Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • carieeng
    carieeng Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in.....140lbs to lose!
  • rs2361
    rs2361 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in too!

  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    So today i will do a bit of cardio, but the last day that i will be doing my cardio at night as i find it plays A HUGE TOLL on my sleeping pattens... how is everyone doing sooo far with cardio and loosing weight>

    Another good day of calorie burning with 3 hours of tennis. But.... I was bad in the food department. I had some mini-brownies and I know I should not have. On the plus side, I had over 10 glasses of water!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    is it too late to join? i'm hoping to lose 60lbs!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    well my larger ladies, I went out for my c25k run last night and loved it! the weather was hot hot hot and iI was a complete lobster face when i returned but it felt wonderful :)

    i also did my 30 day shred yesterday morning so a good day for exercise yesterday and i slept like a baby last night.

    I did also step on the scales last night to have a sneaky preview and it showed me as -1lb - my WI day isnt until sunday but its nice to know that my hard work is showing osmething this week.

    Got my first zumba class tomorrow morning so going to do my shred this morning so that i dont do anything strenuous the night before a mad class lol!
  • cowiness
    cowiness Posts: 28
    Im in, i gotta loose about 75 lbs! Lets GOOoo Ladies!
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    I'm in too. I am 38 and starting with 225lbs. Set my initial goal to 180 (which isnt that bad for me although I am 5'3") Ultimately I need to be at 145 so 80lbs to lose and lots of bad habits to drop.

    Motivation is a must for me. I HATE EXERCISE of any kind. Seriously, HATE IT.
    Thinking about buying a workout bike as I have always loved to ride.

    Did good yesterday being my first day on 1200 measly calories. I did it with just a lil over 100 to spare.

    Today, off to a bit higher start... At a healthy bowl of cereal and bananas. I have a ton of medication to take in the mornings and thought I would feel better with a full belly.

    Any tips on getting the water intake up? I barely drink 3 full glasses of ANYTHING during the day. Trying to shove down 8 glasses of water is intimidating.

    I am sitting here "forcing" one down now... but I only logged 3 yesterday!
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope you're having a good day. The weather is beautiful here in Scotland today but i'm stuck indoors with the ironing/housework.

    Mveler you should definately get an exercise bike if you enjoy cycling. I think it's so important to find something you like doing. Remember walking is also good exercise. What is it you hate about exercise, is it cardio or strength training? Perhaps swimming/pilates etc would be another idea?

    I did 34 mins on the elliptical trainer today, hard work! I then did the 30 day shred afterwards which seems to be getting a little bit easier now.

    It's my birthday on Sunday so we'll be going out for dinner then cinema. Other than that I'll keep a reign on my calorie intake. Does anyone else find it difficult to calculate food intake values when going out for meals? Think we'll go to Pizza Express because they at least have pizza with nutritional values. I'm planning on getting a new bike so that my weekends are a little more healthy than usual! Will be nice to do some form of exercise with my family too.

    Definately becoming a bit obsessed with this new lifestyle I've started. Seem to be spending A LOT of time either exercising or thinking about food/exercise. However the benefits outweigh the negatives of course!
  • hey guys! so today i woke up fairly early 6am.. finally got a bit of sleep thank god!!! did my excercise in the morning for 30 mins while watching legally blonde LMAO ... i usually do my excercise at night and felt it motivated me more to do it early in the morning.. however now i feel like i have low energy at work as i have a desk job i feel like sleeping haha :)

    good times!
    keep on going girls and add me for support!
  • Vanessa, I felt that way too when I first started my exercising in the AM but it takes a few days to get used to it. Your body is used to sleeping in the AM so it will adjust too and you will find soon that you have MORE energy then you ever have! And I found that it made me stay on track with my food because I didn't want to spoil the workout that I just did by eating something bad!
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i'm not doing to well on the weight side :sad: BUT i measured my waist and hips yesterday and i have lost 2cms from my waist and 3 cms from my hips,:happy: so obviously the fat is moving around!!! :laugh: will keep going and see what monday's step on the scales brings. fingers crossed!!! would love to have lost 2 stones by 25th june... we r going to a birthday party that day and there will be folks i haven't seen since starting this journey, and i wanna see their reaction!!
  • msbrownbeauty87
    msbrownbeauty87 Posts: 34 Member
    I am in... if it isn't too late! I would love to get and give support. Anyone is free to add me.

    I started my journey at nearly 220lbs (219) and I am now 164.6lbs and would like to get down to 130lbs. I hit the gym 5x a week (I take the weekends off) and have just started using the elliptical as well as the treadmill. I need to start working on the hanging flab - that waves when I wave... oh so embarrassing... my hand should do the waving & not my arms!

    lol, i have the same issue with these bird wings on my arms. Do you have any advice on hot to tone up the skin ?
  • msbrownbeauty87
    msbrownbeauty87 Posts: 34 Member
    I am one week in and down 6 lbs. Go me! Yet when I share that good news with people, I always qualify it with "I know it's water weight" or "at least it's a start". Even sharing my workout successes (I reached my first goal of a 20 min. mile) I add "but only by a second" or something like that.

    I sort of feel like I did this (get fat) to myself. I do not deserve to be congratulated on doing something that I should have been doing in the first place. Why can I not just be proud of my hard work now? Does anyone else struggle with this kind of self-depreciation? How do you deal with it?

    i to have this issue but i just think. the past is the past and my futre will not be a repeat. only a fool does the same thing and expect change right ?... As people we are our worst critics, so just stay in the positive and think of how much your knees will be thanking you for what your doing. and how much fun it will be to shop or walk long distance without getting out of breath or your lower back killing you afterwards. Look to the positives to crush the negatives.
  • msbrownbeauty87
    msbrownbeauty87 Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning guys!!!

    so i have had a rough 3 past days... havent been able to sleep well .. and im sure its due to the diet change as i never had this issue... i feel quite sluggish and extremely exhausted today:( its sooo bad i woke up at 1:30am... stayed up till 5am had to eat something as my stomach was eating itself .. what a horrible experience i tell u ! omg!!! :(

    are you getting enough vitamins and enough protein in ? Do you take a multi-vitamin daily ? I felt the same way at 1st, it will wear off.
  • god i hope soo i was able to sleep a lil better last night not as much as i wld have wanted too! Been also increasin the amount of food i am putting in i find i am eating to litttle for the begining and shocking my body to an extreme! This morning i felt sick to my stomach after having excercised in the morning and ate breakfast right after!! that dairy (milk) i had for sure didnt do a possitive effect:(
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Count me in for sure. i am too 5'3 weighin in at 260... I want to get down to 150. I am very unmotivated because my hypothyroidism seems to hold me back. :cry: But i want to be healthy not only for me but for my 2 year old son too. I am tired of lookin in the mirror and only seeing what I am now and now that I can be!! I need lots of motivation!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Anybody add me, we can all use support. :heart:
  • i hear you @ dieting mommy ... im struggling too .. i have managed to get down 2 lbs of fat loss and im almost done my 3rd week ... i feel like im stuck here ... and i just started not long ago.. i cant seem to eat sooo little like lots of people here my body shuts down on me!
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 50 more pounds. I have been at a standstill for the past 2 months :( I think some motivation and support is what i need. Feel free to friend me, i need all the support i can get:)