For those that eat what they want

TexasJade Posts: 68 Member
edited September 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
What does eating what you want look like for you? I want to try that this time. This is my third round of losing weight, each after babies. I was successful before but was super strict. I want to include more "treat" items this time because I think that will help my mind frame, knowing I can have some things I really want, just keep them in my goals. But so far what that looks like for me is one of three things...

1. Having a little of all of whatever I want and not very much overall food because there are too many cals
2. Having one treat item of moderate size and not being able to eat much of anything else and end up hungry
3. Not eating enough of treat item to make it worth it, so I can stay in the cals, and feeling like I wasted my cals

What works best for you? I also notice that, I usually like to have whatever it is later in the day and I feel like am being too fussy with food earlier in the day and paying to much attention to the food log and fitting things in. I just wish I could eat with a little more freedom and not have to worry I am going to eat too much early on and not have the majority of my cals left for evening.

The first time I lost weight, three babies ago, I didn't know anything about MFP. I just ate low cal, nutritionally dense food most of the time and if I treated myself to something it was 1/2 cup of ice cream a couple times a week in place of milk or cheese. I am not a big sweet eater otherwise but occasionally would like a soda, fried pie, or tortilla chips, even guacamole, nuts, a slice of pizza but I feel like it is all too much of a calorie hit. Never mind I wouldn't touch nachos or enchiladas anymore. I like all the food I eat but is it too much to ask to have something I reeeallly want most days?


  • melodicraven
    melodicraven Posts: 83 Member
    Seems like it might help to plan in advance when possible. That way, like if you wanted pizza or mexican for lunch - maybe you could plan on something light but filling for breakfast and maybe a low cal, but high nutrient/fiber soup or something like that for dinner.

    For me it's easier to eliminate/cut way back on the carbs - but that's because I have some health issues that eating a lot of carbs tends to exacerbate. But the way you're talking about is just as valid and effective. My friend lost quite a bit of weight doing exactly what you're talking about. And if she wanted a treat, she just had the treat. She just compensated the rest of the day.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I've been using MFP and eating what I want for nearly 5 months and have lost over 17 kg.

    My diary is open if you want to see what that looks like.
  • TexasJade
    TexasJade Posts: 68 Member
    For me it's easier to eliminate/cut way back on the carbs - but that's because I have some health issues that eating a lot of carbs tends to exacerbate. But the way you're talking about is just as valid and effective. My friend lost quite a bit of weight doing exactly what you're talking about. And if she wanted a treat, she just had the treat. She just compensated the rest of the day.

    I think compared to a lot of people, I naturally don't eat a ton if carbs due to preference. For the most part, the majority of my carbs come from sweet potatoes and oatmeal. But I do like occasional pizza or chips or corn tortillas with mexican food or a soda. I rarely eat bread or white potatoes. My carbs are usually 50 to 80 but not purposefully. What I run into though, is foods by association causing problems. If I want to treat myself to a couple of slices of pizza, I also want a soda to go with it or a soda with mexican food which I have had tortilla chips or corn tortillas. I have limited myself to 7 chips OR 2 tortillas and have adjusted to that ok.

  • TexasJade
    TexasJade Posts: 68 Member
    Looking at your diary, I may need to excercise to get more calories for more options. I just haven't been able to pick that back up yet with two infants.
    Orphia wrote: »
    I've been using MFP and eating what I want for nearly 5 months and have lost over 17 kg.

    My diary is open if you want to see what that looks like.

  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Today I had a big ole breakfast burrito. A sour cream donut. And chicken fajitas.

    Yesterday was two chicken chipotle subs. Teriyaki chicken . some rice. And birthday cake ice cream sammich.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    For me it's easier to have good days and bad days. This morning I knew I was 300 calories under yesterday so I gladly had a bowl of my kids coco-puffs... It was delicious.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I still preplan my meals, fit in a big salad somewhere, and make sure I get enough protein. After that I fill in with my extras. I cut a protein bar in half and split it over my morning and afternoon snacks. I love my toast so I have some, usually at breakfast. One or two slices. Pizza, stop at two slices.
  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    TexasJade wrote: »
    Looking at your diary, I may need to excercise to get more calories for more options. I just haven't been able to pick that back up yet with two infants.
    Orphia wrote: »
    I've been using MFP and eating what I want for nearly 5 months and have lost over 17 kg.

    My diary is open if you want to see what that looks like.

    Increasing your daily activity doesn't have to start off as strenuous exertion. Walk a few miles a day to start, maybe. Look on YouTube for some stuff you can do at hone if you need to be home most of the time. I've seen others discussing home walking videos, or home video boot camps etc
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    You're more than welcome to browse through my diary. I've been on here for 3 years. Mostly, I just know that I like to have a snack a couple hours after dinner. Fruit, Greek yogurt, protein bar, etc whatever. So as I eat my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I try to make sure that I will still have about 100-200 calories left for that.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I eat whatever i want. Feel free to look through my diary. And coco puffs would be eaten and considered normal for me.

    I had a quick add tonight, it was a hamburger patty.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    For me it meant eating light throughout the day, and saving calories for treats at night, because that's when I really really want them. I discovered a lot of sauces and things I used to put over rice, go nicely over salad instead, which saves a few calories for treats. I also made sure I got 80-100 grams of protein a day to help me feel satiated with less food.

    It also meant working out so I had more calories to play with. I averaged around 500 calories burned per day from exercise, and ate around 1800 a day to lose 1 pound a week.

    Prelogging is a fantastic way to help make sure you can fit your treats in, and still eat well throughout the day.
  • Treasureslide
    Treasureslide Posts: 42 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I've been using MFP and eating what I want for nearly 5 months and have lost over 17 kg.

    My diary is open if you want to see what that looks like.

    Hi Orphia, can I please ask you your starting weight\height and calorie quota? I looked your diary in June and you have been having a good amount of calories and still loosing, I am 5ft 9 and weighed originally 98kg I am now 87Kg :) aiming for a goal weight of 70kg -75kg
    I have lost 11kg over 8 weeks (1200 -1400 cal eating back half exercise 30min x 3 times a week) but am losing motivation perhaps because I am finding after the first novelty of changing my diet wearing off Its now becoming about a life style habit and change, and the deprivation may be getting me. Thanks. :smile:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I've been using MFP and eating what I want for nearly 5 months and have lost over 17 kg.

    My diary is open if you want to see what that looks like.

    Hi Orphia, can I please ask you your starting weight\height and calorie quota? I looked your diary in June and you have been having a good amount of calories and still loosing, I am 5ft 9 and weighed originally 98kg I am now 87Kg :) aiming for a goal weight of 70kg -75kg
    I have lost 11kg over 8 weeks (1200 -1400 cal eating back half exercise 30min x 3 times a week) but am losing motivation perhaps because I am finding after the first novelty of changing my diet wearing off Its now becoming about a life style habit and change, and the deprivation may be getting me. Thanks. :smile:

    Hi @Treasureslide You and I are almost the same height with very similar starting weight. (I'm 175 cm and was 98.9 kg.) I started MFP on April 11th 2015. I think I started at around 1480 calories a day.

    Good idea to get some help on the deprivation. Deprivation diets are not sustainable and lead to bingeing and yoyoing.

    I think my exercising (mostly walking) helps me stick to my calorie limit. I've been doing over 10,000 steps a day for a few months now, and am currently averaging over 13,000. I can eat more, by eating back 50-75% of my exercise calories, but still be in a deficit. Exercising lets me eat lots but burn lots of energy. Plus it makes me feel great, is lots of fun, and I see lots of interesting things to take photos of when I'm walking. I love it!

    On Wednesday I did my personal best day of nearly 20,000 steps, and I had to have a 380 calorie Bailey's to use up what I had spare after eating a nommy dinner!

    I have exercise goals to keep me motivated to walk. Right now I'm doing Steptember. Plus I want to improve on my personal best. Goals are good to have!

    Hope this helps.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    edited September 2015
    TexasJade wrote: »
    What does eating what you want look like for you?

    I am not a big sweet eater otherwise but occasionally would like a soda, fried pie, or tortilla chips, even guacamole, nuts, a slice of pizza but I feel like it is all too much of a calorie hit. Never mind I wouldn't touch nachos or enchiladas anymore. I like all the food I eat but is it too much to ask to have something I reeeallly want most days?

    First of all, I like things like brown rice, chicken and lots and lots of veggies. I actually crave veggies. :) So eating what I want includes eating those things.

    But as for things like pizza and tacos ... I exercise for them.

    I had pizza a couple weekends ago because I walked and then spent nearly two hours doing "commercial intervals" on my trainer (bicycle on a device that holds it in place so I can cycle inside). I do something like that just about every weekend.

    I'll just add that I've lost 20 kg since mid-Feb. :)
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    edited September 2015
    I think planning it out really helps. I input the things I have a taste for (or leave a big enough approximate gap for the calories) and then fill out the rest of my diary with foods that help me meet my protein and fiber goals. My diary is open. Just don't use today as a guide until my day is done. I am experimenting with my most recent order from Amazon :)
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I've been using MFP and eating what I want for nearly 5 months and have lost over 17 kg.

    My diary is open if you want to see what that looks like.

    Hi Orphia, can I please ask you your starting weight\height and calorie quota? I looked your diary in June and you have been having a good amount of calories and still loosing, I am 5ft 9 and weighed originally 98kg I am now 87Kg :) aiming for a goal weight of 70kg -75kg
    I have lost 11kg over 8 weeks (1200 -1400 cal eating back half exercise 30min x 3 times a week) but am losing motivation perhaps because I am finding after the first novelty of changing my diet wearing off Its now becoming about a life style habit and change, and the deprivation may be getting me. Thanks. :smile:

    Treasureslide, don't lose hope. I think you have an advantage with your height. I'm around your height,just under where you want to be, and a little older. To stay there I have to do about 1900 without exercise. You can do this.

  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    edited September 2015
    I eat what I want and my diary is open. I went over cals yesterday by quite a bit thanks to my husband bringing home baconator fries from Wendy's for us to share- totally not expecting that! I'm down a pound today though- I was on target for cals all week. I'm very close to goal weight.

    I'm 5'8
    Starting weight 155.6
    Current 142
    Goal 140
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Eating smaller portions of what I like. Halloween and Easter are prime times to pick up snack size candy bars. It's more compromise and subbing than eliminating foods.
  • Preplan. I knew Thursday evening that I would have 3/4 of a bottle of wine. I only drink on weekends. I added that into my snacks as well as all the meals I had planned. I went into the red. So as to avoid going into the red or missing out in my wine, I removed stuff from my meals. In Friday's case, I removed the hard boiled egg from my salad which put me just under my calories. Many days I would just assume that I would work out those few extra calories, but I knew ahead of time that my Friday was so booked that I wouldn't get my workout in.
  • I meant I knew Thursday night that I would have 3/4 bottle on Friday.