I've always got at least a 1000 calories left a day!



  • patrick_yeo69
    patrick_yeo69 Posts: 9 Member
    I need to lost about 20kg to reach my idea weight. Before I try out the 7 days GM diet plan my weight was 98.5kg. So after 7 days I lost 5kg. The 7 days gm plan was horrible make you hungry and headache but eventually I went thru and was happy with the result and my weight was down to 93.5kg. Then I try the 3 days military diet I lost 1.5kg and down to 92kg. So I found this fitness pal and set the calories intake at 1500. I recorded in whatever food or drink I eat to make sure does not exceed 1500 cal. Now I weight 88kg lost 4kg with the help of this fitness pal app and I thank you. I do not have to go thru diet plan anymore just keeping track of my calories intake with the help of fitness pal.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks
    Also I don't go to the gym so haven't been logging exercise, I'm trying to deal with the way I eat first cos it needs to be something I stick to for the rest of my life & then I will start exercise if I set my challenge to high then I will give up.

    not exercising can work against you as it limits you to diet only. There is no rule saying that you can't gradually increase you activity level while you are watching your diet at the same time. Doing both gives you more options to work with, and a gradual lifestyle change across the board increases your chances of long term success.

    I have been doing both for over 8 months now, and I have lost 41 lbs. so far. And I still eat treats here and there, not just all the time. They actually feel like treats now... :)

    Just a suggestion.