Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - GRYFFINDOR



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    here's some harry potter candy - pretty cool!

  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    I am so late, but had a lot going on this weekend. 222.6 is my weight so i gained again. hopefully there is a reason for all this gaining.
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Seeing as though it's Wednesday morning and I never checked in.. am I kicked out? I was gone all weekend with very limited internet access....:frown:
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Seeing as though it's Wednesday morning and I never checked in.. am I kicked out? I was gone all weekend with very limited internet access....:frown:
    Hey Leela, no you are not..you are only "kicked out" if you dont weigh in for two weeks in a row. Do you have your weight for this week?
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Hey! THis group has been kind of quiet. How's everyone doing this week? One and a half days left! Be strong. Be good to yourselves!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    How's everyone doing this week?
    I WAS doing okay, but I've just had steak, garlic mushrooms and chips* which is one of the very few meals I add salt to, so I dread to think how much water I'll be retaining tomorrow!

    *Half a piece of steak, small number of oven chips, homemade garlic cream mushrooms made with 50% fat creme fraiche, steak garnished with two cloves of garlic (sliced and fried in 1/2 tsp olive oil until crispy) - total 417 calories! :)
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    How's everyone doing this week?
    I WAS doing okay, but I've just had steak, garlic mushrooms and chips* which is one of the very few meals I add salt to, so I dread to think how much water I'll be retaining tomorrow!

    *Half a piece of steak, small number of oven chips, homemade garlic cream mushrooms made with 50% fat creme fraiche, steak garnished with two cloves of garlic (sliced and fried in 1/2 tsp olive oil until crispy) - total 417 calories! :)

    Thats not TOO bad! Just make sure you drink a TON of water today to flush it all out! :)
  • Hey! THis group has been kind of quiet. How's everyone doing this week? One and a half days left! Be strong. Be good to yourselves!

    I'm having another good week so far, can't wait to weigh in tomorrow!!
  • Hey! THis group has been kind of quiet. How's everyone doing this week? One and a half days left! Be strong. Be good to yourselves!

    Double post, sorry
  • Hi guys! Hope every is doing well! I wont be able to weigh in until Monday this week.

    I have also started a cleanse on Wednesday, so I am excited to see what my number will reveal on Monday!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    How's everyone doing this week?
    I WAS doing okay, but I've just had steak, garlic mushrooms and chips* which is one of the very few meals I add salt to, so I dread to think how much water I'll be retaining tomorrow!

    *Half a piece of steak, small number of oven chips, homemade garlic cream mushrooms made with 50% fat creme fraiche, steak garnished with two cloves of garlic (sliced and fried in 1/2 tsp olive oil until crispy) - total 417 calories! :)

    Thats not TOO bad! Just make sure you drink a TON of water today to flush it all out! :)
    Today was our girls day out, it involves having a picnic lunch and a meal out in the evening. I was extremely restrained all afternoon, made sensible food choices in the evening, but oh dear, those cocktails...!

    In total I had nearly 2,000 calories, which is above even the maintenance figure for me. No regrets at all, even if I don't lose this week, it's something I rarely do and it was a lot of fun, but with the weigh in being tomorrow, I do feel as if I'm going to let the side down. Sorry team! :embarassed:

    EDIT: On the plus side, someone took a great photo of me, which is the first one for maybe 20 years that hasn't made me cringe! :smile:
    I've been around this weight a lot in those years, but working out has made me look far slimmer at this weight than I have in the past. :)
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member

    EDIT: On the plus side, someone took a great photo of me, which is the first one for maybe 20 years that hasn't made me cringe! :smile:
    I've been around this weight a lot in those years, but working out has made me look far slimmer at this weight than I have in the past. :)

    Well, let's see it girl! Show your hard work off! :)

    I had a pretty good week. I've lost pretty steadily for the last few weeks, so as long as I'm down at least a pound this week I'll be happy. I hope we all killed it this week!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member

    EDIT: On the plus side, someone took a great photo of me, which is the first one for maybe 20 years that hasn't made me cringe! :smile:
    I've been around this weight a lot in those years, but working out has made me look far slimmer at this weight than I have in the past.

    Well, let's see it girl! Show your hard work off! :)

    I had a pretty good week. I've lost pretty steadily for the last few weeks, so as long as I'm down at least a pound this week I'll be happy. I hope we all killed it this week!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Weight this morning = 180.5lbs... Temptingly close to 170s. Maybe next week...

  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Well, it just shows, you can never tell what your body's going to do next!
    I'm 9 stone 6 this morning, which is 132lb - a pretty big drop for someone my size, especially after a good loss last week! :bigsmile:


    1st May 136.6
    8th May 136
    15th May 134.1
    21st May 134.4
    28th May 132.9
    5th June 132
  • Another great week for me!! 128.4 - a loss of 1.4 for this week. Yay!! Goooooooo Gryffindor!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
  • Im able to weigh in today after all! I was amazed when I stepped on the scale this week!! I lost almost 3 pounds!!!

    Week 1 -145.7
    Week 2 - 144.2
    Week 3- 143.1
    Week 4 - 142.0
    Week 5 - 139.3 (So Close to 3 pounds!!)
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Nice work everyone! I'm at 188 this morning. That's a 1 pound loss. I was hoping for 2 pounds, but TOM had other plans for me.

    Cheers to another great week!
  • oici812
    oici812 Posts: 23 Member
    :grumble: Im at 159.o loss.... .2 this is making me cranky.....I did do a 5k on saturday....Im still keeping my head up, it will go down.
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