Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • laurabeerotten
    A quick way to go for all of my Slytherin friends posting about awesome fitness and diet efforts! I have tons of confidence for us heading into our next weigh in!
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    I hope we do good this weekend. i am kicking butt this week. last weigh in i gained, and i dont like gaining even if its a little but it did kick me back into it.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Im back!! Sorry guys, I've been overseas on acryise wig no interne access, do t k is my current weight but probably gained a couple lbs on the cruise, soo ready to get back in the swing of things, way too excited to lose weight to be eating badly and not exercise:) goo slytherin!
  • laurabeerotten
    Tomorrow is weigh-in day! I can't wait to see us kick major butt! It's been a crazy week for me, starting a new summer class, a new job, and two new shadowships--I'm exhausted. So, I'm going to go off to bed and dream of victory tomorrow morning on the scale! Goodnight Slytherin!

    Also posting the challenges for this coming week that Uno just posted on the main board.
    Food Challenge:
    Try using different herbs, vinegar, citrus juices etc. as your spices instead of soy sauce and other sauces. A salad with either balsamic vinegar or one tbsp olive oil and one tbsp lemon juice is delicious! Add 1/4 cup parmasean cheese and some whole grain crackers as crutons and you have a very healthy and delicious cesar salad! Plain baked chicken with rosemary or red pepper flakes and garlic is delicious also! Experiment a little! :)

    Exercise Challenge:
    Try to up the intensity of your workouts 2-3 days this week! If you generally walk, try walking faster for a few minutes or do a little jogging. If you are strength training, try upping the reps some or increasing the weight. Just enough to stress your body a little bit but not to make you super sore. :)
  • LondonCalling
    LondonCalling Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my goodness, Harry Potter and weight loss all in the one place! I almost died and went to heaven when I saw this topic!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    No loss this week but I guess it makes up for the 4lbs I lost last week. Boo, oh well. I'm still working out everyday and staying under my calorie goal so I should see a decrease next week. Sorry ladies.
  • laurabeerotten
    I am down 1.4 lbs, which was nice after last week's zero loss.

    I have officially removed four members who hadn't weighed in since week 2. Two more are slated to be removed tomorrow as this will mark their third week of not weighing in.

    Four members didn't weigh in last week and I hope that they come back! If we lose them, we'll only have twenty of us left! :(
    Here's the spreadsheet one more time. If you can't access it, message me or post on here and someone will get your loss posted for you. I've also backed it up on my hard drive in case we have meddlers try to access it again.

  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    I lost was half a pound again this week. That's 2 weeks in a row at half a pound :/
    I know I should be happy, at least it's not a gain and any loss is a good loss, but I still feel a little frustrated with my results. I've eaten within my calorie range everyday but 1, and this past week I upped my workout from 2 miles to 4 miles a day to try to boost my weight loss after only losing half a pound last week, but it doesn't seemed to have made any difference.

    This week I'm not going to snack at all after supper, and I'm going to eat less of my workout calories back. Hopefully I'll see a better loss next week!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Sorry guys, up a pound this week. After no loss last week it is somewhat discouraging. I had a luncheon I had to go to yesterday...I did OK on calories, but I'm sure it was waaaay high in sodium, so I am hoping it is mostly water. Anyway, I am starting a new exercise regimen this week so hopefully that will help. I hate plateaus! Carry on Slytherin!
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Weight this week is 213, only one pound loss a week but at least is still going down. I actually reached 212 middle of the week but yesterday was my Anniversary and even though I only went about 100 calories over I'm sure the sodium was off the roof. We went to a Japanese restaurant which I know has tons of sodium in their food. On the good side I ate only half my rice, none of the noodles all the veggies and protein. I was extremely full and would probably won't eat the rice the next time. Hopefully, all the weight gain is sodium retention and it will be gone come Tuesday, my official weigh-in day.

    I can't reach the spreadsheet with my computer so please someone add my weight and thank you!

    I was not very good in the excersise part during the week. My leg is really hurting a lot so I have shun the excersise for a bit but yesterday I did some Wii to make up for going out and I really enjoyed it. I'm going to try to do at least 3 times a week next week even if the leg hurts. What the heck, it always hurts anyway!

  • laurabeerotten
    Got you, Melanie.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    1.5 pounds down this week. Would have been more but had an over indulgent weekend. Back on track next week!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    No change for me this week..weight the same as last week.
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i am at 145.5 now i lost 2.4lbs since last week. the biggest news is that i made it halfway. my half way was 25.7lb down, i am 25.9lbs down and i only have 25.5 to go. i am so excited and cant wait for it to be gone also..
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm down .4 lbs.. soooo.. 148.4. :) Yaay I'm back to losing again!
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    i stayed the same! which isnt bad considering i had a bad week and on friday had put on 2lbs so im pretty happy to have lost it all by sunday :) roll on next weigh in!
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    I am down 2.6 lbs this week! On the down side, when I was biking last week I was 40 minutes in & my flywheel busted. :(
  • laurabeerotten
    I'm going to wait until Tuesday afternoon to post our final percentage. So many non-weigh ins... I'm holding out a little longer.

    I hope no one is angry with my Monday at 11:00 rule and has quit because of it. :(
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    No change for me this week. D:
  • laurabeerotten
    Welp, the tally went:

    Gryffindor - 0.422%
    Hufflepuff - 0.407%
    Ravenclaw - 0.396%
    Slytherin - 0.393%

    We lost 12.4 lbs as a group.


    There were nine team members who hadn't weighed in when I posted our percentage at 2:30 PM EST today, and we were the last group to post so I waited as long as I could. Hopefully they're all on vacation and are coming back to join us soon! :)