Washing hair constantly?



  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    @Becca_250 I'm in the UK too, and you can get lots of products like that on Amazon. If you have a Caribbean hairdresser near you, they're even cheaper. I use Sof'N Free clarifying shampoo once a month, and co-wash every other day. Loads of advice on the curly hair forums.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited August 2015
    I co wash. If you've been using a harsh shampoo your scalp may have a transition period because harsh shampoo can make your scalp over produce oil (making you think you have oily hair when really you are over drying your hair) and it takes a little while for your scalp to realize it doesn't have to produce so much oil. If you've been using a mild shampoo it shouldn't be a problem.

    I have long hair down to my butt and wash once a week. Except after swimming. Regular shampoo and conditioner don't remove chlorine. And chlorine can hang around for weeks, damaging your hair. Sometimes i use a swimmers shampoo but it's pretty harsh so I've switched to using an aquarium dechlorination solution, diluted. You can also use an acidic rinse like vinegar or soda. Just rinse well afterwards.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I wash with Suave Naturals conditioner most days, deep conditioner one day, and Giovanni sulfate free shampoo one day per week. I have super thick, coarse, and curly hair. It's never greasy. Very rarely does it look good enough for me to skip wetting it and if it's wet it at least needs the conditioner for detanglng.

    I dry it with a diffuser each day. No problems with the daily drying.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    You could wash every other day. Days you don't wash, braid your hair and wear a bandana (or sweatband if they still have those lol) to absorb at least some stuff during your workout, + dry shampoo or just blow it dry after your workout, & wear it in an updo after that.

    But yeah I have seen lots of women just start going for shorter styles bc it's easier.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited August 2015
    Washing your hair every day is generally bad for it. It'll strip it of its natural oils. I usually wash mine every other day except when I'm not allowed to wash it for three days because of my alopecia treatment. I agree with tomatoey that on days you don't wash it you could braid it or wear a bandana/sweatband :)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I have curly hair & it's recommended to wash (with shampoo) as little as possible and condition lots.
    I ran across the "Curly Girl" method website ... Total lifesaver.
    Yes. This.


    So when I sweat a lot I shampoo the scalp, try to avoid the hair, and condition for several minutes.
    Maybe once a week in winter, could be nearly every day in summer.
    Otherwise I scrub my scalp with my fingers in the shower, to get the dirt off, then condition it heavily & long.

    And I don't blow dry. If I want it to look decent, I braid it. Otherwise it gets put into a ponytail.
    (It's mid-back length.)
    No other fussing with it - no hairspray, gel, anything other than coloring once or twice a year when I get
    bored with it being too brown and not red enough. :grin:

    did you find your hair looking/feeling greasier as you switched from daily shampoo to just conditioning
    Do it gradually.
    If you currently shampoo every day, do every other day for a few weeks, then every third day, etc.
    But in between you're still rinsing the grime out, just not using soap.

  • tillthefitladysings
    tillthefitladysings Posts: 57 Member
    I'm trying to train my hair not to get oily as quickly, so while I shower after workouts, I usually throw my hair in a bun and try not to get it wet. It took a while, but now I can go a few days without washing it and it doesn't look or feel bad, even with workouts and this summer weather. I lose less hair this way, and it's been thicker and healthier since I stopped washing on the daily. :smile:
  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    Just wanted to thank everyone that posted, I now only wash my hair every second or third day depending on what's happening. I've learnt to just put my hair in a bun when showering after workouts and let the sweat dry then add some dry shampoo if it's needed. My hair hasn't actually been that greasy, I think before I was just too scared to see what would happen if I left it! I also got 3 inches cut off so it's still long but a bit more manageable! Not tried co-washing yet but will definitely do some more reading of those websites soon.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,089 Member
    edited August 2015
    Becca_250 wrote: »
    I recently upped my exercise to five times a week. As I'm a big sweaty mess afterwards, I like to wash my hair. Mostly it's to wash the sweat from my scalp more so than tbe actual hair! Recently, I've been washing it almost every day and aside from being time consuming, I'm concerned about the overuse of products and heat on it. Is this just a by-product of exercising that I have to live with?

    I have thick, slightly curly waist-length hair, and I wash it almost every day. I thought that was a normal thing to do. Almost every morning, I hop in the shower, wash my hair, wash the rest of me, condition the ends, rinse everything ... and done. Quick and easy.

    Sometimes I blow dry it for maybe 5 min just to get the drying process started ... other times I just comb it out and let it dry on its own. And sometimes I use a spray-on leave-in conditioner. Dry days + synthetic clothing = wicked static. The spray-on leave-in conditioner helps a lot.

    I'll often skip washing it on a Saturday or Sunday, or sometimes both. But if I skip washing my hair both Saturday and Sunday, by Sunday afternoon, it's horrible and I can hardly wait to wash it on Monday.

    And I have accidentally used conditioner instead of shampoo ... and that was just awful. I did that for about a week right after we moved here about a year ago. Everything was chaos, I was exhausted, I thought I'd unpacked the shampoo ... I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it and why it was leaving my hair an absolute mess. Then on the weekend when I got my head together, I realised it was conditioner. Well, no wonder!

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Are you familiar with "Conditioner Only washing" (aka co-washing)? You do not use shampoo, you only use a conditioner that has some detergency. The surfactants in shampoos are what strips and dries out your hair so if you wash frequently and don't use shampoo you won't dry out your hair. The most well known cleansing conditioner is Wen but you don't need to use something like that. I know many co-washers who use cheap conditioners like VO5 and Suave. If you use a lot of product or your conditioner had silicone in it (dimethecone, amodimethecone are the most common) you should use shampoo once in a while. Some do once a week, others do once a month depending on how much build up you get. The ingredient you need to look for are cationic conditioners and the most common ones will be:
    Behentrimonium chloride
    Behentrimonium methosulfate (gentler)
    Benzalkonium chloride
    Cetrimonium chloride
    Cocotrimonium chloride
    Quaternium-18 Bentonite
    Quaternium-18 Hectonite
    Stearalkonium chloride

    I have long hair (almost to waist) and I co-wash only. I do not use other products and I make my own conditioner without silicone so I use shampoo maybe once in a year. I swim 3 x a week so I wash often to get the sweat, salt, and chlorine out of my hair (it gets in there a little even with a swimcap).

    All of this.

    It is excellent advice.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Becca_250 wrote: »

    I'll have a look at the ingredients on my bottles. I'm in the UK so may be slightly different brands.

    I use milk_shake products (I am a man but I am rather vain about the quality of my hair. It's a weakness..)

    I don't think you can buy it in the usual places so you will have to go to a salon. It is expensive but given it is used infrequently turns out to be good value over the long term.

  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I sweat too. I have fine hair that shows the sweat/grease. I've always been a daily washer, but I've changed to mostly showering at night now, after workouts. I prefer the mornings as my hair looks best freshly styled but hey, gotta go with the flow. I use a heat protectant before styling, which helps prevent damage. I have used those cleansing conditioners, and they are gentler. I found the WEN one left a film on my hair however (but my friend with super-curly hair loves it).
  • bkerr30
    bkerr30 Posts: 131 Member
    I use a silicone, phosphate, paraben-free shampoo and conditioner, and find they are much gentler on my hair. You can also look into the "no poo" method which uses baking soda to wash and apple cider vinegar as your conditioner. If you use pintrest there is tons of info on it. If you are finding your hair to be really dry from excess washing I would recommend a coconut oil hair mask. I coat my hair really well with coconut oil, wrap it up and let it sit for a few hours. I do this about once every two weeks in the winter, less so in the summer.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Won't just rinsing your hair under the water in the shower wash the sweat away? I can't imagine shampooing/conditioning everyday.

    I wet my hair everyday, condition it only, every 3rd day and shampoo once a week.

    It's not summer here yet.. I've only started exercising in the last 6mths when the weather was cool, so haven't experienced proper exercise sweat yet. My only exercise is walking, so I can imagine I'll be sweating buckets when it's 40 C outside.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Won't just rinsing your hair under the water in the shower wash the sweat away? I can't imagine shampooing/conditioning everyday.

    I wet my hair everyday, condition it only, every 3rd day and shampoo once a week.

    It's not summer here yet.. I've only started exercising in the last 6mths when the weather was cool, so haven't experienced proper exercise sweat yet. My only exercise is walking, so I can imagine I'll be sweating buckets when it's 40 C outside.

    I wonder how much hair type affects this. It seems a lot commenting on rarely washing and/or co-washing have thick/course/curly or wavey hair. I have very fine hair. Just rinising it doesn't cut it.
    When I can, I avoid washing everyday because it makes it greasier. If I do it too much, I end up not being able to go 24 hours without washing. If I leave it for a bit, I can get back to not getting as oily so fast.
    I can use dry shampoo on non-workout days and skip a wash but it doesn't cut it for workouts. But I am a heavy sweater. My hair is soaked.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    I'm a long hair girl and in summer I only shampoo once a week. I will rinse sweat off my scalp and I may condition only when extra sweaty. If I need to shampoo more than once a week, I deep condition my hair. I have wavy hair on the straight side and too much washing makes it frizz. Heat also makes my hair frizz, so I air dry always. No qualms about going places with wet hair. My hair also doesn't like being combed, so if I comb it, it has to be done hours before I need to go out.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I'm a long hair girl and in summer I only shampoo once a week. I will rinse sweat off my scalp and I may condition only when extra sweaty. If I need to shampoo more than once a week, I deep condition my hair. I have wavy hair on the straight side and too much washing makes it frizz. Heat also makes my hair frizz, so I air dry always. No qualms about going places with wet hair. My hair also doesn't like being combed, so if I comb it, it has to be done hours before I need to go out.

    LOL, I have no qualms about going places with wet hair either.

    Mine is so straight. I went to get my hair done for photos. The hairdresser planned to curl it and was going to ask me if my hair would hold a curl. It was really humid out and she said she didn't even have to ask. She could tell how straight my hair was because it was straight, even in the humidity.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Won't just rinsing your hair under the water in the shower wash the sweat away? I can't imagine shampooing/conditioning everyday.

    I wet my hair everyday, condition it only, every 3rd day and shampoo once a week.

    It's not summer here yet.. I've only started exercising in the last 6mths when the weather was cool, so haven't experienced proper exercise sweat yet. My only exercise is walking, so I can imagine I'll be sweating buckets when it's 40 C outside.

    I wonder how much hair type affects this. It seems a lot commenting on rarely washing and/or co-washing have thick/course/curly or wavey hair. I have very fine hair. Just rinising it doesn't cut it.
    When I can, I avoid washing everyday because it makes it greasier. If I do it too much, I end up not being able to go 24 hours without washing. If I leave it for a bit, I can get back to not getting as oily so fast.
    I can use dry shampoo on non-workout days and skip a wash but it doesn't cut it for workouts. But I am a heavy sweater. My hair is soaked.

    yeah maybe. I have very thick long hair and if I wash it too frequently it goes too dry and straw like.

  • clarissac15
    clarissac15 Posts: 7 Member
    Dry shampoo. You can find it at any drug store or stores like Walmart it is cheap and works. I lift and do cardio 5 days a week and sweat like a pig. I literally wash my hair maybe twice or three times per week at most and I have long dark hair. dry shampoo is like a fitness girls dream
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,089 Member
    For those of you who don't wash your hair frequently ... doesn't it go flat and stringy?

    When I shampoo my hair, it goes all fluffy and looks good. Lots of body, a bit of curl, and clean-looking.

    When I don't shampoo my hair for a couple days, it goes flat, limp, stringy ... and I have to wear it in a braid or pony-tail to try to hide it.

    When I accidentally use conditioner to wash my hair, or if I just rinse it in water, it looks like someone poured a bucket of fat from a deep fryer over my head. It's really awful.