Starting over again, dieting to survive! I have lost control of my body!



  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    When I started on my journey my Diabetic Educator told me about MFP. I figured I would try it out and it has become one of my best support systems. (Besides my Diabetic Educator) I weighed 418 pounds at the start and have lost almost 75 pounds so far. I've got a ways to go, but I take it 10 pounds at a time. I have limited mobility because I have Sciatica and no cartilage in my knees, some neuropathy in my feet and torn Achilles tendons. I know exactly how you feel about not being able to do everything your family does. When I was first married my hubby was 125 pounds and when we would take road trips to places I couldn't walk that far and always felt that I was holding him back. I had no self esteem and preferred to stay at home. Now I'm starting to feel much better and getting a lot of encouragement on this site. I wish you all the luck in the world as you start your journey! :smiley:
  • bluebutterfly6
    bluebutterfly6 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you! When I awoke this morning laying in the bed with my lower back hurting so much that it is shooting pain down my leg. I didn't want to get up and make a healthy breakfast. I started thinking of all the quick fixes I had thrown away ( and glad I did!) . If I hadn't I would have gone for that bad bowl of cereal. This pain started this way a few weeks ago. It usually passes with time. I have been on Vicodin for over five years and my goal is to never take them again! So I picked up my phone and went to the community to see if it would help change my mind about making bad choices . IT DID! :-) . I know everyday for a while is going to be a struggle. Thank you all for helping beat that struggle..For today!
  • DBrooks1979
    DBrooks1979 Posts: 350 Member
    Glad to see you made a healthy choice and came to the community to get you thru that painful time.. it will get better...

    Your story had to have been so hard to share.. but it is an inspiration to others.. so don't look at it as a down point.. look at it as helping yourself and someone who may be just like you...

    Welcome to the community and may you find help and comfort and friendship here... feel free to add anyone one of us... regular posting of activity and diet so others can see and be inspired by our journey and lifestyle changes.
  • k_wills
    k_wills Posts: 82 Member
    Well done for making the decision to change. The power is in just have to believe it. Say goodbye to diets and quick fixes, you've been there done that and I'm sure you've ended up heavier than when you started! I'm trying to make permanent changes in my choices of food and after many years of joining gyms and never going, have managed to find a Zumba class that I really enjoy and attend 4 times a week. Stay strong and take 1 day at a time. X
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I can relate to so many of your feelings, which is where I was three years ago. My life is transformed from significant weight loss. I got a referral from my doctor for some expert support. But so much of it is a daily, hourly decision on how much I am going to eat.

    For many months after I started I was so beaten down I was not entirely convinced that I could make it. But a single event (after thirty pounds lost) where I was able to recover from a fall, did it for me. I felt for the first time that I could do this.

    I could continue to lose more weight but these days I'm focusing on all the things I couldn't do before like running. I recently completed a Tough Mudder which I could not have conceived of a few years ago.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    Good morning and good for you for having the courage to put yourself out there. Good luck along our journey, it won't always be easy for you only have 1 life to live make it count!
  • seraphicdoctor
    seraphicdoctor Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Bluebutterfly,

    I just wanted to say thank you for being courageous and telling us your story. You have a lot of great things in your life (family, etc) and becoming more healthy will put you on track to truly enjoy those things more fully. Good for you!
  • bluebutterfly6
    bluebutterfly6 Posts: 26 Member
    I truly wish there was a like button for these comments! Thank you all!
  • sislee
    sislee Posts: 10 Member
    I like what you both have to say I gained weight three years ago after losing 58 lbs. I put on 33 lbs of those that I had lost. Now I am back on track using this site again and it is very helpful. I started back on this program on the 8th of August and have taken off 6-7 lbs so far. Very pleased with my progress. It is going to be a struggle to get it off again but my health will be so much better. I am a 72 year old diabetic on medication twice a day, before I regained those lbs. I did not have to take any. That is my main goal to get off these medications and get healthy again. I write many recipes and will to share is you need them. Good luck and god bless you for your help.