Wellbutrin users?



  • Itchula
    Itchula Posts: 40 Member
    EzRemake wrote: »
    I've never noticed any of these drugs affecting my hunger or weight. Effexor is pure poison though, there's nothing like getting gigantic "brain shocks" just by missing a dose by an hour.

    SERIOUSLY! It felt like the skin on my face and chest would pulse off my body. Lightning in the brain is no good.
  • killingtheantagonist
    I was on wellbutrin for a while and it made everything worse. I was so angry all the time and just wanted to sleep. Then they lowered my dose and the only thing I still wanted to do was sleep but the anger was gone. I didn't have any weight loss on it.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    If you have strong anxiety issues, I would recommend a different anti-depressant than Wellbutrin. Part of why Wellbutrin helps with weight is it tends to increase movement - it can almost be likely being slightly agitated. That means it can make anxiety worse.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    I used Wellbutrin for depression back in 2001. I do not recall it giving me energy, perhaps that depends on the dose. I do recall losing weight because it totally killed my appetite.
    A friend of mine went on it to quit smoking. It is known to help with cravings. She too, lost weight.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I use Wellbutrin and I never noticed a change in appetite. Now, for me, it's for depression and social anxiety, not energy. My doctor and I discovered that I was very low on vitamins B12 and D, and getting those raised is what helped my energy level. Granted, taking the Wellbutrin at the same time might have helped, but getting the B12 I needed was the key for me, even now. My husband can always tell when it's time for my shot. XD

    But then, every medicine will affect people differently. The listed side effects are only possibilities. If you start any kind of anti-depressant medicine, make sure to do regular followups with your doctor to monitor how it's affecting you. That way, you can make adjustments as needed and work out the best treatment for you. It may take a while to get that balance you need, but if you do need the meds to get that balance, then so be it. It will improve your quality of life once you do get that balanced.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    I was on wellbutrin for a while and it made everything worse. I was so angry all the time and just wanted to sleep. Then they lowered my dose and the only thing I still wanted to do was sleep but the anger was gone. I didn't have any weight loss on it.

    I've never personally been on it, but my ex-step father was. He had similar symptoms as these.

    dubird wrote: »
    But then, every medicine will affect people differently. The listed side effects are only possibilities. If you start any kind of anti-depressant medicine, make sure to do regular followups with your doctor to monitor how it's affecting you. That way, you can make adjustments as needed and work out the best treatment for you. It may take a while to get that balance you need, but if you do need the meds to get that balance, then so be it. It will improve your quality of life once you do get that balanced.

  • samathes
    samathes Posts: 55 Member
    I've been on Wellbutrin for a few months now due to depression and because my doctor had said that it was good for weight loss. Ultimately, I've found that my depression had not changed; if anything, it's worse...I need another profession. As far as weight loss, I feel that I've been running to food faster than I can swallow what's already in my mouth. I'm absolutely miserable! I've gained more weight and basically become prisoner to my cravings and to the contents of my fridge. I need a solution and Wellbutrin is not it!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    dubird wrote: »

    But then, every medicine will affect people differently. The listed side effects are only possibilities. If you start any kind of anti-depressant medicine, make sure to do regular followups with your doctor to monitor how it's affecting you. That way, you can make adjustments as needed and work out the best treatment for you. It may take a while to get that balance you need, but if you do need the meds to get that balance, then so be it. It will improve your quality of life once you do get that balanced.

    So much this!!
  • userh6478
    userh6478 Posts: 19 Member
    It has really helped me with my depression/weight loss/ and stop smoking but god awful for my anxiety. It made it a lot worse to the point where I don't really go out except to go to work and get food. Otherwise I avoid going anywhere..
  • userh6478
    userh6478 Posts: 19 Member
    bug1114 wrote: »
    KimAqui20 wrote: »
    tarheelntx wrote: »
    I just started taking Wellbutrin a few weeks ago and have noticed a definite decrease in appetite. My doctor said it can take 5-6 weeks to see any therapeutic benefit, but I think I feel a little bit better. I have experienced the other fun side effects-- insomnia, constipation, and dry mouth, but those have abated a bit.

    Lexapro blunted my emotions so much that I felt like a robot.

    Yeah, I wasn't depressed anymore, but I felt like sludge. Zero energy. That's why they added the Wellbutrin. Coming off Lexipro was NOTHING compared to the nightmare of coming off Effexor.

    ^^ This for Effexor. What a nightmarish drug to come off of. Talk about withdrawal symptoms!

    I was on Wellbutrin for about eight months. I actually had INCREASED anxiety while taking it, and had to take another drug to combat the anxiety. I didn't have any issues losing weight while taking it though, and my appetite stayed about the same.

    What other med did you take ??? for your anxiety
  • amy102875
    amy102875 Posts: 38 Member
    I have been taking it for not quite a year now. It suppressed my appetite in the beginning to the point where I could have been happy eating hardly anything. I dropped my first 30 lbs. quickly due to that. The appetite suppressing stopped after the first four months or so. I've been able to drop another 35 lbs. The welbutrin took away the hopeless feelings, and anger, and some of the anxiety for me.
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    I've used Wellbutrin for years. It hasn't really helped in weight loss although it made a marked improvement in my anxiety and stress. It has had no impact on my eating habits and from what I read here it seems to vary significantly by person. Just be aware that it may not help nor hurt you weight loss efforts
  • Labyrinthine93
    Labyrinthine93 Posts: 46 Member
    Of course people respond to different drugs differently. I've taken Wellbutrin and Effexor. With the Wellbutrin, I wasn't able to eat certain foods, basically anything with a creamy or chunky texture I couldn't get down. And with the Effexor I had to force myself to eat. Just being around food made me sick.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    I had been on Effexor and Wellbutrin. Effexor was the worst decision ever. Wellbutrin I found, for me, did nothing. Nothing at all. I stopped taking it after about 8 months.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 346 Member
    My psychiatrist put me on it to counteract the weight gain from my other psych meds. Overall I have lost 60 lbs over 7 the 7 years I have been on the meds.
  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    My doctor gave this to me last week and so far my appetite is so suppressed. Last night I had chocolate milk for dinner and I couldn't even finished all of the 16oz.

    It gives me really good dreams.

    I've realized I'm more outspoken on it..

    I was on citalopram earlier and gained 25 lbs in 6 months smh.

    Hope that answers your question
  • TheopolisAmbroiseIII
    I've been on it for 4 days now. I'm hoping the suppressed appetite kicks in sooner or later. It's still a struggle for me not to think about food all day. If I'm not so full I feel gross, my brain is constantly thinking about what is around that I could eat next.
  • jenniferb973
    jenniferb973 Posts: 34 Member
    I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. They gave me wellbutrin and I started having panic attacks...it made me feel too racey (like too much caffeine)....but that was just my experience. If you have a serious anxiety issue (like myself), I'd be careful with the dosage... I always did well on Prozac. But everyone is different.
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I've been on it for a few years. I lost weight at first but after the appetite suppressing effects I gained weight. It exponentially exaggerated my anxiety which is why I'm tapering off currently, and it's NOT fun getting off this med.

    I've heard people gain weight coming off of it so I'm being very, very diligent about counting calories. Personally, I would look for smthg else if you have anxiety. It really ramps that up in a lot of people.

    Depression meds should never be taken just because they cause weight loss with some people. They should be taken for depression.
  • carr3107
    carr3107 Posts: 26 Member
    I've taken darn near every class of antidepressants. Wellbutrin was by far the most weight stable. Anxiety isn't my issue, so I can't speak to that. I had to go off it for an unusual adverse reaction.

    I found that the generic did actually create some anxiety. The generic coating is not quite the same as the brand name XR coating. The generic releases much less evenly. It's a fairly well known issue with the generic.

    Honestly, which antidepressant works is going to depend on your unique body chemistry. Anything that was originally an antipsychotic (Abilify, seroquel, zyprexa in particular) are all associated with weight gain.