5'2 losing 50 pounds

So I'm having a hard time sticking to this :( I'll be good and motivated for a couple weeks and lose a few pounds but then I get off track and stop for a few weeks and gain it back :/

It was easy when my boyfriend was on board with me, we'd keep each other in line hahaha. But now he's done and I need someone to help me out with this. An accountability buddy :)

Right now I'm at about 180 and I would like to get down to 130. Haven't been down to this weight in about 4 years so it would be an amazing accomplishment....it needs to happen haha.

Sooo feel free to add me, message me, I'd also like to know your goals and achievements so far :)


  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    Hi there! I'm 5'3 and wanting to lose another 50 pounds--I've lost 40 pounds already since April, but still have a ways to go. Motivation comes and goes throughout the process, so don't rely on feeling motivated to keep you on track. Stay on track by sheer will and determination--you can do it! Feel free to add. I wish you the best :)
  • Yankho0316
    Yankho0316 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'2 and currently weighing 185 pounds. I'd like to lose 80 by next may. The smallest I've been is 120 pounds about 3 years ago but it was hard work getting their and maintaining. But I felt great. Today I'm starting a 9 month challenge to get to my goal weight of 105 pounds by next may. Feel free to add and all the best!
  • UmMasud
    UmMasud Posts: 18 Member
    HI Chealsea, MrsCaitlin and Yankho. I'm just over 5'1 (that half inch really matters to us shorties :wink:). I started at 177lbs a few years ago, whittled it down to 123lbs and then back up to 156lbs. I've lost about 7lbs in the last 3 weeks and have another 3lbs to go to get to a comfortable 130lbs although ideally, I'd like to get to 123lbs at that's midway BMI for my height.

    How are you all going about it and Yankho have you got a plan for your 9 months? I'd like to join in too.
  • bjohnson207321
    bjohnson207321 Posts: 2 Member

    I'm 5'2 and 188. The smallest I've been was 145. My husband and I did insanity about 2 years ago and I lost 40lbs. I've since gained it all back, he hasn't. It seems like I just can't start. It's frustrating and depressing at times. Like you, I need someone to be accountable to and encourage while they encourage me.
  • szy123
    szy123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am 5 3 and just joined. I am 200 pounds and I desperately need to lose weight. I've always been overweight but this is the highest I 've ever been. Need motivation buddies
  • crose1992
    crose1992 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'1, and currently on 153 (after gaining 20 pounds twice), my smallest was around 123, but I would like to be around 115-120. So I has never been able to maintain weight after losing it :/

    Feel free to add me :)
  • aspirehealthy
    aspirehealthy Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5ft 3 and trying to lose 40lbs x
  • sweetcherae
    sweetcherae Posts: 66 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi :-). I'm 5'1 and am currently at 178lbs. I started my journey 9 weeks ago at 192lbs. My goal is to be down to 130lbs as well :-). Fill free to add me. It's great to have more motivational friends :-)
  • 1unique_mom
    1unique_mom Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'3 and wanting to lose 22lbs, my sister challenged me and I want to lose it before she does. Just need help and motivation to keep on track. I weigh about 137 and want to get back down to 115 where I was a year ago. Hopefully joining a community will help.
  • Carrie904
    Carrie904 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy Sunday!!! I am struggling with my weight, as we all seem to be, at 5"3' and 150 lbs. I can get down to 137-139, and then I get off track and up to 150-155 I go. Just recently, I was at 143, but then a move, a new job, and strange medical issues caused me to go back to 154. Such a negative. So, add me and let's help each other stay motivated and stay on track.
  • xxSeinna
    xxSeinna Posts: 10 Member
    5'2 buddies (: add up!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    I am also 5'2" and have just over 50 more pounds to lose! I have been trying to find a group or something with accountability in mind! I have lost 45lbs since February but had spinal surgery and bed rest was not good to me. I had lost 50 but gained back 5. I am trying to stay motivated but it is hard when no one in your life, and especially home, is on a mission to lose weight. I would LOVE to have people on here to get it and are on the same page.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    5'2" here. Have lost 30lbs with another 25 to go. I'm realising you have to accept that you will never eat again like you used to and you will have to count calories for the rest of your life. Don't think of missing out on stuff as punishment. It really is a reward because it's leading you to your fit and sexy self! Just log every day, stay under calorie goal, only eat back half of your exercise calories or less. It's always really difficult in the first few days!
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Also this quote motivates me: "Do not reward yourself with food. You are not a dog." :blush:
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    jenmovies wrote: »
    Also this quote motivates me: "Do not reward yourself with food. You are not a dog." :blush:

    Great one! It is something you can say aloud to yourself when temptation strikes.

    Use Self-Talk, even out loud. One thing that helps me is that I keep telling myself I can have whatever I am wanting later or tomorrow. If I do give in, which I do sometimes, I just eat a little and tell myself I can have some more tomorrow if I want to, or I can eat something low calorie instead.

    I often have fruit at the end of the day or something else sweet, but I LOVE ice cream! So I eat fruit or ice cream. I can easily keep a carton in the freezer and just eat 1/3 of a cup in the evenings. If I want more I can have another 1/3 of a cup in another day or two.

  • vsoffen
    vsoffen Posts: 190 Member
    Hi I'm 5'1/2"!!! I want to be at 115, haven't weighed in for a while as had an extremely stressful summer, back on here today as life feels a little more back to normal...I would guess I have around 45lb to lose...will weigh in tomorrow am to check. Please feel free to add for support xx
  • come_in_burned
    come_in_burned Posts: 3 Member
    Im 5'1" and still have 20lbs to lose. It's been a long time since I've put in any effort in and I could use support getting back on track. Last time I had my best friend to do this thing with but now I'm on my own!
  • chelseakrenzke
    chelseakrenzke Posts: 47 Member
    Wow :) haven't been on this in a couple days and was sooo happy to see all of your replies! I added everyone who sent me a request and I'll be adding more of you too. It seems as if everyone has similar goals :)

    So exercising isn't a must for losing weight, a lot of it is what you eat. However, it does help a lot! So I'm wondering what you guys do for exercise, what you like to do, what you'd like to try, and what seems to work for you the most. Personally I walk everyday and I try to do some circuit workout at home. However I would love to get a boxing bag and use that for my workouts :)

    P.S. You all are doing great! Keep up the good work :)
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    edited September 2015
    So exercising isn't a must for losing weight, a lot of it is what you eat. However, it does help a lot! So I'm wondering what you guys do for exercise, what you like to do, what you'd like to try, and what seems to work for you the most. Personally I walk everyday and I try to do some circuit workout at home. However I would love to get a boxing bag and use that for my workouts :)

    P.S. You all are doing great! Keep up the good work :)

    I don't do many formal workouts because I have an almost 2 year old that keeps me fairly busy, but we (meaning me and my bambino) tend to practice a little yoga in the afternoons. :)

  • kurlybeautiful
    kurlybeautiful Posts: 1 Member
    I hear you! I've been up and down the past couple of years. I would like to lose 85lbs, 100 max. I'd love to help you be accountable. I need that too!