I am going to challenge myself everyday



  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    edited August 2015
    I forgot to write my challenge for yesterday but I did it,which was my measurements and starting a journal to write something good about myself everyday.Today's challenge to clean and organize my grand baby's room.I hope everyone has a great day.I also weighed yesterday and lost 3 more pounds,so far in 2 weeks I took off 11.8 pounds,I lost 8.8 the first week and this week 3.I also lost 1 1/2 inches in one week.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I did it it took me 2 hours but it is done,I cleaned the closet,cleaned out her toy box,vacuumed her floor dusted moved her furniture around now I am one tired worn out grandma lol.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Today's challenge doing laundry,and cleaning my dressers off I am sore today so I am doing light duty.I hope everyone has a good day.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i thought you said you'd challenge yourself, not deep clean your house.

    go for a long walk. take the stairs instead of the elevator. make a new healthy recipe.

    challenge yourself.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    edited August 2015
    Today's challenge mop and clean my hard floors and vacuum.If anyone thinks cleaning is not a challenge well it is my choice and my challenge.I am not saying all people need to clean but this is my choice for right now and I have my reasons.Make your own choices for you and if you want join me in posting them.I am doing me no one else this is my challenge for me and it will not be cleaning everyday but it will be for a little while.People have a right to there opinion but this is my body and no one else's,and I am walking cleaning house I walk when I go to the grocery store I even park real far away to get in extra walking time.I made this challenge for me and for other's to join in in there own challenge.I'm doing this to encourage myself,to encourage other's if this does not encourage you.Then please do not leave a negative comment,cause no one knows how hard this is how big I am and how I sometime's put off things for many reasons.Capt if your ever deep cleaned your home you would know it is challenging I am moving furniture,rearranging things I am constantly moving my shoulders back legs and whole body hurt and if you work out you know you hurt when you use your muscles.It is your opinion to feel however you want to but it is abusive to down other's for what they decide to do.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    great thread !!!
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    edited August 2015
    I did most of my floors I woke up at 4:30 with my hubby made some coffee,and did a little fb time while I drank coffee,I then got up and started picking up toys and such from the kitchen and living room getting it ready for me to do the floors.At 6:00 am I woke my grand baby up got her ready for school did a little more straightening out before I took my grand baby to catch the bus.Then when I got home I finished picking everything up went outside to pick my okra plants came back in ate breakfast,then I cleaned off the counters and my table moved a big freezer so I could clean behind it.I cleaned the back of it while I had it pulled out,then I put it back where it was,then I swept and mopped the rest of the rest of the kitchen moving the table in chairs out of the way and putting them back when I was done.Then I ate lunch after that I went into the living room and I moved a big message chair and it is a heavy sob I flipped it over and vacuumed in back of it took my rug cleaner and cleaned it.Besides doing that I moved two coffee tables a big computer desk a printer table a entertainment console.I moved everything in the living room to vacuum and rug clean in back of everything and put it all back,and I did this all myself no help just me my hubby works at a job so I do everything myself here.Now does anyone still think this is no challenge I had a 5 hour or more workout I put it on here for my exercise as heavy cleaning and it says I burned 1,660 cals so take that whoever thinks cleaning is easy must not do the type of cleaning I do.I walked the house over 20 or more times today taking going from room to room placing things.Some people do not think it is challenging to clean if they did the cleaning I did today they would think different.Now it is time for me to make my diner and call it a day for now.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Today's challenge I need to go to the grocery store get some food for my diet,every muscle in my body is killing me from the other day.I hope everyone has a great day.
  • 404me
    404me Posts: 8 Member
    coco_bee wrote: »
    Good for you cherrie! I wasn't a great housekeeper until I came across flylady. Now I can get it all done (15mins a day, a bit longer sometimes) without feeling overwhelmed:
    I forgot to write my challenge for yesterday but I did it,which was my measurements and starting a journal to write something good about myself everyday.Today's challenge to clean and organize my grand baby's room.I hope everyone has a great day.I also weighed yesterday and lost 3 more pounds,so far in 2 weeks I took off 11.8 pounds,I lost 8.8 the first week and this week 3.I also lost 1 1/2 inches in one week.

  • 404me
    404me Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome job!Keep up the hard work...
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    ok my challenge got side tracked my alternator belt broke so my hubby fixed it and told me to go home and let the alternator charge but I did get a new challenge to broil some crabs a friend brought me some crabs to broil that with some potatoes and corn I am going to be in broil heaven.
  • Allih90
    Allih90 Posts: 2 Member
    I love this idea!! Today I am going to walk at least 10,000 steps.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    That is great Allih90 let us know if you did it.Today's challenge to find something fun to do.Sometimes I get so busy I do not find time to go do something fun.
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    My challenge of the day is to go out tonight for my fifth power walk in a row and jog the last 5 mins of it and to be under my calorie expectation today!!!! Oh and do another 5 sets of my Pinterest at home crossfit workout...10 lunges, 10 squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 bicycle sit ups, 10 burpees, 10 but lifts,10 side leg lifts (each side), 10 mountain climbers!!!! That one is gonna be tough cause my lower body is still hurting from yesterday's 5 sets!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    my challenge for the day was to bike 60 miles... ten miles further than i've ever biked before.

    tomorrow i'm going to run 14 miles, two miles further than i've ever run before.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    what a good way to challenge your self everyone.I did a 20 minute walk with my husband and we danced together for 10 minutes it was fun
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Good Morning everyone my challenge for me today is taking my horse out of the pasture and giving her a bath then taking a nice walk with her.I will be doing more with her since it is getting a slight bit cooler.I hope everyone has a great day.
  • memickee
    memickee Posts: 250 Member
    Today I challenge myself to take a rest day. It's hard because I feel I 'should' be doing something.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I did the challenge of washing my horse and I took her for a 30 minute walk.I also went shopping put in another 1 hour 20 minutes of shopping.Today's challenge to lift some dumbbells I'm going to work on my upper arms a bit.I hope everyone has a great day.
  • rachelann92114
    rachelann92114 Posts: 13 Member
    What an excellent idea! I love this!!!