Ladies who are 5,2

jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
edited September 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Ladies who are 5,2 what's your starting weight and goal weight. I'v finally have chosen a goal weight freaking finally. My goal weight is 160 but i always add on 5lbs to my goal weight every time so 160 165 the lowest i will ever go in my life is 150 155 so i basically have 2 goal weights for life my starting weight is 298 almost 300lbs i can barley do anything i feel bad that i let myself get this big but I'm ready to change it and i just want to be normal their is a huge difference between being just overweight and morbidly obese i never want to be obese again i also no longer have that have to be thin 115 120 mindset thank goodness. I never want to go below 150 in my life and i never want to go above 165 in my life... also ladies tell me why that's your goal weight and why you want to change... oh and this if my goal weight for life not changing it or I'll be changing it for life and that ain't cute..


  • avilancaster871
    avilancaster871 Posts: 147 Member
    Im 5ft 1 and want loose around 80-90lb feel free to add me xx
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I am 5ft 2(and 1/2!). My starting weight was 226 and I am hoping to get somewhere around 175, then I will reevaluate from there. I am down 22 lbs so far!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Starting Weight: 262lbs
    Current Weight: 184lbs
    Goal Weight: 130.

    We can do it!!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    5'2" current weight is 150.2# My first official weigh-in was 313#. My original goal weight is/was 140# which would make me still overweight (and I'd still likely get the "lose weight" script from my GP). I don't remember ever being a "normal" or "healthy" weight, so I'm going with a little bit higher than what BMI says is "healthy" for my height. As of now, my upper weight, where I will get back to eating less, is 160#.

    I decided to lose weight mostly because I didn't have much choice in clothing. Finding anything 5X is hard enough. You can't quibble over clothes only coming in khaki or blue.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    edited September 2015

  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member

  • sdewey9
    sdewey9 Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5'3 and my goal weight is 145. I was at my lowest of 153 after my pregnancy. I was so close to my goal. Then I started school 2 years ago and my hard work went down the drain! But I'm back at it again and will support you in your goal!!!
  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 5'2". SW 190, CW 145 GW 133. Basically, I was 173 when I started mfp and I just decided to lose 20 lbs which put me at 153. But those first ten came off so easily, I decided to try for an additional 20. I'm now at 12 lbs to goal and about to change my goal to .5 lbs per week loss. I figured I'd be happy at 150 and I was/am but I know I can comfortably lose a little more without too much effort. Good luck with your journey!
  • heyyoutoo
    heyyoutoo Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5' 1.5"
    SW 132.5
    CW 118
    GW 115
  • peep69
    peep69 Posts: 11 Member
    I am starting at 224 and my goal is 160. Any lower and I would look like a skeleton. I weighed 170 when starting dating my hubby and I wore a size 8 and looked thin but healthy. It has taken me 7 years to put this weight on so am hoping it doesn't take that long to get it off. For the first time in my life tho I am looking at this as a life change and not a diet. Good luck on your journey!
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member

  • Beezyweez
    Beezyweez Posts: 144 Member
    5ft 2 and started this at 226 last month. I'm now 214 but want to get down to 160, I'll give you an add :) anyone else who wants to add me is also welcome
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" (the half inch is important, lol).

    SW 212
    CW 148
    GW 138

    Technically my goal weight is 138, which I picked only because it's the top end of being in a healthy BMI. I've never been below 135 as an adult and when I was that weight I had trouble maintaining it. However, I also knew nothing about "maintenance" back then and didn't count calories so I think I wasn't eating enough, which is explains a lot. I may change my settings to lose a 1/2 pound per week once I hit 138 and then possibly lose another 10 pounds. I'm in no hurry to lose the weight, I'd rather eat more food and get there slowly.
  • clarissac15
    clarissac15 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3 and 27 years old. I started at 224 and currently sit about 163-165 (depending on what time of day I weigh). It took me several years to lose the weight and I'd like to lose another 15-20ish. I exercise 5-6 days a week and follow a FLEXIBLE dieting approach. I do not follow a strict diet because they do not last (for me anyways). I eat a lot because I like food and I'll never change that lol. I believe in moderation and balance. I count macros as well as my calories. Anyone feel free to add me! My diary is open to friends and I'm happy to encourage anyone along the way :D
  • Labyrinthine93
    Labyrinthine93 Posts: 46 Member
    5'2 22yo
    Start weight: 262
    Current Weight: 186
    Goal Weight: TBD

    Took me a year and a half to lose 75lbs, I don't really have a goal at the moment since I'm still quite a way from being in the "normal" weight range. I've been obese for a long time, but I've been overweight since I was 5. Was over 200lbs by the time I was 14.

    Honestly I just want to look different. I'm kind of curious to see what I really look like underneath it.
  • eshnna
    eshnna Posts: 109 Member
    5' 2.5"
    SW 144
    CW 130
    GW 120-124
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    I am 5ft 3
    At current weight of 82kgs
    I want to be 65kgs
    I think being smaller is harder as people see a small person and they think you look fine. Most of my friends think I don't need to lose any more weight but I can see where it has to come off.
    I think the extra 2 and a half stone will make the difference.
    As at the moment my feet hurt during exercise and I still feel heavy.
    Good luck Hun. X
  • ajc1309
    ajc1309 Posts: 255 Member
    I'm 5'3"
    SW: 182
    CW: 127.5
    GW: 112-119
  • katiegud
    katiegud Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'2". Started at 170, currently 160, goal is somewhere between 120-130. When I hit 130 I'll reevaluate. From college into pre-baby-adulthood I was normally between 130-135. Got pregnant around 140, then gained 45 lbs and was never able to lose the 'baby weight.' The lowest I've been since her birth (5 years ago!) is 154, so it would be delightful to just break that! Hopefully I'll be near there in a month or so, but my weight has been steady for a couple of weeks thanks to holidays and a lack of self-control while traveling.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I'm 5'1. maybe 2. if i stand REAL straight and stretch my neck LOL

    i started at 260 and am 188 now. I break everything into smaller goals, so right now my next goal is 150, and after that 130. From there I will re-evaluate how i look and feel, and decide if i want to lose a little more or begin recomp.