll get him to join.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have a heart rate monitor I adore. Got as gift 5 years ago. I pay $10 a month at my gym. But everything there is free. Even my most favorite PIYO class. Also my spin class. But I received spinning shoes as a gift. Love it! Have motivational buddies IRL there.

    We have been making smoothies with protein powder every day for YEARS. My husband makes a huge one every day and shares with the kids at breakfast. But I buy my protein powder in bulk at Costco. Love my wireless earbuds [another gift]. Buy clothes and shoes. And have sooo many bondibands! I am known as the headband girl at the gym. Oh and I wear my spibelt [another gift. ha] when I run [holds phone and key].

    Beyond that obsessed with MFP [free] Spotify [free] and occasionally do youtube [free] and the gadgets I want I ask for my birthday, xmas, etc. lol so they are free too! :O)

    I did just spend $13 on a food scale. And I pay more for good food.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I bought a Fitbit Zip, and need new Asics, because I wear them day in and out... But I don't spend money on anything else but food :D Well I did buy my food scale, however, I have yet to use it diligently. I did make falafel balls today, and I weighed them out for the week. I'm trying to get into it!
  • danaepoppie
    danaepoppie Posts: 15 Member
    Leka1000 wrote: »

    I'm always getting Beach Body pushed on me on FB and it's annoying....I'm always seeing grabby marketing weight loss ads everywhere! I see success with them, especially Beachbody. I personally have seen friends succeed with it and that is great! BUT what Im super cool about is losing weight and gaining strength physically and mentally ALL FOR FREE! I'm looking for fellow people who don't get sucked into the cash grab of weight loss/ health merch...
    FREE is using MFP to track food
    Lifting weights at home
    Doing cardio at home or outside stuff
    No sups, no protein shakes, no gym memberships, no jenny craig, no herbal magic, no beach body etc....

    WHO is on the same page as me?

    Well, I have a gym membership because I'm a bodybuilder and I love to lift so it's not about getting sucked in or losing weight for me there.
    Weight loss/maintenance is 85% diet not exercise so I eat a clean diet of 50% lean fats/30% protein/20%complex carbs. For cardio other than my strength training I jog 2-3 times a week.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    More money has gone into paying for the effects of my "free" running workouts via physiotherapy than I've ever spent on the gym. (80 bucks per 45 mins for the one that's actually helpful. sometimes a few times a week. I don't even want to count how many sessions I've done in total)

    But this is where some $ has gone / goes now
    - weight plates, bars, etc for home lifting (in the past) - prob $250-300ish
    - gym stuff another $200-250ish (bras, different sizes of gym pants, gym bag, etc)
    - runners, $350 so far
    - orthotics, $400
    - swimming - $6 for return transit + $3.50 per entry (for the nice pool with lanes that's indoors/usable all year)
    - gym (no pool, but does have cardio & cable & weight machines) = $55/mo
    - ill-fated experiment with protein powder, I think 40 bucks
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    i had to buy running shoes.

    and a year later, i got myself a fitbit for my birthday. i do love the fitbit. at first, i thought it would be mostly a glorified pedometer, but it's a bit more than that, and i do like it. i also bought some dumbbells, but that came even before the running shoes.

    oh, i guess i did get a food scale, but i had already owned it at least a year before i actively started using it. hmm. new batteries for the scale? do they count?

    i never realized how much money i really dumped into losing weight and getting fitter, LOL! this makes it seem like a lot, although it didn't really seem like it until i typed this out.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    i had to buy running shoes.

    I have to buy new pairs of sneakers every 6 month now.

    Hardly 'free'.
  • Leka1000
    Leka1000 Posts: 160 Member
    To alot of you: of course your're gonna have start up costs!!! Start up costs like weights, cardio machine for home, runners, clothing....update as needed. You can buy alot of this stuff at second hand stores. I didn't mean completely free lol. Free food, free clothes, free weights, free everything lol
  • Leka1000
    Leka1000 Posts: 160 Member
    $500 a month for family's food
    $20 for all my used dumbbells
    $20 for my used elliptical
    $40 for PUMA sneakers at Winners
    Lots of brandname gym clothes from second hand stores...$2 - $5 each
    MFP - free
    Scale - $8, replacement batteries $1 a year

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I will be harvesting a free pumpkin this fall and I'm pretty excited about it. The plant was grown from seeds I saved from a locally grown pumpkin last year.

    Of course, eating less means lower grocery bills; a big plus.
  • Leka1000
    Leka1000 Posts: 160 Member
    Leka1000 wrote: »
    $500 a month for family's food (edit: only includes real animal protein - no powder)
    $20 for all my used dumbbells
    $20 for my used elliptical
    $40 for PUMA sneakers at Winners
    Lots of brandname gym clothes from second hand stores...$2 - $5 each
    MFP - free
    Scale - $8, replacement batteries $1 a year

  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Leka1000 wrote: »

    I'm always getting Beach Body pushed on me on FB and it's annoying....I'm always seeing grabby marketing weight loss ads everywhere! I see success with them, especially Beachbody. I personally have seen friends succeed with it and that is great! BUT what Im super cool about is losing weight and gaining strength physically and mentally ALL FOR FREE! I'm looking for fellow people who don't get sucked into the cash grab of weight loss/ health merch...
    FREE is using MFP to track food
    Lifting weights at home
    Doing cardio at home or outside stuff
    No sups, no protein shakes, no gym memberships, no jenny craig, no herbal magic, no beach body etc....

    WHO is on the same page as me?

    I legit made a post similar to this, this morning.


    ^ this douche trying sign up people on MFP to work for him through FB groups.... I loved the "you don't need to be a fitness or nutrition expert" line!!

    This is the perfect example as to why you shouldn't use any of those groups that are trying to charge you money for misinformation!!!