Need to loose 20 lbs!!!! By November

I just started MFP I don't know if it going to work or not.... I need to loose 20 lbs by November 2015.... I am 5'1 157 lbs... What kinds of things I can do to to reach my goal... And what kind of food to eat as well.



  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Short of chopping off a limb I don't think its possible at your current weight to lose 20 pounds in two months. Set up your info in MFP, set up a plan and stick to it religiously. You're will lose some weight and feel better for sure. What makes November so important?
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    I wanna do. 5 k run for first time for my husband and its on Las Vegas !!!'
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Why do you need to lose 20 pounds to run a 5K?
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Because I cannot do it without weight loss Iam over weight
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I don't think your goal of 20 lbs at your current stats in that amount of time is realistic, at all. Maybe 8-10 lbs would be more realistic for you. Also, are you new to running? Have you been training for a 5k at all?

    If you're new to weight loss AND running, I would suggest focusing on one thing at a time. Either focus on losing weight, or focus on training for the 5k. HOWEVER, even 5k training programs, like Couch 2 5k are 9 week programs, on the low spectrum. Many people end up having to repeat some weeks. Please don't think you can just start running 5k's right off the bat. Even a 5k to a new runner is something of a feat. I'm not trying to discourage you, but you need to have realistic expectations. You also need to make sure you're getting enough calories to fuel your training. Don't go all balls to the wall with it either or you're going to end up with a case of "too much too soon" and hurt yourself (which happened to me, believe me, you don't want to experience that pain).
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Last I checked, Las Vegas did not have a maximum weight limit for entry. You'd be better off focusing on the running so you can handle the event, rather than starving yourself to try and make weight. Check out "couch to 5k" programs if you are new to running. You should be able to make good progress on one of those by November.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    edited September 2015
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Because I cannot do it without weight loss Iam over weight

    Plenty of overweight people can run 5k's. I'm 10 lbs over weight and I ran my first 5k when I was 20 lbs over weight, plus I had just found out I was pregnant a few days before.

    Don't think those are limitations. Any person who works hard enough and trains properly can run a 5k.

    ETA: I just saw you have another thread regarding Phentermine for weight loss. Please don't think you can run a 5k and take Phentermine simultaneously. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant, and as such, you'd probably not be taking in enough calories to fuel a proper running/training program. You'll end up crashing and burning awfully quick.
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Maybe your right I need to lose weight first then focus on 5 k.... Iam so confused on where to start what workout to do???? What to eat??? So new to all this and plus this aap is not accurate on some things
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hmmm....a 5 K is about three miles. You could walk the 5K in about an hour. So I would think anything less than an hour would be good. :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Maybe your right I need to lose weight first then focus on 5 k.... Iam so confused on where to start what workout to do???? What to eat??? So new to all this and plus this aap is not accurate on some things
    You can do any kind of activity you enjoy. You can walk, you can dance, you can lift weights... anything that holds your interest and that you can sustain.

    As for what to eat... eat your current foods. Log them into your diary and fit them into your (realistic) calorie goal.
    First step is to work on logging consistently, everyday.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    If you are interested in running, I highly recommend the above mentioned C25K. It got this non-runner to fall in love with running. As for what to eat, you have to do your research and find out what works for you. I'd say start by logging EVERYTHING you eat. Consistency is the key.
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Iam not taking Phentermine I wAs wondering if it helps with weight loss ???
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Because I cannot do it without weight loss Iam over weight

    Plenty of overweight people can run 5k's. I'm 10 lbs over weight and I ran my first 5k when I was 20 lbs over weight, plus I had just found out I was pregnant a few days before.

    Don't think those are limitations. Any person who works hard enough and trains properly can run a 5k.

    ETA: I just saw you have another thread regarding Phentermine for weight loss. Please don't think you can run a 5k and take Phentermine simultaneously. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant, and as such, you'd probably not be taking in enough calories to fuel a proper running/training program. You'll end up crashing and burning awfully quick.

  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks every one
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Maybe your right I need to lose weight first then focus on 5 k.... Iam so confused on where to start what workout to do???? What to eat??? So new to all this and plus this aap is not accurate on some things

    To lose weight, the fundamental thing you need to do is to eat at a caloric deficit; you don't need to worry about the "right" foods to eat. Working out is a bonus for your health, and a fun thing to do, but you don't need to worry about the "right" workout.

    This means that once you've input your stats (height, weight etc.) into MFP and chosen a goal (e.g. 0.5 lb per week weight loss - be realistic if you don't have much to lose) you just need to eat the number of calories that it tells you to eat each day. You can choose whatever foods you like; I personally like to eat lots of volume of foods to feel full, so I usually choose to eat many low-calorie meals each day. You can choose to eat what you want, when you want - as long as you eat the right number of calories. Log everything you eat and drink. It's best to use a kitchen scale to weigh your foods so that you can be accurate in your logging.

    Stick to MFP and you will lose weight - it will take some time, but it will be a consistent and healthy weight loss. Good luck with your goals :)
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    I want loose like 2 lbs per week you think it's possible???
  • bringon30
    bringon30 Posts: 75 Member
    edited September 2015
    You can lose weight while preparing for your 5K. Your starting stats are close to what mine were. I started at 153 and I am 5'2". I agree that 20 pounds by November isn't realistic or safe. Just maintain a calorie deficit and start your running program. Cardio exercise is great for your heart. Just start slowly and increase over time. The C25K program is great. You can find plenty of apps for it to help you along. By November, you'll be ready for that 5K!
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Iam doing a lot of Eliptical I hope that's help

    bringon30 wrote: »
    You can lose weight while preparing for your 5K. Your starting stats are close to what mine were. I started at 153 and I am 5'2". I agree that 20 pounds by November isn't realistic or safe. Just maintain a calorie deficit and start your running program. Cardio exercise is great for your heart. Just start slowly and increase over time. The C25K program is great. You can find plenty of apps for it to help you along. By November, you'll be ready for that 5K!

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Thanks Iam doing a lot of Eliptical I hope that's help

    bringon30 wrote: »
    You can lose weight while preparing for your 5K. Your starting stats are close to what mine were. I started at 153 and I am 5'2". I agree that 20 pounds by November isn't realistic or safe. Just maintain a calorie deficit and start your running program. Cardio exercise is great for your heart. Just start slowly and increase over time. The C25K program is great. You can find plenty of apps for it to help you along. By November, you'll be ready for that 5K!

    You need to run on the road. Elliptical ain't gonna cut it.
  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member

    What kind of full meals to you
    Take ???

    ammo7 wrote: »
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Maybe your right I need to lose weight first then focus on 5 k.... Iam so confused on where to start what workout to do???? What to eat??? So new to all this and plus this aap is not accurate on some things

    To lose weight, the fundamental thing you need to do is to eat at a caloric deficit; you don't need to worry about the "right" foods to eat. Working out is a bonus for your health, and a fun thing to do, but you don't need to worry about the "right" workout.

    This means that once you've input your stats (height, weight etc.) into MFP and chosen a goal (e.g. 0.5 lb per week weight loss - be realistic if you don't have much to lose) you just need to eat the number of calories that it tells you to eat each day. You can choose whatever foods you like; I personally like to eat lots of volume of foods to feel full, so I usually choose to eat many low-calorie meals each day. You can choose to eat what you want, when you want - as long as you eat the right number of calories. Log everything you eat and drink. It's best to use a kitchen scale to weigh your foods so that you can be accurate in your logging.

    Stick to MFP and you will lose weight - it will take some time, but it will be a consistent and healthy weight loss. Good luck with your goals :)

  • mitasuri
    mitasuri Posts: 41 Member
    What about walking on treadmill ??? Running on road I am
    Little scared to do that....

    queenliz99 wrote: »
    mitasuri wrote: »
    Thanks Iam doing a lot of Eliptical I hope that's help

    bringon30 wrote: »
    You can lose weight while preparing for your 5K. Your starting stats are close to what mine were. I started at 153 and I am 5'2". I agree that 20 pounds by November isn't realistic or safe. Just maintain a calorie deficit and start your running program. Cardio exercise is great for your heart. Just start slowly and increase over time. The C25K program is great. You can find plenty of apps for it to help you along. By November, you'll be ready for that 5K!

    You need to run on the road. Elliptical ain't gonna cut it.