September 2015 Running Challenge



  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    9/4 -- 2.26mi -- all walking. Beautiful night! And even better that I made it up the mountain without stopping! Huge NSV for me.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: Rest
    9/2: 7 miles
    9/3: 8 miles am and 6 miles pm with the Thursday crew
    9/4: 6 miles

    Some quick evening miles so I can get up and hit the road ASAP tomorrow! Heading to DC to visit a friend from college who just moved there for grad school. Will get some running in while I'm there as well I hope!


  • CancerSurvivor2014
    MFP September 2015 running challenge:
    Due to the Holiday I performed Mondays lifting workout today. I got my 14 year old son to go with me. He was headed for the car and I am like no we are gonna run to the gym. I think he wanted to go back in the house at that moment but I took off and he surprisingly stayed with me the whole mile. We had a good workout and did some HIIT on the elliptical. On the way out he was like aw man we gotta run home?
    He made it ....he did walk a bit and took some shortcuts but all in all he surprised me with his endurance.
    So that's 2 more miles in the books!

    Goal:48 miles
    >>>>>>>> 36 to go <<<<<<<<
  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member
    9/2/15 - 1.8 hot and humid miles.
    9/4 1.5 - not quite as hot or humid miles

    26.7 to go!
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    We had some rain today so the evening run wasn't quite as hot and humid as usual. Got in 3 more miles tonight, at the lower end of my regular pace and that was nice after the longer run yesterday.
    I took @7lenny7's advice and decided to look for a cheap used garmin GPS watch. I checked out ebay for a few days and saw a number of options, although most "refurbished" or "who knows where they came from" new ones, and at higher prices. But I found a few used forerunner 305's. I finally nabbed one the other day for $38, which included shipping. I figured as long as it works for a while, I could get my $38 worth. I got to use it for the first time tonight, and it's pretty cool. I need to read the manual and figure out what all I can do, but I found the power button, got it charged, and figured out how to stop and start it while I was running. ;) And at the end it pretty much matched up with my phone. It did beep at me a lot, and I'm sure a few of those may be settings for whomever owned it before-guess I'll actually have to read the manual to figure out what those may be for.

    So far...

    9/3 4 miles
    9/4 3 miles----7 total out of 40 for Sept.

    Have a great holiday weekend everyone. I know I'm ready for some football overload tomorrow!
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    9/1 rest day

    9/2 4.2 miles -- wasn't that easy for some reason, but done!

    9/4 3.17 miles -- that was probably the most difficult run since I've started seven weeks ago. The humidity was so defeating and soul crushing!

  • endlessenigma
    endlessenigma Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2015
    Final day of Week 2 of CT5K!

    9/1 - 2.06 miles (walk)
    9/2 - 2.76 miles (run/walk)
    9/3 - 2.26 miles (walk/run)
    9/4 - 2.82 miles (run/walk)

  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    debrag12 wrote: »
    In for 30 miles.

    2nd September = 1 mile

    5th September = 2 mile

    TOTAL = 3

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/9 12 miles
    02/9 12 miles
    03/9 10k
    04/9 12 miles
    05/9 10k


    Fast 10k today, pretty good time and feeling better than yesterday.

    Tomorrow will scale down to 20 miles

    Now off to London for some sushi&bento and running kits shopping

    Enjoy your weekend
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited September 2015
    It wasn't all that enjoyable, but I got in an 8 mile run last night. First part was tough, a couple miles in the middle were good, then the last part was tough. Very muggy out and I had sweat steadily dripping off the brim of my hat and every piece of clothing I had was drenched. It turned out to be a 99 minute run. I had meant to bring some Gu or something but forgot. I think that would have helped on this run. And @Stoshew71, sorry but I didn't bring the quarter with me.

    Family day today! We're planning on tubing down one of the rivers in the the state. Unfortunately we woke up to thunderstorms. We're still going, I just need to figure out which river will be out of the weather the soonest.

    Have a great holiday weekend, my fellow Americans! Everyone else, have a great weekend!

    9/01 - Rest
    9/02 - 6.1 Miles
    9/03 - 5.0 Miles
    9/04 - 8.1 Miles
    9/04 - Family Day!

    Goal: 135 Miles
    Progress: 19.2 Miles
    Remaining: 120.8 Miles


    @patrikc333, sounds like a great wildlife run! Beautiful lab too. do you take her running with you?
    @Stoshew71, thanks for taking the time to write up those great posts...very helpful and informative!
    @CrimsonWhite, you got a great deal on that FR305. I think that 305 is a heck of GPS unit, particularly considering how old it is. The only reason I would upgrade would be to get bluetooth connectivity so I didn't have to plug it into my laptop after my run. That and to get a better display. As some point you'll want to get set up on the Garmin Connect website. On this site you can get all you run data, get your splits, track your heart rate, track your monthly goals (see my meter above), track the miles on your shoes, use their Course tool to plan your runs and get the mileage, get training plans, create workouts to send to your 305, and more, and it only cost you $38! Here's part of the screen for one of my activities


  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    3.7 miles. A Recovery day after yesterday's long run, and I never did really loosen up. Better luck tomorrow!
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Sep 01      5.2      5.2
    Sep 04      9.1     14.3
    Sep 05      3.7     18.0


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Not at all @jtarmom. I enjoy helping people.
    That's clear from your lengthy, and excellent, response. I'm copying this text and pasting it into a text file to keep at my computer for ready reference.

    One question I have, is how does heat and fatigue play into this? I can more easily keep a faster pace when it cooler out. Do I use the slower paces within each range when it's nasty hot out, and migrate to the faster paces as it cools down?

    I prefer using heart rate as a guide rather than pace because I'm better at regulating HR and I then get to see the general improvement in pace as a measuring stick for my running development. I see that the calculations do provide heart rate range. These are rather wide ranges in many cases, and have much overlap. For instance, an HRR range of 55 to 65 would encompass all three endurance run types, yet there is no such overlap with the three endurance paces. Any reason I shouldn't just use that 55 to 65 HRR range and make it simple for myself?

    Also, when you run... (I know this sounds pretty graphic but it helps a lot) imagine that you are trying to keep a quarter wedged between your butt cheeks.
    Forget the imagination, I'm raiding my change jar before tonight's run.

    Too funny! Talk about being a tight @$$!
  • aprilcanrun
    aprilcanrun Posts: 62 Member
    Parkrun this morning was really fun, only my 3rd one, but I can see it becoming part of my weekly routine!

  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    9/5 -- 2.00mi
    W2D1 of C25k complete! Boo yah!
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm in for 65 miles. I definitely need to be part of this group particularly in the winter months I need ALL the motivation I can Get.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @7lenny7 - I'm hoping that cool down in the forecast happens. All 70s for highs and 50s for lows. Perfect! If you want some trails, the north shore trails at Clinton lake are really nice, and being cleared of overgrowth for fall races out there. I'm not too familiar with paved routes out there though.

    I thought about putting a quarter in for todays long run but was worried that might make something come out somewhere.

    9/1 - 6 mile steady run (6 total)
    9/2 - 4 mile easy run (10 total)
    9/3 - 8.5 mile long run (18.5 total)
    9/4 - 13 mile long run (31.5 total)

    Goal 166 miles

  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    In for 25.


  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Completed so far:

    9/1 -- 2.04 miles
    9/2 -- 3.04 miles
    9/4 -- 2.25 miles
    9/5 -- 7.05 miles

    14.38 miles completed -- 35.62 remaining to my goal of 50 miles
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I have to bow out for now
    After my run on thursday i started bleeding a little. My period was a week late but its been all over the place since i miscarried in febuary. Thing is it didnt kick in properly or stop so ive rested but wanted to run tomorrow so peed on a stick just to shut up my stupid brain ......... and im pregnant

    Ill see my doctor on monday, ill probebly lose this one too but have to at least try to hang on
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    I have to bow out for now
    After my run on thursday i started bleeding a little. My period was a week late but its been all over the place since i miscarried in febuary. Thing is it didnt kick in properly or stop so ive rested but wanted to run tomorrow so peed on a stick just to shut up my stupid brain ......... and im pregnant

    Ill see my doctor on monday, ill probebly lose this one too but have to at least try to hang on

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, hope all goes well.