"Cheat Day"

Shelli_G Posts: 14
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I've been told, and I've read on several profiles here on MFP that some individuals have a "cheat day" where they eat anything they want. I know that this works because I've seen the results of some of our members, but I was just curious as to how many of you do this. Do you have a cheat 'day ' per say, or do some cheat a bit on any given day?

On the other side of the spectrum, I've had friends tell me that if you cheat at all, you ruin your entire weight loss plan. Personally, I don't agree, but again...that's just my opinion...I certainly don't know first hand.


  • I definitely think a cheat day helps. For some, it gives motivation to go through a really strict calorie control during the week and then have one day when you can have a few more calories. The point, I believe, is not just the calories, but also developing the consciousness to know when you have days where you indulge in more/ or richer food, you are conscious to take measures (exercise or eating less calories) to make up for the extra calories. A cheat day mirrors real life when you are maintaining your weight.
    Congrats on the losing 1lb!!!
  • ZannahDia
    ZannahDia Posts: 65
    I've heard that it works, but I don't do it, because for me, if I give myself a free day, it will be really really hard to get back to healthier eating the next.
  • alysen2012
    alysen2012 Posts: 71
    Well some ppl say it isnt good to have a cheat day. But if u strictly follow your diet you will probably will not see much results. Having a cheat once in awhile doesnt hurt at all. If you dont cheat you will probably give up on your diet before to long. I have a cheat day or two here and there but thats when i am on TOM though and some reason i crave things that i am not suppose to. So i have cheat week during that time but seem to be under the calories i need to eat cuz i know when to stop eating the so called junk food.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    So, I've been told, and I've read on several profiles here on MFP that some individuals have a "cheat day" where they eat anything they want. I know that this works because I've seen the results of some of our members, but I was just curious as to how many of you do this. Do you have a cheat 'day ' per say, or do some cheat a bit on any given day?

    On the other side of the spectrum, I've had friends tell me that if you cheat at all, you ruin your entire weight loss plan. Personally, I don't agree, but again...that's just my opinion...I certainly don't know first hand.

    I think it's important to plan. I never make an entire day of it because that can wreck an entire week's hard work, at least in my case it does. If I'm really craving something, I plan for it, find a healthy version if possible and if not, have it but only 1/2 the portion, drink extra water and make sure to exercise.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I haven't really set up a specific day as a "cheat day", but I have had those occassional days where I just ate a meal that I wanted to eat, or a few snacks that I use to really enjoy.

    My diet isn't really strict, I just found healthier foods to eat that I enjoy... though they aren't as fulfilling... haha xP

    For me personally... after I eat something I know I shouldn't have, I feel extremely guilty, and I hate the feeling... I feel bloated and gross and just disappointed (like I gained a pound from one meal - unlikely, I know).

    It's a personal thing that I'm trying to fix haha. On the flip side though, I've heard that zigzagging calories really helps with weight loss! So that shock to the system may boost something, I'm not 100% sure on that though :)
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i would say do have a cheat day because if u totally cut out the things u love u will just want them more. I kinda have a cheat day where i eat what i want n go over my cals but i do a big workout so my cals r still under, i dont usually not have something that i want, i just work round it, hope this helps. :happy:
  • webbed1
    webbed1 Posts: 86
    Define "cheat" day. How many excess calories are we talking? If 3500 calories equal a lb, isn't 500 extra calories x 5 days a month something like .71lbs? 8.57lbs a year?

    If you have a cheat day and can justify that, shouldn't you have a super strict day and justify it the same way, but in reverse?

    One thing I will agree upon: if some people are doing that and STILL getting results they are happy with, then ROCK ON. I am not interested in being obsessive for obsessive's sake. Do what WORKS. For YOU.

    I haven't tried a cheat day yet, so I guess I should. But then I gotta do a super strict day as well, for the same logic. Or am I wrong?

    BTW, this is NOT the same as zig zagging your calories.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    I don't necessarily have a cheat day, but it seems lately parties and other things have helped me cheat a little. :)

    I find that if you mix up the amount of calories you eat, like one day 1200, the next 1500, and so on. It keeps my body guessing and it seems like I lose more weight. :)

    If you think a cheat day will help you, do it! I just can't get back on track as easily if I give in!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Hi there,

    I don't have a "cheat day" per se, but every Friday I have "margarita night" with my colleagues after work. I drink two, full calorie margaritas, and eat a bunch of chips and salsa. I stay away from the queso. I exercise a lot in the morning, drink a lot of water, and eat a small lunch. That's my "cheat day". If I'm over, it's usually not by a lot (though this last Friday I ate a cupcake for my birthday).

    I like the concept of a cheat day, and wish we could see some research on "does it really damage anything".


  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    My experience, this time around, has been to totally change up my eating habits, and not call it a diet. I'm trying to change my daily food so it becomes a part of my life. If I want something naughty, I add a taste of whatever it is to my daily foods and still keep close to my total calories, and ALL other nutrients. This from a person who just 2 months ago was eating chocolate doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, french fries, double cheese burgers, breaded sweet n sour chinese chicken just to mention a few. By changing my eating habits, I don't crave those things so much any more. However, we went out to dinner last week, and someone ordered a flourless chocolate torte!! Yummy. I allowed myself to have 2 small bites, savoring every rich, indulgent moment. It worked!! Totally satisfied, especially when I realized I didn't blow my weight loss continuum. I'd go more for a cheat moment, than a cheat day.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    "I think it's important to plan. I never make an entire day of it because that can wreck an entire week's hard work, at least in my case it does. If I'm really craving something, I plan for it, find a healthy version if possible and if not, have it but only 1/2 the portion, drink extra water and make sure to exercise."

    I like this poster's opinion. While I have a technical "cheat day" with Friday night margaritas, I almost never cheat on a whim or impulse. It's planned in so it doesn't balloon out and become a cheat week.


  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    I usually opt for a cheat meal earlier in the day instead of a whole day.
    When I am trying to get lean I cycle my calories and "reload" on good clean carbs 1 reload day for every 3 "lean" days
  • webbed1
    webbed1 Posts: 86
    Bump to Debbie and original poster.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I have a "cheat day" once a week to every ten days or so. But I definitely don't eat anything I want or go nuts. I do not consume processed carbs in my regular diet, but on my cheat day, I might have homemade macaroni and cheese. I still stay within my calories, though. Tonight, I'm making a pork and rice dish that my kids love and I'm going to have some too. Rice is not on my list of foods that I eat on my regular diet, so it's my "cheat." Not restricting myself entirely has helped me maintain a pretty clean diet 95% of the time. As long as I stay within my calories, I'm unlikely to sabotage my weight loss efforts. And I generally keep it to a "cheat meal" rather than a day.
  • lgravitt1
    lgravitt1 Posts: 2
    I think cheat days are ok only after you have reached your goal weight. At that point, you want to be able to maintain, so eat healthy most of the time, but allow a cheat meal or two (as opposed to a cheat day).
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I allow myself to cheat whenever I want. Interestingly I never want to. I like my diet and am satisfied. On a recent vacation I had a bite or two of desserts but it really didn't do much for me. Maybe if I didn't allow myself to do this I would want to more. Reverse psychology on myself?
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I've heard that it works, but I don't do it, because for me, if I give myself a free day, it will be really really hard to get back to healthier eating the next.

    I'm the same way. I like to eat my healthy food. My weight loss is so gradual as it is I am afraid that I would offset any loss doing that. Also mentally it is harder for me to get back on track. Not sure I am ready to let go like that, although I did eat what I wanted within reason for my birthday last month. Eating Sugar and white flour REALLY derail me and bring me nothing but cravings!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So, I've been told, and I've read on several profiles here on MFP that some individuals have a "cheat day" where they eat anything they want. I know that this works because I've seen the results of some of our members, but I was just curious as to how many of you do this. Do you have a cheat 'day ' per say, or do some cheat a bit on any given day?

    On the other side of the spectrum, I've had friends tell me that if you cheat at all, you ruin your entire weight loss plan. Personally, I don't agree, but again...that's just my opinion...I certainly don't know first hand.

    Why "cheat," what does that say about what you are all about? Why not just save the calories and PLAN to eat something extra/go out to dinner. Excessive, unplanned eating does not work for Me. I usually pay for it needing 2 or 3 days to get back o track (Emotionally, Mentally and Physically.) Some people need to "fool" themselves or have an emotional "fall back" they are not really changing their eating habits; they can emotionally pig out and feel ok about it..Aren't they on a DIET. Immediate "success" BUT can they live the rest of their Life doing this AND Maintaining wt loss and good health. Going back to OLD Bad Habit every week is NOT changing anything, they are fooling...who? The scale always tell Me what I have done, so who am I "Cheating/Fooling?" ONLY Me...but to each their own.
  • T0nie2
    T0nie2 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't have a "cheat day" but if I've been really good and I want to splurge one day out of the blue I don't beat myself up for it.

    However, I am also one of those people who like to have something sweet EVERYDAY. I often find myself saving calories or working out more just so I can have ice cream later. It may not be the most nutritious but I almost never go over my daily calories so I say, "why not?"

    If you want to eat something, EAT it! Just don't go crazy. If you're truly doing this as a lifestyle change you'll have to learn how to compromise with your wants and your needs.

    And every once in a while I want a frickin' cupcake!
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    My first 70 days of weight loss (before I started here), I would pick one day every 2 weeks, and give myself an extra 500 calories for that day to get what I crave. On the majority of days I was usually 50-100 cals under my calorie limit. If you add up all those extra calories it was always between 650 and 1200 cals. So I figured my break day was a reward for my other 13 days of perseverance.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I have a "cheat day" once a week to every ten days or so. But I definitely don't eat anything I want or go nuts. I do not consume processed carbs in my regular diet, but on my cheat day, I might have homemade macaroni and cheese. I still stay within my calories, though. Tonight, I'm making a pork and rice dish that my kids love and I'm going to have some too. Rice is not on my list of foods that I eat on my regular diet, so it's my "cheat." Not restricting myself entirely has helped me maintain a pretty clean diet 95% of the time. As long as I stay within my calories, I'm unlikely to sabotage my weight loss efforts. And I generally keep it to a "cheat meal" rather than a day.

    Good points - keeping it within your calorie range and not going "nuts". A cheat item - like my piece of See's Candy yesterday. That is about all the cheating I can handle! I felt better I could find the calorie count for it when I got home!
  • tamarab3
    tamarab3 Posts: 64
    I plan for and eat up to my maintainance calories one day a week (usually a weekend day). I have consistantly lost weight each week.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    It's your diet, you make the rules. :drinker:
  • webbed1
    webbed1 Posts: 86
    tamarab3: your "cheat" day is different than what most of these folks consider; they are proposing over and above, and in some cases, WAY above their maintenance.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I try not to have any days where I go about my maintenance amount of calories but if I do it'll only be by about 300 max. But thats only when I go really off track. I give myself a day of not worrying about counting calories once a week to keep myself sane and motivated but like I said I tend not to go too overboard when I do this anyway so its not really too detrimental.
    But I don't think there is a certain thing everyone should or shouldn't do, you've just got to do what works for you.
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    I try to plan accordingly. For instance, this coming up Friday a group of friends and I are headed out for Mexican food and margaritas. I am planning to do a workout on Friday (which is not a normal workout day) and am limiting myself to one frozen strawberry margarita, a handfull of chips and salsa, and am splitting an entry with a friend who is also trying to lose weight. I try to just think ahead and say "well... if I make choice _____ then I need to do _____ to offest it". I am not perfect by any means when it comes to this. Just remember that hte basic formula is to expend more cals than you take in.
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    I would say only have a "cheat day" when you have exercised enough to cancel it out. Go to the gym or take a walk for an hour and that will cancel out the bad. Plus, working out personally gives me to motivation to eat healthier, so I will minimize the damage done. If you do have an overwhelming urge to cheat, I would suggest doing it after you hit a mini goal :). Good luck!
  • Shelli_G
    Shelli_G Posts: 14
    Wow...a somewhat difference of opinion here. It was to be expected though. I knew that this was a great topic. And I know what works for some doesn't always work for others. Like in this case.

    The reason I posed the question in the first place was because I was seriously considering doing something like this. A 'cheat' day per say. I read one of MFP's member's blogs this morning and one of his 'rules' is that he allows himself a cheat day once a week. Hey...it works for him. (Here's his blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/secostley/view/pictures-of-what-a-30-pound-loss-looks-like-109593)

    Anyway, I like the 'plan ahead' tactic, and I think I'm going to implement that, however, I know that sometime things get thrown into the mix and your plans get screwed up. The ONLY good thing for me is the fact that I don't eat sweets. It's funny because that's what I do for a living... I bake event cakes / sweets / treats. From wedding cakes, to cupcakes, to yummy chocolate treats, etc. But I don't eat it. I just don't really care for much sweet stuff. My downfall is chips...chips and salsa...chips and onion dip....that type of junk food.

    I don't think I'd be 'cheating' myself if I take a day where I eat over and above my normal maintenance calories, however, I will do a little more in the exercise arena to try and gain some of those calorie intake back....perhaps not all of it, but I'm hoping enough to keep me on pace.

    Again, thanks for your opinions!!!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i don't think people should have a defined cheat day where they just bindge all day, but I feel like if you really need to you can go over one day by a MAXIMUM of 500 calories. But I don't do that. I've gone over about 5 days in the past month by a few calories, but I still managed to loose weight.
  • lmvrbaby
    lmvrbaby Posts: 30 Member
    I dont pick any certain day to cheat, but I try to stay below the calorie intake everyday, just that one day usually weekend day I don't do my exercises and eat that something special. I am a chocolate lover so it is hard, but have found that eating a bite size candy bar once in awhile (45 calories) is fine. I walk every day even for breaks at work and do Zumba every night after work. I will say when I don't do my Zumba I do feel guilty, because I love doing it, 20 minutes seem to fly by and before you know it an hour has passed....I guess I am saying it is a personal choice, you-yourself know you the best!!!
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