Fluidity Ballet Bar / Work out

AtlantaSara Posts: 91
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone purchased this? If so, what are your thoughts on it... I am seriously considering purchasing one but have always been skeptical of the infomercial contraptions - but this looks like its something I would enjoy as I am a (former) dancer.

How are the workouts? Is the equipment good/sturdy? Likes/Dislikes?
Any info would be helpful.


  • Has anyone purchased this? If so, what are your thoughts on it... I am seriously considering purchasing one but have always been skeptical of the infomercial contraptions - but this looks like its something I would enjoy as I am a (former) dancer.

    How are the workouts? Is the equipment good/sturdy? Likes/Dislikes?
    Any info would be helpful.
  • bla115
    bla115 Posts: 206
    My friend purchased a Fluidity Bar. She likes it but says that she could see how she could do the exercises without having the bar. There are two NY Ballet DVD workouts that do the same types of movements. The other thing she didn't like about it was the space it took up. This is just her though!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I purchased the bar. I didn't really care about the workouts that go with them. I used to take ballet and have a number of ballet workout videos and wanted a sturdy, portable bar that I could use for those workouts. I like the bar. The height is adjustable, it doesn't pull or tip off balance and it's very sturdy.

    Honestly, I've never really used the videos.
  • selant1116
    selant1116 Posts: 1 Member
    I bought the bar for myself for XMas and just started using it. I just signed up to myfitness and was wondering if anyone knew how to log in a fluidity bar workout? I found the beginner workout to be excellent. I felt like it was cardio, stretching and strength all in one. After 30 minutes I was sweating, felt the stretch and some of the moves were difficult to push through even at the beginner level. I tend to be very flexible and I thought this would be a cinch for me...but it wasn't. So a testimony to how out of shape I am or the level of workout!
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    I practice Fluidity training...I love the bar, it is well constructed...it's easy to fold up and roll to storage...I lean mine againt the gym wall, it only takes a minute to set it up...it arrives in a huge box and it's heavy, around sixty lbs, I had to drag mine into the house...it is easy to manage once out of the box...the workout DVDs are effective but not fun, they're work and the moves are more difficult to perform than weight training moves...I never thought about purchasing ballet exercise DVDs till I read all the comments at this post...I want some now!

    I contacted Fluidity via their website to enquire about calories burned...they told me about 300 an hour...I log my training in as weight training, it burns about the same an hour as weight training.

    The flat back section of work is so challenging, more difficult than hanging leg raises for abdominal work at the gym...I also love doing the Fluidity pull-ups, it's hard and effective work...at the end of every workout they perform an advanced cobra type move, you lay on your stomach and hang from the bar in a wide V...I get more stretch from that move than the yoga cobra.

    Thank you all for your posts, I'm anxious to add Ballet Work to my training as well,

    Fat Dancer
  • goboldly
    goboldly Posts: 1
    I use the Fluidity bar and the beginner workout DVD, and find it very challenging and effective. The movements appear easy, but they are actually quite difficult (at least for me). I actually bought this a couple years ago, and I used it and got results faster than I have with any other exercise regimen, and with only 2-3 workouts per week. But, later on I stopped exercising all together. In late April or early May I started using it again, 2-3 times a week, and pretty quickly started to see/feel changes in my body. The equipment is well made, and the exercises useful.
  • I love my Fluidity bar! the workouts are kinda boring. I also like to use the bar to do my pull ups! it works great and I am not strong enough to do normal pull ups :)

    still not sure how to log this workout on myfitnesspal. I put in ballet and that is 192 calories for 30 minutes. not sure if that is right

    good luck hope you love it! You can also find them pretty cheap on craigslist with all the videos! a friend came over and used mine then bought one of there for $100!
  • iheartshae
    iheartshae Posts: 34 Member
    Just saw this on TV - love how i can come here and get the reviews......

    I think I want it!!
  • rbeck55
    rbeck55 Posts: 1
    I bought the fluidity bar about 6 weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!! I alternate the workouts with days that I run as my "tone-up" days. I find it quite challenging and has notices results already. The ab workout and arm workout are perfect for toning without bulking up. It is a bit expensive, but so far Ive found it to be worth every penny! My mom has also recently begun using it (she's 55) and she loves it as well because she can do the whole routine at the basic level and still get results.
  • amygidd
    amygidd Posts: 1 Member
    I love my fluidity bar. I had a bad accident years ago and I am not able to do any high impact workouts. This was perfect for me. It has me sweating and now I am much more flexible. LOVE this exercise program!!
  • Lotte42
    Lotte42 Posts: 1 Member
    My fluidity bar just came tonight. I assembled it and was curious, so turned on the DVD and ended up doing the whole beginner program. Boy do I feel "worked out"! I'm 70 with a bad neck and was still able to do nearly all of the moves at the very beginning level, and only to some degree. Now I have to go eat, since I've "earned" more food than I had scheduled for the day. YEAH!!
  • kellym203
    kellym203 Posts: 1 Member
    I did the beginner work out for the first time today. I am not in good shape and found it complete doable. I need the bar for support. Definitely worth getting if you will commit to the time. Only 30 minutes I feel great. I've had a trainer kick my butt so I never went back. This will keep me going because she tells you how to modify for beginners. I know I will be challenged later on as well. A+ rating from me!!!
  • mtmcbroom
    mtmcbroom Posts: 3 Member
    I am going to borrow my sister-in-law's fluidity ballet bar tomorrow. I have been needing to have the kind of workout that does not involve high-impact or bulks up muscle but tones muscles and this looks like a lot of fun!
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    This actually sounds pretty cool... Drives me nuts how they say "bar" instead of "barre" though XD
  • pamhamor
    pamhamor Posts: 4 Member
    I bought the Fluidity Bar and have used it about 6 times now. I definitely feel it during the workout, but I really know it is working because I have some soreness (the good kind!) the next day. I do feel like I need to incorporate some cardio on the alternate days to get more calorie burn as I want to lose weight in addition to toning. It seems expensive, but compared to the price of a health club membership I thought the cost made sense.
  • pamhamor
    pamhamor Posts: 4 Member
    Also, I wore my heart rate monitor yesterday while doing the intermediate workout and burned 252 calories.
  • erochelle717
    erochelle717 Posts: 2 Member
    I actually bought the fluidity bar about 6 years ago. I haven't been as devoted to using it as I should be/have been - but i do notice a difference when I start regularly using it again. I was trying to log my calories burned into myfitnesspal but I have no idea. I know it depends if you use the beginning,intermediate or advance technique, and which DVD you use. But i do know I break a sweat! Does anyone have an idea if, and how the company could give us an estimate?

    @ pamhamor - what kind of heart rate monitor do you have?
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I love my fluidity bar. I use it 3 or 4 times a week and have had it for 3 months. I have purchased Bar Method, The Dailey Method, Strong, and other workouts that I also use with the Fluidity Bar. I find that a slower paced barre workout -- like Bar Method change your body burns almost 200 calories per hour while The Dailey Method and Bar Method Dancer's Body burn 300 calories an hour. I wear an HRM for these exercises.

    Now, I did not own an HRM when I was doing Fluidity Beginner or Intermediate, so I don't have those exact numbers.

    I like low impact strength workouts. I don't think of most barre workout dvds as cardio. I may go up into the cardio zone for a bit, but I mostly stay in the fat burning zone.
  • csbs2013
    csbs2013 Posts: 3
    I love Fluidity as well. I have been doing this workout for YEARS - I got the program when it first came out and I am too embarrassed to say when that was. :smile: But I have read the "scam" entries and I understand that viewpoint, as I only paid $150 for the bar back then. It is now MUCH too expensive and I do wish the company would address the reasons why.

    But as far as calories burned, people are looking at this workout the wrong way: It works the small muscles (and large as well) that support your entire body. It should be considered a supplemental workout that you do two times a week or so. It will kick your butt - I will not lie. I do the advanced workout and if I have slacked and not included it in my regimen for awhile I will pay the price.

    And to make a point, I will admit my age - I will be 48 this summer. I say this because if I keep up the Fluidity workout like I should and watch what I put in my mouth, which myfitnesspal helps me with? Ladies - I still knock'em dead in a bikini and that's the truth. I just have to avoid being a slacker!

    I hope this helps.
  • Just finished my first beginner level 30 min workout, let me tell you it kicked my butt!! Cant wait to do it again! And i am vary impressed at how sturdy the contraption is.
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