"Cheat Day"



  • ElizabethPalm
    ElizabethPalm Posts: 28 Member
    IMO, these cheat days are just silly. Why not just have like one cheat meal?
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    IMO, these cheat days are just silly. Why not just have like one cheat meal?

    If you do it to be able to relax and enjoy an event, sometimes events last longer than one meal.
  • ElizabethPalm
    ElizabethPalm Posts: 28 Member
    IMO, these cheat days are just silly. Why not just have like one cheat meal?

    If you do it to be able to relax and enjoy an event, sometimes events last longer than one meal.

    I understand what your saying - and I have a lot of respect for whatever a person chooses to do regarding their health / diet - but again IMO - sillyness all over the show.

    If you have an all day event

    Have breakfast at home - Oats
    Have normal lunch with your mates - Veg/Salad & Protein
    Splurge a little during dinner - Pizza & Wine everywhere

    Choose 1 one of the mealtimes to splurge or be willing to give up the deficit which you worked hard for during the week. I would feel terrible (physically and emotionally if I had to 'cheat' all 3 my meals.

    BUT! :) it's all you and it's your body. Just my few cents

  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited August 2015
    IMO, these cheat days are just silly. Why not just have like one cheat meal?

    If you do it to be able to relax and enjoy an event, sometimes events last longer than one meal.

    I understand what your saying - and I have a lot of respect for whatever a person chooses to do regarding their health / diet - but again IMO - sillyness all over the show.

    If you have an all day event

    Have breakfast at home - Oats
    Have normal lunch with your mates - Veg/Salad & Protein
    Splurge a little during dinner - Pizza & Wine everywhere

    Choose 1 one of the mealtimes to splurge or be willing to give up the deficit which you worked hard for during the week. I would feel terrible (physically and emotionally if I had to 'cheat' all 3 my meals.

    BUT! :) it's all you and it's your body. Just my few cents


    Say I go to a BBQ. Maybe it starts a 2 and goes on until the night. Maybe I get up at 12 (because if I don't have to get up I'm going to enjoy my lie in!), and don't bother eating until I get to the BBQ. I'm not going to start worrying at lunch about checking the calories in the buns and counting how many sausages I'm eating, then just decide to let it go for dinner. Equally I'm not going to eat what I want for lunch then start tracking my burgers for dinner. I might as well just eat what I want and enjoy the whole day.

    Another example - I go to a lot of conventions. I tend to eat food from the stalls there, so not only is calorie counting going to be a wild guess for this, but this is usually the only food I eat all day. I'm not going to decide that the calories don't matter for lunch, but for breakfast and dinner I'm going to try to estimate the burger or whatever I just had. Again, I might as well ignore calories for the day and enjoy myself. Plus, when I'm walking around in ridiculously high heels, wearing a really tight corset, with armour that's digging in, a heavy wig, and huge 20lb wings on my back, calorie counting is the least of my worries :P

    Having a cheat day doesn't necessarily mean splurging all day, it just means not counting calories all day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Morning every one :)

    I'd like to pick your brains, if that's ok!

    I really don't like the term 'cheat day' so forgive me for the title but that seems to be the common way to describe a non calorie counting day.

    I'm 5"2, 132 lbs, work-out 4 times a week and aim to lose 0.5lbs per week on 1500 daily calories (does this sound about right?)

    I am fine with this number and don't feel deprived but my question is - how often is acceptable to introduce a 'refeed'? In my case, a 'refeed' or 'cheat day' would be a day where I don't count calories (though don't binge either) and CAN order a takeaway in the evening with friends and have a few glasses of wine without worrying about changes on the scales TOO much. I've known some people to 'cheat' once a week - others to not 'cheat' at all. But admittedly, I haven't had a Nando's in 4 months and I am practically salivating at the idea! (Heh)

    There are a lot of conflicting views online in regards to "cheating" so I'm just trying to find an answer that I can work with. Obviously I wouldn't make a habit of over-eating but to relax for one day out of a month (for example) - would that cause weight changes? Thank you!

    With a small deficit like yours, you will probably wipe off your weekly deficit with your cheat day.

    If you want a cheat day, eat less the rest of the week.